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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by TX3'er
    When using this box, there are 2 types of freezing:
    1- with intensive use of video rewind. The image and the clock on the front panel of the box freeze. This happens on dualboot firmware and android firmware. Occurs rarely
    2- When playing online video, the image freezes, the clock on the front panel is working. This happens on dualboot firmware.
    So I decided to go back to the android singleboot firmware.
    Xcuse me but where do ifind asingle Android Version for the tx3 max without a freezing Problem? Max not mini cause i need a working Bluetooth!

    Gesendet von meinem TX9 Pro mit Tapatalk


      Originally posted by tintenatze View Post
      Xcuse me but where do ifind asingle Android Version for the tx3 max without a freezing Problem? Max not mini cause i need a working Bluetooth!
      Hmm, I guess the "stablest" version for max is the one from 20180125, but the only way for me to get this box working pretty flawless was to change the Libreelec version on a dualboot ROM. Maybe that is a solution for others too.

      Quick instructions for changing libreelec build on Tanix TX3Mini (and other p281 devices, but to use other than tx3 original remote you need a fitting remote.conf):

      Because libreelec was always freezing and android is not my #1 OS I looked for a way to change the libre-part into other build. For me this Version works way much better and pretty stable for several days now. Okay, somehow the script for the symbols on front display are missing(if sending the commands via ssh it could show the symbols..) and the box shows just the time, but that seems to be a good price for a fluid working libre.
      At least the change is quite simple and done in under 10 minutes, few more if you do a twrp backup to be safe before.

      Requirements: TX3mini with any Dualboot ROM installed and libre booted once, PC with adb and/or ssh OR as alternative µsd-card or pendrive.

      The first two steps are always the same, for other steps use the method you prefer:
      1. Download the zip with all files needed (source is kszaq's build for SYSTEM/kernel.img plus the remote.conf & dtb.img from tanix build) found here:!AHQHUSSA!UhY8Fkvm7...Xz6Zoc48-bnBPY
      2. unzip it on PC (or to card/pendrive if you want to use this method)

      I ADB-Way:
      3. boot Box to android system
      4. connect to device via adb, remount as root and copy all files:

      adb connect #alter fitting to your boxes IP but keep port :5555
      adb root
      adb remount
      adb push remote.conf /data/.config/remote.conf
      adb push SYSTEM /system/SYSTEM
      adb push kernel.img /system/libre/kernel.img
      adb push dtb.img /system/libre/dtb.img
      5. reboot to libre and be happy!

      II SSH-Way:
      3. boot to libre
      4. connect via ssh, remount flash writable and copy via scp all files:

      ssh [email protected] #sure use your IP with the password "libreelec"
      on Prompt of libreelecbox enter:
      mount -o remount,rw /flash #to make flash writable
      exit #to exit ssh
      now copy the four files:
      scp remote.conf [email protected]:/storage/.config/remote.conf
      scp SYSTEM [email protected]:/flash/SYSTEM
      scp kernel.img [email protected]:/flash/libre/kernel.img
      scp dtb.img [email protected]:/flash/libre/dtb.img
      5. reboot libre and be happy!

      III if going via pendrive/µsd card:
      3. boot to android
      4. open root file manager
      copy the files to correct places(if problems occur, delete old files before):
      place remote.conf in /data/.config/remote.conf
      place SYSTEM in /system/SYSTEM
      place kernel.img in /system/libre/kernel.img
      place dtb.img in /system/libre/dtb.img

      5. reboot to libre and be happy!

      Also often people need widevine for several kodi add-ons - connect via ssh and enter:
      curl -Ls | bash


        Whow,tks for your amazing answer but I dont use Libreelec, my android freezes in all my three TX3 Max boxes.


