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[ROM] "GENERIC" SC v2.0 USER/USERDEBUG - S905x2 / S905x3 - AndroidTV 9
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Originally posted by pexcn View Post
Thanks, are there any plans to add support for X96 Max Plus in the future? This device has S905X3 chipset and LPDDR3 RAM.
Of course i cant buy all devices out there, and donations... what donations lol... last time i got one was 2 months a go(10$) and before that was even longer(1$)., so.. like i said hard really hard!
Originally posted by superceleron View Post
Well if i ever get one, but is hard this days.. i stop getting the devices like before, hell the only one that still sends me something is khadas and beelink.. all others just ... gone!
Of course i cant buy all devices out there, and donations... what donations lol... last time i got one was 2 months a go(10$) and before that was even longer(1$)., so.. like i said hard really hard!
By the way, the "GENERIC" by title can be confusing, as far as I know, in some Chinese forums, some guys flashed this firmware and failed to boot. Can you give a list of known device support for this firmware?
Originally posted by pexcn View Post
Oh, I understand...
By the way, the "GENERIC" by title can be confusing, as far as I know, in some Chinese forums, some guys flashed this firmware and failed to boot. Can you give a list of known device support for this firmware?
But i can tell you this, it works on mini1/2, s95, x96 max, tx5 max and my work boxes.
Originally posted by superceleron View Post
Like i said in 1Âş post, based on AML reference design... i do not know how many are based on them, that i why i also wrote "use at your own risk".
But i can tell you this, it works on mini1/2, s95, x96 max, tx5 max and my work boxes.
Out of curiosity, I thought I would try this firmware carefully...
Por si le sirve a alguien,los que tengan box incompatible,yo al final he metido la ATV del x96 Air en un hk1 de 128gb y me ha funcionado,no se se es problema con DDR3 o ddr4 pero la del x96 Air ATV me ha funcionado en otro tvbox,en concreto el hk1 box de 128 GB.gracias x tu trabajo igualmente.
Originally posted by empaba View PostPor si le sirve a alguien,los que tengan box incompatible,yo al final he metido la ATV del x96 Air en un hk1 de 128gb y me ha funcionado,no se se es problema con DDR3 o ddr4 pero la del x96 Air ATV me ha funcionado en otro tvbox,en concreto el hk1 box de 128 GB.gracias x tu trabajo igualmente.
Originally posted by superceleron View Postwell i did some more changes to the device tree and uboot, to make it a bit more stable in DDR4 and LPDDR4 devices.
I will rls a ota zip as soon as a i can! or i might just update the images in 1Âş post with the newer uboot/dt... still thinking...
Would be nice if someone can confirm this runs on HK1 PLAY (S905x2, LPDDR4)
Originally posted by pexcn View Post
Hello? You mean this firmware can work on X96 Air?
I try to update system image only of this firmware.
My boxs run well, better than stock firmware.
But my boxs have smaller system partition size , 0x5c800000 and 0x60000000 than this image's system size 0x78000000.
So require to resize the partitions or to shrink the image before update.
If possible, please reduce the system partition size as small as possible.
if you want to try...
[0] check your system partition size : " dmesg | grep meson-mmc " in adb shell.
your box is android 9.0 already. (android 8.1 has different part structure , not compatible)
[1] download AMLogicTools_V6.0.0
[2] Using the CustomizationTool.exe, unpack the image and get system.PARTITION.
if your system part size is smaller than 0x78000000, you have to shrink the image before update.
In linux , simg2img -> resize2fs -> img2simg , get the image that fits your system size.
[3] Using AMLogicTools_V6.0.0\bin\update.exe , update the system partiton only
install the driver (AMLogicTools_V6.0.0\driver) if you don't install the amlogic usb_burning_tool before.
plug usb a-a cable
adb shell "reboot update" <--- will make the device usb burning mode, or try reset button with toothpick.
update scan <-- check device is ready
update bulkcmd "disk_initial 0"
update partition system system.PARTITION <--- update
update bulkcmd "reboot recovery" <-- go recovery mode
clear cache or factory reset
refer to
to SC, if popssible, compress the update image as 7z or zip before cloud upload , that make download size half.
and thnaks.
if you have a box with LPDDR3, most custom roms (for DDR4) are not compatible maybe.
I have , h96max x2 (4G lpddr3) a95x f3 air (maybe lpddr3) , and all custom roms are failed to boot.
Originally posted by blust0ne View Post
to SC, if popssible, compress the update image as 7z or zip before cloud upload , that make download size half.
and thnaks.
if you have a box with LPDDR3, most custom roms (for DDR4) are not compatible maybe.
I have , h96max x2 (4G lpddr3) a95x f3 air (maybe lpddr3) , and all custom roms are failed to boot.
Well i have a x96max s905x2 with 4GB lpddr3 and is booting just fine, you only lose the front display and to flash the box again it needs to be by serial or inside the rom itself call the update mode.Last edited by superceleron; 18 January 2020, 22:40.
Originally posted by superceleron View Post
Ye i know... i compress them in the past then ppl complained, and i stop compressing them.. anyway i will think about it again.
Well i have a x96max s905x2 with 4GB lpddr3 and is booting just fine, you only lose the front display and to flash the box again it needs to be by serial or inside the rom itself call the update mode.
u-boot serial console log says
h96max x2 with stock firmware
LPDDR3 probe
ddr clk to 792MHz
when I try with a95x f3 fw (don't work anymore)
LPDDR3 probe
ddr clk to 912MHz
when I try with GT1 mini-2 fw (flash failed at half porcess)
LPDDR3 probe
ddr clk to 600MHz
to SC,
If possible, please reduce the system partition size as small as possible in next build.
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