I have tried using the latest IMAGE. (Armbian_5.21_Amlogic-s905x_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_desktop_20161025.img.x z)
Can be used normally, but the text appears garbled.
* Starting Mount filesystems on boot OK ]
* Starting Signal sysvinit that the rootfs is mounted OK ]
* Starting Populate /dev filesystem OK ]
* Starting Populate and link to /run filesystem OK ]
* Stopping Populate /dev filesystem OK ]
* Stopping Populate and link to /run filesystem OK ]
* Stopping Track if upstart is running in a container OK ]
* Starting Clean /tmp directory OK ]
* Stopping Clean /tmp directory OK ]
* Starting Initialize or finalize resolvconf OK ]
* Starting set console keymap OK ]
* Starting Signal sysvinit that virtual filesystems are mounted OK ]
* Starting Signal sysvinit that virtual filesystems are mounted OK ]
* Starting Bridge udev events into upstart OK ]
* Stopping set console keymap OK ]
* Starting Signal sysvinit that local filesystems are mounted OK ]
* Starting device node and kernel event manager OK ]
* Starting Signal sysvinit that remote filesystems are mounted OK ]
* Stopping Mount filesystems on boot OK ]
* Starting flush early job output to logs OK ]
* Starting load modules from /etc/modules OK ]
* Starting cold plug devices OK ]
* Starting log initial device creation OK ]
* Stopping flush early job output to logs OK ]
* Stopping load modules from /etc/modules OK ]
* Starting system logging daemon OK ]
* Starting set console font OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Stopping set console font OK ]
* Starting userspace bootsplash OK ]
* Stopping userspace bootsplash OK ]
* Starting Send an event to indicate plymouth is up OK ]
* Stopping cold plug devices OK ]
* Starting configure network device OK ]
* Stopping log initial device creation OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Stopping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up OK ]
* Starting save udev log and update rules OK ]
* Stopping save udev log and update rules OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Starting configure network device OK ]
* Starting configure network device OK ]
* Starting configure network device OK ]
* Starting configure network device security OK ]
* Starting configure network device OK ]
* Starting Mount network filesystems OK ]
* Starting Failsafe Boot Delay OK ]
* Starting configure virtual network devices OK ]
* Stopping Mount network filesystems OK ]
* Starting Bridge socket events into upstart OK ]
* Starting Bridge file events into upstart OK ]
Waiting for network configuration...
Waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration...
Booting system without full network configuration...
* Stopping Failsafe Boot Delay OK ]
* Starting System V initialisation compatibility OK ]
* Stopping System V initialisation compatibility OK ]
* Starting System V runlevel compatibility OK ]
* Starting save kernel messages OK ]
* Starting regular background program processing daemon OK ]
* Starting NTP server ntpd OK ]
* Starting OpenSSH server OK ]
* Stopping save kernel messages OK ]
chmod: cannot access '/sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode': No such file or directory
/etc/amlogics905x_init.sh: 44: /etc/amlogics905x_init.sh: fbset: not found
/etc/amlogics905x_init.sh: 45: /etc/amlogics905x_init.sh: fbset: not found
* Stopping System V runlevel compatibility OK ]