          Originally posted by tintenatze View Post
          Whow,tks for your amazing answer but I dont use Libreelec, my android freezes in all my three TX3 Max boxes.
          I know about the occasional freezes on android (and tanix libre builds), but on android side the most stable version is that one from 25th january(best installed from img to get a fresh system). I don't know if there is bluetooth working, but 20171220 version from mini worked pretty good for many. Maybe give that also a try?! The only thing working really good on tx3/p281 is using kszaq's libre build. ..I use the box to watch videos from hdd/NAS, hear some music (mp3 or radio streams) and rarely watch live tv with zattoo or 7tv-live addons(simple IPTV works too), so libreelec & kodi are perfect for me. What is your main purpose for that device, that you are bound to android?!


            mainly streaming! but also browsing, whatsapp, ip cam viewer, amazon prime video, working with textmaker. I´ve also a TX3 mini and also TX9 pro ( using the Alice UX launcher apk, which i found here.) I like to use similar working boxes for all rooms -3 TVS and two beamer( for one i use a bt speaker in the bathroom) and Alice UX is really lovely and easy to use. The bluetooth is in need for bt headphones and a bt keyboard for whatsapp.


              Okay, even when most things could be done with libreelec and some addons(browsing=web viewer, ip-cam=surveillance room, amazon vod addon..) I understand that you like to use android and alice ui(I like the look too, but would prefer a green version instead of the red..), but it seems it is hard to find a stable rom with bluetooth.. Maybe it is easier for you to use a 3.5mm jack bt transmitter(around 8 euros€€) for sending sound to headphones and a usb mini wireless keyboard(got mine last year with german layout and backlight for under 10€ euros shipped..) for writing, together with a stable rom without proper bt support to get rid of the freezes?!


                Originally posted by tintenatze View Post
                Xcuse me but where do ifind asingle Android Version for the tx3 max without a freezing Problem? Max not mini cause i need a working Bluetooth!
                This topic for "dual boot system".
                For single boot version (max/mini) with bluetooth (max):
                Originally posted by Javimetal
                Ok, I have a new Android Alone BETA for testing 20180125
                1. Update Airscreen, Netflix, Google Play to a new version
                2. New funcion: WiFi Emulator (settings > more settings) for those apps do not accept LAN conection
                3. Added TWRP at recovery screen
                4. Removed battery icon from status bar
                5. Fixed some video playback freezings

                DOWNLOAD IMG: Beta 20180125 image
                DOWNLOAD ZIP: Beta 20180125 update


                  this is the same description for the last TX9 pro update that i updated in january from tanix firmware download site!
                  Last edited by tintenatze; 03 May 2018, 18:57.


                    Thank you Sergey11, the installion was successful in my TX3max, Alice, play store, LAN Emulator , Wifi, BT, Amazon prime Video are properly working. I will test it for some hours , i am begging that there won`t be and freezing bug anymore!
                    Originally posted by Sergey11
                    This topic for "dual boot system".
                    For single boot version (max/mini) with bluetooth (max):

                    Gesendet von meinem TX3 Max mit Tapatalk


                      Is there any possibility of using bluetooth dongle in the Android box tx3 mini ?
                      please guide me.


                        First testing day 8 hours without freezing! No problem with any of my apps. Kodi, ARD,ZDF, not laggy no blurring, no rainbow effects! My Gyromouse Minix Neo M1 every buttons are working. OEM remote all buttons woring except mouse button- no mouse cursor appears! Fake Wifi is perfect for using whatsapp on the box. ARD, ZDF live tv perfect! Kodi and Zatoo TV ok! I installed yor beta via upate & backup app from USB. No wipe data! No Apps lost, every acount: Google and amazon still working.. Thank you Sergey11 and .Javimetal for this beta. ill try some more time and if there is no freezing i will try to fix my other boxes with this beta.txs a lot
                        Last edited by tintenatze; 06 May 2018, 08:22.


                          Second testing day 12 hours without freezing!


                            Hello! what is the best dual firmware to use libreelec?

                            Enviado desde mi Aquaris V mediante Tapatalk


                              Originally posted by Masteralivex View Post
                              Hello! what is the best dual firmware to use libreelec?
                              Well the best Dualversion should be that one from end January( ), but there are also few problems(occasional freezing and weird movements in Video in some Formats).
                              My recommendation is to use the Dualboot build where your android works best and change the Libreelec-Part to the build of kszaq like described here in my post last week:
                              Only "problem" after over one Week with that setup is that Frontdisplay only shows the Time, but no symbols for usb, lan, play, but Kodi works for me pretty flawless now-no freezing, no stuttering and all files from HDD, NAS or Streams are shown/played as wanted..


                                You better off dualboot firmware, try installing libreelec on sd card and boot from it try kozleq build

