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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by hojnikb View Post
    Any chance for a libreelec only build ? Or maybe libreelec + ubuntu
    On an Libreelec-only release I'd miss the option to watch streams via browser(some of my favorite don't work with kodi) or yes, libreelec & ubuntu would be perfect!


      ..after testing the android-part yesterday a bit more, I didn't discover any problems so far.
      First I watched one hour stream in browser, after that I turned music on in kodi for an hour and watched a movie afterwards. Over night I let the box play several videos(screen and amp turned off), but tx3 was still playing flawless when I turned on monitor the morning again. Maybe those issues with the freezes are related to the power supply like the half-reboots I had some weeks ago, which never appeared again after changing the power supply with another tv box having the same specs(5V/2A)?!


        Great just seen this I've got a x96 box - and I will try it out soon. I have seen elsewhere the tanix s905w software will run on any s905w box. I'll give this ago and report back.


          Originally posted by huaak View Post

          On an Libreelec-only release I'd miss the option to watch streams via browser(some of my favorite don't work with kodi) or yes, libreelec & ubuntu would be perfect!
          You could install chrome browser to libreelec/kodi and use from there.


            Hello but it will possible to have for default that kodi and librelec use the same folder.?

            Inviato dal mio Moto G (5) Plus utilizzando Tapatalk


              Originally posted by hojnikb View Post

              You could install chrome browser to libreelec/kodi and use from there.
              ..hmm, I just found launchers for chrome/chromium but no working install for the browser itself!? Is it really working on tanix, or like at rbpi no chrome available(just for x86 machines, not for arm)?!



                Updated to 1.1 (20180109)

                Change log:

                1. Fixed menu key (hamburger button). Working now.

                2. Allow installation of addons from unkown sources.

                3. The vfd can show wifi, eth, usb, play, pause.

                4. LibreELEC Reboot Window. Now you can reboot to android from every skin. Just press "Power" button on your remote.

                How to boot from LibreELEC or Android? When you are running one of the systems, just long press "power" button on your remote. A menu will be displayed, then, you can reboot to the other OS.

                Sample when using Mimic


                All subscribers have been notified by email. Remember check your spam folder.

                If you are new to this firmware, download here

                Last edited by Javimetal; 11 January 2018, 15:31.
                Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                  can anyone tell me how to use the same folder for kodi and librelec? thanks


                    And another things. Today I installed new dual boot release and while I was watching YouTube at 720p tx3 hangs up with no possibility to stop resume etc.,completely stopped, I had to remove power for rebooting, note that my tx3 is new, just arrived 6 days ago and Install original kodi after removing tvcenter before upgrading.nothing else and kodi library completely free And I have not run librelec yet, the only things is that I was moving some files with file manager from USB drive to internal memory while watching you tube. Can be this the problem, I pretend too for this electronic? Thanks to all

                    Inviato dal mio Moto G (5) Plus utilizzando Tapatalk


                      Hello everybody! Downloaded and installed a new firmware TANIX TX3 MAX & MINI "DUAL OS EDITION"
                      UPDATE TO v1.1 (20180109) on the Tanix TX3 Mini. Unfortunately TV box still hangs when watching IPTV and when watching movies. Used MX and VLC players, stopped several times, helped only power down.


                        another thing in libreelec there is no possibility to change langue,only english..


                          Originally posted by doomer View Post
                          Hello everybody! Downloaded and installed a new firmware TANIX TX3 MAX & MINI "DUAL OS EDITION"
                          UPDATE TO v1.1 (20180109) on the Tanix TX3 Mini. Unfortunately TV box still hangs when watching IPTV and when watching movies. Used MX and VLC players, stopped several times, helped only power down.
                          ..try to use another power supply(maybe from phone with usb-usb cable or from another tv box) to check, if the problems appear again-for me all spooky behaviour of tx3 mini stopped with other 5v/2A powersupply!..


                            in my case the power supply is from another tv box a m8sii that have no problem with that power supply, but tv box freezed during youtube videos.


                              Any word on libreelec only version ? This dual os is great, but it's not possible to boot from sd card.


                                Did it appear after first boot after new rom, or after a few reboots? Did it appear again, or just once?
                                Do you use the hdmi cec features? Try if it works turning it on/off

