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Purchased Xgody X96 2G/16G from ****.

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    well the one thing that did go smoothly personally for me was the OTA update utility. Worked on the first try using local file when Electroman and I first started the thread It really IS a good box, but the kodi thing is giving it a bad shadow, thats why i was hoping a factory image showed up or a updated one. Xin Sheng Shang Technology Co. LTD site just lists the manufacturing process and what they do, couldnt find anything related to images at all unfortunately (


      Originally posted by sFlcc View Post
      Try HDMI-CEC in the settings. If it's not there, try on your tv.

      My problem is that X96 Tv box keeps reverting back to Chinese Language on every reboot


        Originally posted by Electroman View Post
        OK I have zero issues with kodi crashing or anything like you guys are talking about.
        First of all, install es file explorer and activate root explorer in tools settings. Of course check "show select button" and "show hidden files" in es file explorer display settings.
        Secondly delete the kodi tar.gz file at the bottom of the /system folder that's the file that repopulates all the corrupt addons and such every time you install kodi.
        Thirdly delete kodi altogether
        Then you can install kodi again via the preinstall folder or right from their download page or the google play store if you like.
        I also opted to delete everything inside the preinstall folder, its just bloatware that anyone can add at any time if they like.
        Then finally install fusion the way they tell you at forum/ at the top of the screen. Then the addon installer and any addons you want.
        You should have no problems whatsoever. I built 20 of these this way and none have any kodi issues whatsoever. I used one myself for 2 weeks or so instead of my NVidia shield and I couldn't tell the difference between the two. I thought the x96 was a fantastic little box especially for the measly 40 bucks it cost.
        AND you can hide it and use the ir extender which is also a nice feature. Put some black electrical tape over the cross in front so your room doesn't light up like a Christmas tree.
        Good luck gentlemen.
        Since your firmware is running bug free now, is it possible to get a copy of your firmware image please


          I do believe Electroman is running the same firmware as myself. It is the one he posted the link to in post #2.


            I'm not getting anywhere trying to install the update. Getting "Bad Header"' every time.


              Whats the wifi chip. I can try and cook up firmware from another device but i dont have a box to test it on?  I can remove the bloat ware and addons ect but may be simpler to just swap to another device? If its the same chipsets as the m8s or Tanix you can use the firmware from that thread too. But check to see what works or doesnt once installed. 
              Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                ok. I am thinking that the crash comes from the firmware structure or the way the nand is mapped. I have used the exact same kodi build and addons on both the tv box and my phone. both run android 6. ran the same addons and exact same movie and repeated the exact same process on both at same time. kodi on phone works without crash but on the box it crashes to android home screen. so error doesnt come from kodi.
                could someone with experience have a look at the rom posted at the ftp link and see what doesnt look normal. file mapping,partitioning etc.


                  For the record I am using the stock rom that comes with the unit. The zip update was necessary for an earlier version of the x96 which came NOT rooted but the recent shipment of 20 it wasn't necessary to update. It has root and plays fine. Just to test for you guys I broke mine out yesterday and watched movies all afternoon/ evening and no crashing.
                  After work I'll post my exact firmware version.


                    Originally posted by Electroman View Post
                    For the record I am using the stock rom that comes with the unit. The zip update was necessary for an earlier version of the x96 which came NOT rooted but the recent shipment of 20 it wasn't necessary to update. It has root and plays fine. Just to test for you guys I broke mine out yesterday and watched movies all afternoon/ evening and no crashing.
                    After work I'll post my exact firmware version.
                    Do you have the 2gb 16gb version? What is the date on the firmware ?


                      Originally posted by scooter2014 View Post
                      Whats the wifi chip. I can try and cook up firmware from another device but i dont have a box to test it on?  I can remove the bloat ware and addons ect but may be simpler to just swap to another device? If its the same chipsets as the m8s or Tanix you can use the firmware from that thread too. But check to see what works or doesnt once installed. 


                        Originally posted by Electroman View Post
                        For the record I am using the stock rom that comes with the unit. The zip update was necessary for an earlier version of the x96 which came NOT rooted but the recent shipment of 20 it wasn't necessary to update. It has root and plays fine. Just to test for you guys I broke mine out yesterday and watched movies all afternoon/ evening and no crashing.
                        After work I'll post my exact firmware version.
                        sorry partner, i shouldnt have assumed you were using same as myself, I apologize. I too would like to flash with the new one you have as well, perhaps resolve my issues with Kodi as well. Also curious if we have to remove preinstall folder procedure like before?


                          Last edited by kaivish; 13 September 2016, 06:17.


                            Originally posted by afdude View Post
                            I do believe Electroman is running the same firmware as myself. It is the one he posted the link to in post #2.
                            That link in the Electroman Post #2 is for root tester and not for the Firmware.
                            I have also tried the Tanix TX 5 Pro firmware which works ok but the Language Problem is still the same.
                            I am surprised no one else is complaining about the Language changing to Chinese on every reboot.


                              have been running kodi since the fix. no more crashes!! there are many threads on the internet abt hardware acceleration amcodec doesnt play nice with newest amlogic SoC. Many says that amcodec is an old method for kodi to take advantage og hardware amlogic SoC.
                              Now i dont know if there is still support for hevc.265 - i mean hardware decoding if the amcodec is switched off, but kodi plays 1080p, dts-hd audio and 4k videos very smoothly.
                              So as far as i am concerned, the box has no issues at all.


                                oh jeez yeah I should have known better than not to tell you to mess with hw acceleration. Yes on mine I checked the bottom two but unchecked the amcodec. Never tried it any other way. I have my addons and userdata backed up this way so any boxes I build or for myself I simply replace files so I have no reason to go into settings.
                                Glad you got it sorted though, that's a biggie to get behind you.

