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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Javimetal Hi! I have a problem. Bought tanix tx3 mini h few days ago. It came with the latest firmware (20181210). I didn't like how Kodi works so I downloaded this dual os edition from Tanix official site. I downloaded zip file, copied it to flash drive and opened it up through update app that was on the box. It installed something, restarted and now i get nothing, just black screen. It sends blank image to tv (it's turned on but nothing happens at all, no logo, no anything). I tried to install firmware through sd card but it wont boot from it. Did the thing with the reset button a thousand times - nothing happens! Blank screen always... Is there something i could do to repair it? Why cant I flash the damn thing through sd? Please respond... Thank you.


      I solved it. I flashed 20181210 firmware through USB Burning tool and it works again. I don't know why this dual boot firmware wont work, if i try to flash it with USB burning tool it stops at about 4%. Error with UBoot, i guess...


        Hi Sinisab89,

        I've exactly the same issue.
        But restoring with USB Burning tool is failing with the following error:
        [0x32030201]Uboot/Get result/DIskInitial error

        Did you got the same error message as I mentioned?
        And what version of the Burning tool did you use?



          Hey Renwee1!

          I can't exactly remember the error now, I'm sorry. I have restored the latest available official firmware ( with USB_Burning_Tool_v2.1.6. There were no errors, no problems, installed on the first try. This Dual Boot OS gave me different errors every time so I just moved on. Maybe because my version of TX3 Mini is "H". I think H and L versions came after and are manufactured by the company called Oranth, not Tanix, but Tanix supports it on their website. Maybe my box is little different, I really don't know but I would like to try this Dual Boot OS, it's sounds great, just can't manage to install it...


            Maybe there are other members on this forum facing the same issues?!?!
            I like to have dual boot OS as well but also not lucky to get it installed...
            It has to do with firmware because all others are not working except version 20181210 on my Tanix TX3 mini (Not H or L).


              I was wondering if one updated the libreelec 8 to libreelec 9 in a (perfect running) tanix t3 mini dual boot?
              and of cause a 'how to' would be nice



                So, my Tanix TX3 Mini apparently has a different motherboard and thats why I cant install this rom. At atvexperience they came up with a solution -
                HTML Code:
                . I'll try it with this one, maybe it will work.


                  Hi, Someone can guide me how to replace apps in home screen such as Alice and Netflix to another?


                    Originally posted by kai9x View Post


                      Hey guys,

                      I just bought TX3 mini (type A) for a week. I installed Armbian to my microSD card to run home assistant. It's boot from my card perfectly.

                      But when I want to switch back Android, I can't. Look like it only tries to boot up from my card (it freezed at TX3 logo).

                      I tried to reflash it with firmware from tanix-box home page but no luck. Every time when I'm trying, it stuck at 7% ([0x32030201]Uboot/Get result/DiskInitial error)

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	usbburnningerr.png
Views:	3257
Size:	44.6 KB
ID:	770349

                      When I bought this device, I saw it's firmware is 20181229.

                      I downloaded and tried these firmware:
                      - TX3 mini update 20171220
                      - TX3 max & mini Dual OS update 20180109
                      - TX3 max update 20180321
                      None of above work.

                      Can anyone help me?


                        Originally posted by anonymox View Post
                        Can anyone help me?
                        Originally posted by sinisab89 View Post
                        I can't exactly remember the error now, I'm sorry. I have restored the latest available official firmware ( with USB_Burning_Tool_v2.1.6. There were no errors, no problems, installed on the first try. This Dual Boot OS gave me different errors every time so I just moved on. Maybe because my version of TX3 Mini is "H". I think H and L versions came after and are manufactured by the company called Oranth, not Tanix, but Tanix supports it on their website. Maybe my box is little different, I really don't know but I would like to try this Dual Boot OS, it's sounds great, just can't manage to install it...


                          Originally posted by Sergey11 View Post
                          My device TX3 mini (type A) is 2019 hardware, so I can't install any firmware that provides from the homepage. I also found a customized firmware, it work for my device.



                            Do you have a download link for the firmware you found?


                              This firmwares can solve your problem:

                              TX3MINI_CUSTOM_29122018 :





                              TX3 MINI L:

                              & ZIP
                              Last edited by Tibasa; 08 July 2019, 22:31.


                                Hello guys
                                I have just tried to update my tanix T3 mini-A via the firmware update link I received via email.. I did all the steps to update via USB flash it was very easy to be done.. the update went OK and I saw the installing screen but when it was rebooting it stopped suddenly with the word boot on the box screen.. I waited so long but nothing happened.. I removed the power cable and put it back but it still the same screen.. please help me.. I have bought the box three days before the update.. it worked fine but sometimes stucked.. I did the update for that reason.. have I lost my box? I need help please.

