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Purchased Xgody X96 2G/16G from ****.

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    Purchased Xgody X96 2G/16G from ****.

    I will be getting it this week. I have looked around the net for Xgody and have virtually come up with very few hits. I was curious about firmware updates for it, but havent gotten hits for it. Im thinking its nearly the same as any of these other S905X boxes but was wondering which custom firmware would work on the box once i get it? Or would you need more info once I receive the box? Thanks. Here is the listing I bought from(says its a X96) http://www.****.com/itm/XGODY-NEW-KO...-/272331816054
    Last edited by afdude; 04 September 2016, 14:06.


    see post number 11.

    I bought the same box, comes NOT rooted, and crammed with corrupt kodi addons.

    You must root with the ota update I linked THEN remove preinstall folder, THEN remove kodi tar.gz file in system folder. Use es file explorer, activate root in tool section. Check show select button, show hidden files in es file explorer display settings, Then backup this way so if you ever hit restore it won't come back.

    Use for kodi 16.1 NOt the play store, play store can update your kodi to 17 without your knowledge if you do not uncheck auto install updates in google play store settings.


      thanks a million this will come in handy once the box arrives. 2 more questions: #1 will this zip file work from a usb thumbstick or does it need to be put on a sd card? #2 Any reason NOT to use Kodi 17 yet? thanks.


        I put it on a micro sd card. Rebooted and then went to the ota update in all apps and looked for it in the list. It couldn't be any easier. Then suddenly I was rooted. The answer to my prayers
        I wouldn't recommend using kodi 17 yet because several addons still don't work and there's other minor bugs as well. Word on the street is don't use 17 yet. Stick with 16.1 for the KIII. It works just fine. I heard spmc works fine also.


          thx for the info. I personally love using SPMC build version. Been rock stable on any of my other devices.


            hey Electroman, i am stuck. I did the successfully from the sd card. rebooted and all appears to be fine although i havent done much. I didnt have es file explorer on my system when it came back so i installed from google store(working fine). Now the problem is deleting the preinstall folder and the kodi.tar.gz. It keeps telling me i cannot delete those files. Im guessing im missing a setting or something because I cant get past this point. Appreciate a push in the right direction if you could. Thank you.

            And by the way, cant believe how tiny the box is compared to my Minix X8H-Plus hehe.

            update! I did manage to get those files deleted!!! Not sure what i did, I think it was the root switch in es file explorer.
            Last edited by afdude; 03 September 2016, 22:42.


              another note, also thought this box came with bluetooth(it doesn't), i must have misread it when buying. Ive now tried using a genuine Xbox 360 controller with a knock off usb wireless hub. The controller works in the front end and you can navigate anywhere and use apps. However the intended use(gaming) it does NOT work. The only function I can use is the B button to go back. Not one other action works. Tested on 2 different games, one being Modern Combat 5. I did also try a Saitek Cyborg USB controller and although it lit up, it did not function with any button press or movement. Now im wondering what kind of work would it take to get atleast some kind of USB generic gamepad function built into a firmware update? Because so far it doesnt look good. PS3 sixaxis seems to be the most common used and documented on android out there, but I dont have one to test with. Its a shame really because this box seems to play games pretty decently based on the chips they use.

              I may post more comments here for documentation purposes as I go through testing and messing about.


                also decided to use latest SPMC build instead of kodi. I believe it to be 16.4.2 from Koying's site. Occasionally it just stops and quits. It happens randomly but it is fully documented and a fix was supposed to have worked but did not. Fix again still forthcoming from what ive read. When it is working(and it can for hours at a time or just minutes, again completely random) it runs great, no framerate or sound issues at all.


                  more bluetooth testing using 3 different USB micro dongles. Dongles all work as they blink red(looking for something) but you never receive an indicator in settings with wifi lighting up at all. So this version of android(6.0.1) is definitely a stripped down version. Basic wifi code isnt there, and basic gamepad support code isnt there. If it is it certainly isnt working. Also no taskbar(but thats not really important in this case). Tried three different bluetooth controllers: SteelSeries Free/Nintendo Wiimote(genuine)/Thrustmaster T-series gamepad and all fail to connect or be recognized.

                  Is their anyway to inject code or modify firmware to have wifi functionality and gamepad use? Im no programmer so I wont risk bricking my box, but someone in the know could have a look? Using the firmware that Electroman posted from here


                    and the frustration continues. Using either Kodi 16.1 official or SPMC randomly stops working. This is getting very aggravating......


                      been discussing (or should i say going round and round) with a manfacturer rep that this firmware doesnt appear to have a basic driver set for bluetooth(to use a usb dongle) and they keep telling me the box doesnt come with bluetooth LOL. Well no !@#$ i know it didnt come with bluetooth. Trying to break through the language barrier is a challenge all its own. I've asked if they could add basic driver function set for bluetooth and possibly to accept a gamepad/gamepad app in a firmware update. Im waiting to see what they say. At this point all this box is good for is movies/music/browsing. If the firmware was upgraded with some features this box would be outstanding as there really arent many issues. The issues it DOES have are big ones(no gameplay and so-so kodi stability).


                        Yes the root switch in es file explorer allows you to delete those folders.

                        I use kodi 16.1 and it works flawlessly on the x96. Can't understand why you're having trouble. Perhaps you should delete your original kodi as I did and rebuild from the ground up so no left behind files corrupt your kodi installation.

                        Maybe you got a bad unit.

                        I don't use Bluetooth for anything, never even noticed or cared that it doesn't have it.
                        I use a rii I28 lighted remote which is not Bluetooth, works great.
                        I tested this unit out and used it for myself for kodi use for a couple weeks and it acted flawless. I normally use my shield and it worked just as good, couldn't even tell the difference. Then I sold about 10 of them with no complaints.
                        I swear by the x96, thought it was rock solid.


                          well the keyboard issue is resolved, apparently it came with a generic.kl file that was fubared, its now fixed. Already deleted Kodi twice, deleted SPMC and stated over from scratch. With no plugins installed when i exit Kodi, it seems to exit clean. Then a popup comes on saying Kodi has stopped unexpectedly and you have to hit OK to close the popup. Like I say other than that it has been a great box, I just think the firmware needs edited and some code that was stripped be put back in. As is, its good for movies and music, but no chance of gaming.


                            Hi all
                            I am new to this forum and I have recently bought a X96 Android tv box from China through Aliexpress
                            The box works ok except that after changing the Language from Chinese to English it works in English for how ever long I keep the box on.
                            But as soon as I reboot the box or switch off and on it will startup in english after about 20 seconds it reverts back to Chinese again with a loud notification sound.
                            I have updated it to the latest ota firmware Version=1.0.6 from and the it still keeps going back to Chinese Language.
                            I have very little knowledge of Android can someone Please suggest what to modify or if there is any other firmware that I can try.
                            Thanks in advance


                              when you selected OTA did you choose local option?(that would mean it used the update you downloaded to your sd card) also you need to remove a few things as posted by Electroman above in post #2

                              also the X96 box you bought, was it Xgody branded as well? For whatever reason if it is not it may have a slightly different firmware.

