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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by Cretan
    You better off dualboot firmware, try installing libreelec on sd card and boot from it try kozleq build
    thanks, instructions to do it please?

    Enviado desde mi Aquaris V mediante Tapatalk


      Originally posted by huaak
      Well the best Dualversion should be that one from end January( ), but there are also few problems(occasional freezing and weird movements in Video in some Formats).
      My recommendation is to use the Dualboot build where your android works best and change the Libreelec-Part to the build of kszaq like described here in my post last week:
      Only "problem" after over one Week with that setup is that Frontdisplay only shows the Time, but no symbols for usb, lan, play, but Kodi works for me pretty flawless now-no freezing, no stuttering and all files from HDD, NAS or Streams are shown/played as wanted..
      thank you very much, I will try although it seems complicated for me

      Enviado desde mi Aquaris V mediante Tapatalk


        i´m using coreelec 8.90.1 everything works great .. remote, display,netflix .. kodi 18


          Look in another thread here about installing kodi on sd card for 905w chip. Take a look here
          Last edited by Cretan; 07 May 2018, 13:03.


            Originally posted by Masteralivex View Post
            thank you very much, I will try although it seems complicated for me

            Enviado desde mi Aquaris V mediante Tapatalk
  , it isn't complicated...maybe it seems so because I mention three different ways how to change the three or four files you need, but basically it is really just copying/replacing some files. Choose just one of the ways, fitting best to you!

            I also ran kaszaq's librebuild from usb and sd card, but with a large collection of media on external hdd it had several performance issues when loading all the vast of thumbnails and Descriptions, because even on a pretty fast sandisk extreme pro µsd-card it took much time to load all informations. Once loaded it was okay using it, but I prefer the Libre on nand as it works much faster..but no matter if from internal or from µsd the best Librebuild is that from kszaq!..
            Last edited by huaak; 07 May 2018, 14:01.


              Originally posted by huaak View Post

    , it isn't complicated...maybe it seems so because I mention three different ways how to change the three or four files you need, but basically it is really just copying/replacing some files. Choose just one of the ways, fitting best to you!

              I also ran kaszaq's librebuild from usb and sd card, but with a large collection of media on external hdd it had several performance issues when loading all the vast of thumbnails and Descriptions, because even on a pretty fast sandisk extreme pro µsd-card it took much time to load all informations. Once loaded it was okay using it, but I prefer the Libre on nand as it works much faster..but no matter if from internal or from µsd the best Librebuild is that from kszaq!..
              With kszaq version or display works ? You have Netflix ? Yes .. nand is pretty fast.


                Originally posted by paulopais View Post
                With kszaq version or display works ? You have Netflix ? Yes .. nand is pretty fast.
                On LED-Front-Display is shown just time, but the symbols work basically(if you send the code-for example the command to show wifi symbol
                 echo wifi > /sys/class/leds/fd628_dev/led_on
                also symbols work(maybe needs some configuration, but I don't care about symbols, as long as Time is shown))

                No, I personally use no paid services at all on tx3 or any other box, so no netflix, amazon, zattoo-Premium or elsewhat here. The few live-tv-channels I need occasionally I get via zattoo basic and/or 7live-tv addons in Kodi. Most files I play are on 1tb external hdd(formatted ext4, but ext2 without journaling would be even some milliseconds faster), from 4tb in nas or Radiostreams via radio or somafm addons.. and because nand is so fast compared to pendrives or cards I prefer libre there with the mass of files to load-and the change in a existing dual boot rom is pretty easy and done in under 10 minutes..


                  Originally posted by huaak
                  On LED-Front-Display is shown just time, but the symbols work basically(if you send the code-for example the command to show wifi symbol
                   echo wifi > /sys/class/leds/fd628_dev/led_on
                  also symbols work(maybe needs some configuration, but I don't care about symbols, as long as Time is shown))

                  No, I personally use no paid services at all on tx3 or any other box, so no netflix, amazon, zattoo-Premium or elsewhat here. The few live-tv-channels I need occasionally I get via zattoo basic and/or 7live-tv addons in Kodi. Most files I play are on 1tb external hdd(formatted ext4, but ext2 without journaling would be even some milliseconds faster), from 4tb in nas or Radiostreams via radio or somafm addons.. and because nand is so fast compared to pendrives or cards I prefer libre there with the mass of files to load-and the change in a existing dual boot rom is pretty easy and done in under 10 minutes..
                  My everything works .. simbols too .. no problems for now .. I will try update 8.90.2 ..

                  Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                    Okay maybe the symbols were activated in the Kodi 18 builds, but because I had issues with the 18 alphas some months ago, I use(d) kszaqs krypton builds. Maybe I should give Leia a try again?!..which branch did you use, or did you switch to coreelec??


                      Originally posted by huaak
                      Okay maybe the symbols were activated in the Kodi 18 builds, but because I had issues with the 18 alphas some months ago, I use(d) kszaqs krypton builds. Maybe I should give Leia a try again?!..which branch did you use, or did you switch to coreelec??
                      You have to download vdf file and install fd628 from repository .. just that .. but it's great coreelec .. if you want the files , I have it all .. just put on sdcard and than to nand ..

                      Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by paulopais View Post
                        but it's great coreelec
                        Okay, so it IS a configuration thing to get the display the kszaq-branch fd826 seems to have just a basic vdf, so just time is shown (without installing anything additional)..
                        I will try coreelec on my test-device the next days, because Coreelec and kodi leia need a fresh & empty configuration and I don't want do drop just for testing my pretty large database with all movies, episodes and music from hdd and nas working perfect on libreelec with kodi krypton..
                        Thank you, but the downloads I could do myself, the only thing what would be interesting for me is the content of the vdf-file working for you..


                          Originally posted by huaak View Post

                          in the kszaq-branch fd826 seems to have just a basic vdf, so just time is shown (without installing anything additional)..
                          You just need vfd file to display the time. if you want the another icons just install a addon fd628


                            ..oh, I thought there are several possibilities to setup the display with the vdf.conf(here a part of mine):
                            # < DHHMM > Order of display chars (D=dots, represented by a single char)
                            # Order of dot bits. Typical configurations:
                            # Display Type 0, 1 usually has Alarm, USB, Play, Pause, Col, Ethernet, Wifi dots
                            # Alarm = 0, USB = 1, Play = 2, Pause = 3, Col = 4, Eth = 5, Wifi = 6
                            # Display Type 2 usually has APPS, USB, SETUP, CARD, Col, HDMI, CVBS dots
                            # APPS = 0, USB = 1, SETUP = 2, CARD = 3, Col = 4, HDMI = 5, CVBS = 6
                            # Display Type 3 Power, LAN, Col, Low Wifi, High Wifi
                            # N/A = 0, N/A = 1, Power = 2, LAN = 3, Col = 4, Low Wifi = 5, High Wifi = 6
                            So I was interested in your vdf.conf..

                            Well, as I know the fd826 addon is only available (and working?!) in Kodi 18/Leia builds, but not in Jarvis or Krypton..from which repo did you install it? You got a link or a zip of the fd826addon?!


                              I'm on Holliday's. I have zip file

                              Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                                New firmware, when?

