But the result is a stable working kitkat rom.
The rombase used is the Wasser's v1.04 rom.
These are the used kitkat kernel sources.
Kitkat also used a different bootloader (In this rom the v2.13 loader for RK30XX devices is used).
All HLS apps tested (NPO, NOS, RTLXL, XBMC, Youtube) are working great.
The rom is rooted.
DTS/DD5.1 passthrough is working (spdif I have tested, probably HDMI works as well)
Wifi and ethernet is working.
I have made a 720p and 1080p version.
Install with the included batchtool.
X5_KitKat_720p v0.8
X5_kitKat_1080p v0.8
X5_kitKat_720p v0.9
If you like the rom you can donate using this link.
I use this rom with my homemade passthrough enabled KODI.