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Purchased Xgody X96 2G/16G from ****.

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    bought the same tv box from aliexpress. called x96. its a generic box with amlogic s905x. works pretty well except for kodi stopping abt half way/ 3/4 way through the movie or show and freezes. it then crashes and returns to home page of android. i am guessing its a flaw in the rom itself. updated to the latest firmware 1.0.6 20160901. still same issues.
    the update was not easy, couldnt update through the regular ota, when through updatre and backup found the update but got errors during flasing.
    had to get the firmware from the given ftp site in this thread ( ) downloaded to sd and forced the tv box to boot to recovery adn updated from sd card from there. went smooth after that.
    everything else seems to work properly only kodi issues.
    Anyone found a way around to stop this freezing and crash?
    the main point to get this tvbox was to use kodi on it.


      havent resolved issues on it stop working as of yet. It doesnt crash as much if you only install the needed plugins you use. Using the fusion installer from tvaddons resulted in so many unwarranted and unneeded files. With it cleaned up a bit it seems to be more stable with only occassional crashes. But yes, we do need a firmware update from the parent company with these fixes in place along with basic bluetooth usb driver set and basic android gamepad driver set. Fix those 3 issues and you wont hear a peep from me about the box hehe.


        OK I have zero issues with kodi crashing or anything like you guys are talking about.
        First of all, install es file explorer and activate root explorer in tools settings. Of course check "show select button" and "show hidden files" in es file explorer display settings.
        Secondly delete the kodi tar.gz file at the bottom of the /system folder that's the file that repopulates all the corrupt addons and such every time you install kodi.
        Thirdly delete kodi altogether
        Then you can install kodi again via the preinstall folder or right from their download page or the google play store if you like.
        I also opted to delete everything inside the preinstall folder, its just bloatware that anyone can add at any time if they like.
        Then finally install fusion the way they tell you at forum/ at the top of the screen. Then the addon installer and any addons you want.
        You should have no problems whatsoever. I built 20 of these this way and none have any kodi issues whatsoever. I used one myself for 2 weeks or so instead of my NVidia shield and I couldn't tell the difference between the two. I thought the x96 was a fantastic little box especially for the measly 40 bucks it cost.
        AND you can hide it and use the ir extender which is also a nice feature. Put some black electrical tape over the cross in front so your room doesn't light up like a Christmas tree.
        Good luck gentlemen.


          Thank God I found this thread. I bought a few of these a couple weeks ago and have had all the aforementioned issues. I've tried wiping, deleting the file and preinstall folder, and fresh copy of Kodi all to no avail. Also having issues with my i8 keyboard and touchpad.

          I did manage to get it to run very, very well a few mornings ago. Not one hiccup for 24 hours, then right back to the same nonsense. Electroman , I will reattempt as per your instructions, but does this mean we can't install custom builds? Part of the fun of having a 2GB box is being able to run cool builds.

          Currently I have Kodi force closing every 15-20 minutes or so.


            tried your method electroman. coukdnt delete the folder n files so I renamed them to unreadable file format. re installed kodi from scratch and all. still get the forced closed/crash. start a movie. stop it and then kodi crashes back to android homescreen.....


              got some logs from kodi when crashing. I am no programer or have any sortof expertise when it comes to coding/ scripts etc.
              but what I could read is that the error comes from kodi itself. seems that it has nothing to do with the x96 firmware. posting log just before crash;

              01:46:32 T:18446744072965650736 INFO: Python script stopped 01:46:32 T:18446744072965650736 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 18446744072965650736 terminating 01:46:42 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x04, sym: 0x0008, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0 01:46:42 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: bool CInputManager::OnKey(const CKey&): backspace (0xf008) pressed, action is Back 01:46:42 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory () 01:46:42 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ParentPath = [] 01:46:42 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: CAndroidAppDirectory::GetDirectory: apps 01:46:42 T:18446744072996907312 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false 01:46:42 T:18446744072996907312 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 18446744072996907312 terminating 01:46:43 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x04, sym: 0x0008, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0 01:46:44 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: bool CInputManager::OnKey(const CKey&): backspace (0xf008) pressed, action is Back 01:46:44 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate 01:46:44 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyPrograms.xml) ------ 01:46:44 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new 01:46:44 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------ 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: bool CInputManager::ProcessMouse(int): trying mouse action leftclick 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10004 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------ 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------ 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY 01:46:47 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Unfocus WindowID: 10004, ControlID: 9000 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: bool CInputManager::ProcessMouse(int): trying mouse action leftclick 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10016 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ------ 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ------ 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 INFO: Loading skin file: SettingsCategory.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY 01:46:50 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: Unfocus WindowID: 10016, ControlID: -100 01:46:54 T:18446744073423288624 DEBUG: bool CInputManager::ProcessMouse(int): trying mouse action leftclick 01:46:54 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0. 01:46:54 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL" 01:51:17 T:18446744073423288624 ERROR: Unable to activate the previous window 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: Saving settings 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stop all 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stop player 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server 01:51:22 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stopping upnp 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing 01:51:23 T:18446744073084627248 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: clean cached files! 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: unload skin 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: stopped 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: destroy 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: closing down remote control service 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: unload sections 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: destroy 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10013 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10014 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10015 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10016 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10017 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10018 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10019 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10021 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10107 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10115 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10104 from the window manager when it didn't exist 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: closing down remote control service 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: unload sections 01:51:23 T:18446744073423288624 NOTICE: application stopped...

