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Now available Ubuntu, Lubuntu or Xubuntu on the latest MK802IV or T428

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    Originally posted by linuxium View Post
    I updated my G+ post with the config
    It doesn't boot... all I get is a black screen.

    I see in your .config


    perhaps I need to use the proper initramfs?


      Originally posted by ramoncio View Post
      It doesn't boot... all I get is a black screen.

      I see in your .config


      perhaps I need to use the proper initramfs?
      I did not use an initramfs for this build so this is why the config line says CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE=""


        I see your kernel.img is 9.840KiB
        But my resulting kernel image is 7.120KiB.
        Why is that if I use your same sources and your same .config??

        This is the git source, right?
        Latest RK3188 source code from Rikomagic which includes support for the Broadcom AP6210 and bugfixes/features - linuxium/3188-SRC-AP6210

        or maybe you are using the new 3.0.72 sources?
        Last edited by ramoncio; 10-01-2013, 13:05. Reason: add last line


          The command I use to make the img is:
          ./mkbootimg --kernel arch/arm/boot/Image --ramdisk ../initramfs-3.0.36/fakeramdisk.gz --base 60400000 --pagesize 16384 --ramdiskaddr 62000000 -o recovery-3.0.36-$NAME.img
          maybe I have to remove the ramdisk options?


            Originally posted by linuxium View Post
            This looks very professional - I'm going to study it in detail. Many thanks.
            hey...thank you for your hard Work, i tried it, and it Works great on my cx-919, but as long as hardware video decoding isnt supported, i would like dual boot, i have ported your system image to an sd Card via Windows diskimager, but it wont boot from recovery partition with your kernel, then i tried the kernel for picuntu from other tread, and this booted, but not running so smooth as yours sytem, so is there any chance to get a kernel for dualboot for ap6210, i dont have the skils and Building inviroment to do it my self..... so please



              Device unbricked and Android 4.2 flashed back. I will try Ubuntu again next weekend.
              But I have question.
              @linuxium, Can you prepare Debian (Wheezy, ARMHF, shell-only) image for NAND? Or can you post some info how to create own rootfs?
              wm8650 (no-name 7" netbook):
              -> Uberoid V12 without Gapps | SuperSU | 2GB µSD + Debian 5.0
              sun4i (7" 384MB tablet):
              -> Android 4.2.1 Astro+ without Gapps | CPU 120-720/1200MHz | Superuser by Koush | 16GB µSD
              rk30 (MK802IV 8188EU):
              -> Android 4.2.2 stock without Gapps | Superuser by Koush | Waiting for Ubuntu/Debian


                This is part of a script I'm working on to crosscompile a kernel and build a wheezy rootfs, this part builds the wheezy rootfs. You also need to copy the modules in /lib/modules/
                I don't know how to create the system.img yet.

                # Run as root in a wheezy box
                # Installs debootstraped minimal wheezy on $BUILDDIR/linuxroot if not installed
                # see here for used tricks
                if [ -d $BUILDDIR/linuxroot ]; then 
                    echo "Already installed wheezy on linuxroot"
                    apt-get -y install qemu-user-static binfmt-support debootstrap
                    mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/linuxroot
                    cd $BUILDDIR/linuxroot
                    qemu-debootstrap --verbose --variant=minbase --arch=armhf --include=vim,wireless-tools,wpasupplicant,sudo \
                    wheezy $BUILDDIR/linuxroot
                    echo "nameserver" > $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/resolv.conf
                    echo "nameserver" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/resolv.conf
                    echo "/dev/disk/by-label/linuxroot / ext4 rw,data=writeback,noatime,nodiratime 0 1" > $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "tmpfs /var/run tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 0" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 0" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,mode=1777 0 0" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 0" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 0" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/fstab
                    echo "vm.swappiness=10" > $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/sysctl
                    echo "kernel.panic = 10" > $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/sysctl #reboot on k panic
                    echo "kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3" >> $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/sysctl #less messages flooding console
                    if [ ! -f /etc/passwd ]; then
                        #copies local machine users if /etc/passwd is missing
                        cp /etc/passwd /etc/shadow $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/etc/


                  #to chroot into your freshly installed rootfs
                  mount -t proc proc $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/proc
                  mount -t sysfs sysfs $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/sys
                  mount -o bind /dev $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/dev
                  mount -t devpts devpts $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/dev/pts
                  chroot $BUILDDIR/linuxroot
                  mount -a

                  # run your commands here ...

                  umount $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/proc
                  umount $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/sys
                  umount $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/dev/pts
                  umount $BUILDDIR/linuxroot/dev


                    I'm stuck with this...

                    Could someone please help?
                    I have been trying to compile a linux kernel for 2 weeks without success.
                    A .config linuxium posted is not working for me, or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

                    I'm working on a script that installs crosscompilation environment, fully automates the kernel build process and also builds a wheezy rootfs, but now I can't advance anymore.
                    From what I've tried wheezy works better and more fluid than ubuntu, and I'd prefer to use debian. But without a successful kernel build I can't add more hardware support.
                    I'm sure my script will help newcomers to start building their own kernels and rootfs.

                    I could compile working kernels with olther source trees, but none with newest 3188-SRC-AP6210 sources.
                    So please please linuxium, have a look at my last 2 or 3 posts, and check what I'm doing wrong or explain with a little more detail how you build a working kernel with that .config you posted a few posts back. I would be really thankful.

                    Could you please quickly explaing or post a link on how to build system.img from the rootfs?
                    Just curious, why is that you don't use initramfs anymore in that last .config?



                      No spotify / xbmc

                      Currently running ubuntu on the t428. It runs very smooth. However there apears to be no spotify or netflix for arm based devices and it returns errors when installing xbmc. Without these 3 puppies the build isn't jet really fit for its purpose. Looks promissing though. Wifi / usb / bluetooth works out of the box! Going to test some video playback tomorrow. Haven't found any rom so far that runs smoothly (despite 21000+ score in atuntu).
                      Last edited by rubenkl; 10-05-2013, 00:20.


                        Not smooth

                        Still not able to run a simple 500mb .avi file smoothly. Same as with Android.


                          Re: Now available Ubuntu, Lubuntu or Xubuntu on the latest MK802IV or T428

                          Originally posted by rubenkl View Post
                          Still not able to run a simple 500mb .avi file smoothly. Same as with Android.
                          Was the video 3 seconds long or 3 hours long. It's impossible to draw any conclusions from your statement without context. Avi is just a container format.

                          Signature? Signature!


                            Originally posted by JugsteR View Post
                            Was the video 3 seconds long or 3 hours long. It's impossible to draw any conclusions from your statement without context. Avi is just a container format.

                            Signature? Signature!
                            gnome mplayer good video work


                              Rotation screen

                              Is there any way how to rotate screen to left/right? Thanks


                                So what would u recommend if I wanted to do this but also keep the oem system. Im looking for a more traditional os to access things like hulu for free or youtube in a smaller font/non-app formated screen. Im thinking emulator to load ubuntu image off of the sd card. Fyi sandish 64GB ultra does work. I like the android oem sysem but its not going to work for the kids and wife to surf the web etc. Its just cumbersom with a keyboard and mouse. Thoughts? Or can u send me in a direction? I dont want to wipe the partition bc I also like the android based system for eaasy acess to my vera/homebuudy z wave shortcut widgets and other great android based apps/shortcuts/widgets/yamaha receiver/home theater friendly apps. The best of both worlds is my goal.

                                Plz pardon grammar my phone makes it a slow process to edit and post a lot of details while on the go

