I've had a blast learning and producing custom ROM's for you guys!!!!!!!
I grabbed a copy of a Pipo firmware release for this tablet dated 12/11/13. The notes showed that they removed the quick boot feature. I'm not sure if there were any other changes.
This ROM has the same auto install features as with the last two ROM's. See this thread for details on using auto install: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.p...nstall-Feature
This ROM is:
Rooted with SuperSU
Completely Debloated
Google Play Store fixes added to allow for more apps to be compatible
English Default, but easily changed to whatever language you like
Init.d Support
Autoinstall from external SD on first boot
Busybox Support
Working CWM Recovery automatically installed
2, 4, 6 and 8gb parameter files for your choice of user app space
Multi-User Support activated
Reboot app (by Petrus) added (Update v1.2.0) see this thread for details:http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?1050-Reboot-App
Boot Animation by Tattman65
An updated First Time User's Guide
New Rockchip driver installation app
If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at Freaktab.com Donate!!!