              as one can see, kodi is trying to fetch some window that doesnt exist n crashes.


                SPMC log gives similar results as well. And I personally thought Id have more success with SPMC build as it always has given me fantastic results in the past. im gonna keep at it, hopefully we can get more info as to why these crashes ARE happening.


                  in the log at the end one can see the problem . kodi is looking for something that doesnt exists n crashes. just dont know if its kodi related or addon related. seems to me mostly kodi related. posted the same log in kodi forum. hopefully will get some help.
                  if u could try to log the crash n we could isolate the event that leads to the crash.
                  thing is that I use kodi for windows n no probs there. kodi on my phone as well without trouble. could it be shortcommings in the x96 firmware? phone on android 6.0 just as x96 box. I have asked the seller to provide me with factory image of the x96. will try to inform him of the shortcommings in the firmware. hopefully he can do something about it.


                    My tv box is not Xgody one it is a generic X96 box with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. I updated the box with the image from link in recovery mode with a USB stick as you can see in the attached picture. After the update I deleted the folders as in the Electroman post #2 and the problem is still the same. That is again when I reboot the X96 TV Box or Switch OFF and ON after rebooting it starts up in English, after about 20 seconds it reverts back to Chinese Language. So I have to set its Language to English every time I switch it on which is very annoying.
                    Where can I download the Xgody Image or is there any other ROM I can install on it that may not have that problem.
                    Please Help
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                      there is another tv box sold on geekbuying. it has exactly the same specs as the x96. guessing its the same hardware generic but another branding. geekbuying posted a new firmware for thier box. Could it be installed on the x96?
                      heres the link to their firmware:


                        OK MY x96s came from two different companies, XGODY is the best, why because it comes with the ir extender, I bought some other generic brand and it didn't.
                        Let me think about your problems for a bit before I blurt out more useless fixes that don't work.

                        One note, I did download my kodi right from the page. I really like tvaddons and no other builds. It could be that other kodi sources and or your specialized builds could be causing this. Did any of you try to simply install kodi then install fusion then install only 1 addon- exodus and test with only that one addon? USTV now for instance crashes kodi- a known fact, developer cannot figure out why.
                        If you guys are installing via the configuration wizard then that is a possibility for your problems. Just install from the addon installer and try only one addon and retest. NO EXOTIC builds!
                        Heck, for that matter see if it crashes out without any 3rd party addons at all, that'll tell you something.


                          x96 is just a branding, just like xgody. there are many other boxes out there with exactly the same hardware specs but different branding. . x96 I bought came with ir extender as well. just wondering if other firmwares will run on this from boxes with exactly same hardware specs. just like the link I posted above. x9 is a box just like the x96. they are all made by same factory but companies add their branding and sell them. the above rom is for x9 as mentioned by geekbuying but when u open it its an image for minix...


                            have seen many videos on youtube abt the x96,all having force closed/ crashing kodi. could be that kodi not playing nice with this rom. update ota was also not smooth. had to do it manually. auto ota gets error cant map file. manual update from recevery with firmware zip on sd card goes fine. could be mapping of internal nand causing issues?


                              I also have a generic 2GB x96. Mine did not come with ir extender. I have a few of them here and since they don't work, they're currently paperweights so I'll sacrifice one and see if that firmware you posted works.


                                Originally posted by bates View Post
                                My tv box is not Xgody one it is a generic X96 box with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. I updated the box with the image from link in recovery mode with a USB stick as you can see in the attached picture. After the update I deleted the folders as in the Electroman post #2 and the problem is still the same. That is again when I reboot the X96 TV Box or Switch OFF and ON after rebooting it starts up in English, after about 20 seconds it reverts back to Chinese Language. So I have to set its Language to English every time I switch it on which is very annoying.
                                Where can I download the Xgody Image or is there any other ROM I can install on it that may not have that problem.
                                Please Help
                                Try HDMI-CEC in the settings. If it's not there, try on your tv.

