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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by pierino2010 View Post
    another thing in libreelec there is no possibility to change langue,only english..
    I could set it to any language I want found in kodi settings / interface / regional / language press okay-button and you'll get a list to choose your favorite language


      Originally posted by Javimetal View Post

      Updated to 1.1 (20180109)

      Change log:

      1. Fixed menu key (hamburger button). Working now.

      2. Allow installation of addons from unkown sources.

      3. The vfd can show wifi, eth, usb, play, pause.

      4. LibreELEC Reboot Window. Now you can reboot to android from every skin. Just press "Power" button on your remote.

      How to boot from LibreELEC or Android? When you are running one of the systems, just long press "power" button on your remote. A menu will be displayed, then, you can reboot to the other OS.

      Sample when using Mimic


      All subscribers have been notified by email. Remember check your spam folder.

      If you are new to this firmware, download here

      Hello! TV Box freezes when watching a video (android). It helps only reboot on power.
      p.s. Sorry bad english


        Originally posted by huaak View Post

        I could set it to any language I want found in kodi settings / interface / regional / language press okay-button and you'll get a list to choose your favorite language
        in my box in kodi/settings/interface/regional /language i can only see english and no other language tomorrow i control again but i m sure


          I really like this firmware! It came exactly in time before facing the toothpick procedure for dual boot with SD, and I have not enough SD cards fo my protoboards!

          I'd like to know if it's possible to configure an external IR remote with the IR receiver onboard. With my Odroid C1 and with my Rasperry PI 2 (+ PiFi board) I'm using a PlayStation2 IR remote configured with lircd. If it's possible, I'd like to use it on LibreElec and Android too.

          Is it possible?

          Moreover i'm having a problem on Android. I can't find TV Center and the Kodi Upgrade tool can't install it properly. Neither the downloaded APKs can install. They give error -505 at the end of installation.
          Any hints?
          Last edited by varma; 11 January 2018, 21:39. Reason: typo correction


            Originally posted by varma View Post
            I can't find TV Center and the Kodi Upgrade tool can't install it properly. Neither the downloaded APKs can install. They give error -505 at the end of installation.
            Any hints?
            Try to uninstall tv center first, then install of official kodi from playstore should work..if you do a backup(with backup addon) in tv center, you could play your settings easily back


              i tried version 1.0 and i have a problem. The android is working ok but i can't boot to LibreELEC. Every time i tried to boot i get message can't access tty job control turned off. And i have to flash firmware again. Does anybody have this problem or better, solution for this?


                maybe you give ver 1.1 a try!?


                  Hi! I have Tanix TX3 Mini and latest version of ROM installed, but in LibreElelc max quality I can select is 1280x720 (under kodi settings), and indeed it wont even show me 1080p sources under various addons. Can anybody help?


                    I got those freezes in android kodi too and I got the issue that picture and sound aren't synchroneous on libeelec for some ntsc files in avi format from onlinetvrecorder (plays perfect in android kodi, except the freezes..)


                      Originally posted by hojnikb View Post
                      Any word on libreelec only version ? This dual os is great, but it's not possible to boot from sd card.
                      Burn your openelec img on your micro sd
                      add the correct dtb.imb
                      start android
                      intall Shell Terminal Emulator on playstore
                      launch it
                      put your micro sd on slot
                      type on Shell Terminal Emulator the command :
                      reboot update


                        Originally posted by manu_manu4 View Post

                        Burn your openelec img on your micro sd
                        add the correct dtb.imb
                        start android
                        intall Shell Terminal Emulator on playstore
                        launch it
                        put your micro sd on slot
                        type on Shell Terminal Emulator the command :
                        reboot update
                        Do not believe me 100% right now because I did not pay too much attention when they explained but:

                        If I am right, if you install the Dual Boot firmware and you want to boot LibreELEC from a TF Card, all what you have to do is pressing several times the "Menu" button just after connect your box. Then it will boot from the TF.

                        Just need to do it the first time, after that, every time will boot from TF card (if present with the correct files).

                        I have to try it myself........
                        Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                          The ver.1.1 firmware in the android video freezes helps jamming the power. LibreELEC video pauses.


                            i installed the new Firmware 1.1 yesterday. After an half Hour the Box Freezes under Android whlie using DAZN App. Only Power off and on helps.
                            The LibreELEC Boot is very good.
                            How can i put my Kodi Data in it?
                            I thought when i´m running Libre all my Data will be available trough Kodi from the Androidversion.
                            But it´s a clean Kodi.


                              ..try to do a backup with kodi backup addon and install that addon with libreelecs kodi either. There you just play back the saved data from android and possibly correct the pathes to your external disks like HDD, reboot and enjoy the same look & feel like on android.


                                Originally posted by Javimetal View Post

                                Do not believe me 100% right now because I did not pay too much attention when they explained but:

                                If I am right, if you install the Dual Boot firmware and you want to boot LibreELEC from a TF Card, all what you have to do is pressing several times the "Menu" button just after connect your box. Then it will boot from the TF.

                                Just need to do it the first time, after that, every time will boot from TF card (if present with the correct files).

                                I have to try it myself........
                                No, i want to boot ubuntu from sd card. I flashed and when i rebooted, the whole thing started bootlooping. On other s905/x boxes it started booting straight from sd card.
                                I guess this could be fixed by setting the bootloader to boot from sd card first, then libre or android second, whatever you set before. Without the sd card present, it would boot straight to nand by default. Or maybe give us a 3rd option to boot from sd card when needed.

