The ROM is debloated to the max, nothing left in that wasn't absolutely necessary.
Also, I would like to thank for supplying me the M7 Pro tablet to test with. Because of this tablet, I'm able to test ROM's for the M7 Pro, M9 Pro and M8HD tablets. They are still MY most trusted supplier of Pipo tablets.
Thanks to Freaktab member darrellr for supplying a variety of custom overclocked kernels for this ROM. You can pick and choose which one you want to try.
Complete Debloat
Init.d support
Busybox support
CWM Recovery added as an option
4, 8 or 12gb user app space
English Default
Multi-User support
v2.0 has bluetooth GPS support added
Google Play Store fixes added
Boot Art by Tattman65
Reboot app by Petrus
First Time User's Guide by Pr0xZen
Flash Tool by Finless
If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at Donate!!!