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X96 Mini TV Box Amlogic S905W + Android 7.1.2 + Quad-core Cortex-A53 + 4K VP9 H.265

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    X96 Mini TV Box Amlogic S905W + Android 7.1.2 + Quad-core Cortex-A53 + 4K VP9 H.265

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    Main Features:
    ● Optional: 2GB RAM + 16 ROM / 1GB RAM + 8GB ROM
    ● It runs on the Android 7.1.2, which is stable to use. You can connect to a world of content and entertainment at home with the box
    ● 4K VP9 can help you save 50 percent bandwidth resource, and deliver razor-sharp detail and vibrant images
    ● A high performance of Quad-core Cortex-A53 CPU can play a wide range of games
    ● 2.4G offer a more stable signal for you to enjoy higher quality video experience
    ● HDMI 2.0 is a faster way to send video and audio output to your TV
    ● Remote control is powered by 2 x AA battery ( not included )

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    Another Amlogic 905W to look at today the X96 Mini TV Box Amlogic S905W + Android 7.1.2 + Quad-core Cortex-A53 + 4K VP9 H.265

    This will be the 1/8gb unit testing today, normally not a fan of 1GB units due to sluggish performance, but today throwing caution to the wind, why not.
    A couple extra little great ideas that I feel could be standard on media players of this calibre.

    Let's start with a bit of a look see at the Package and what we have.

    The Box

    What's in the box, and a few extra bits

    Extension for remote, good idea

    A vesa mount of sorts, well more like Velcro, good and easy Idea for most Media Players or double sided tape.

    Ports Rear

    Ports Side

    Pop of the base, WiFi Antenna Built In PCB. Bottom Right

    Base and Top,

    Underside of PCB

    Top side of PCB

    Closer look at the main bits

    Get this Tiny box fired up and see what it can or cant do.
    More to come.
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      Because I am a sucker for a good intro when media players startup short little quick look around,
      I dedicate the Music track to those who may feel a little bound up.

      I am surprised so far how quick and clean the boot up is and moving around more to come

      But a video to start you off.

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        Bit of a surprise and for what it is and has working for it, it's ok
        Gets a little sluggish when trying to do to much at once,
        But as a 720 cheap streaming device it may just may on and have a place.

        Easy connect to Internet/Google and set up all good.
        WiFi and Ethernet working ok here.
        No Upper Notification or Lower task bar, Also No Root.
        Again Temperatures ok on this unit

        So let's have a quick look around UI/launcher and some testing/benchmarks

        In Apps, Droid settings takes you to More settings.

        DRM Info



        Ram and Storage Truth



        A1SD Slow on the write fast on the read

        So just a quick look more tinker this side to be done.
        Remote works well as is I find good pick up by the Small Unit
        But if you do mount it behind the TV remote extender will be handy

        Thanks to Gearbest
        Please consider
        Donating to Freaktab


          Wifi module is that SV6051 ?
          It lacks reset button ?

          That UART looks like a pain to access/use.


            Reset behind the AV port
            Works well for a small package as is
            Maybe not for you then
            Please consider
            Donating to Freaktab


              As always, thanks to trebor for these informative runthroughs on new boxes.

              I had been seriously looking at a S905W box until I saw the Mecool M8S Pro+ (which is a whole other subject). These boxes look like a great value, especially one like this that apparently supports Widevine L1. The question I have is how is 1080p and 4K performance on these? I know the SOC is limited to 4K30, but the facts that 1) the CPU is throttled back to 1.2GHz from the 1.5GHz of the other S905 chips and 2) the UI is set to 720p, gives me pause.


                Closer to Xmas as more make the market (speculation only) 1/8 closer to 20$, who knows (ram will be in shortage probably go up)
                For the price and what they can do they are ok.
                Smaller TV will be ok...
                Budget Box
                Please consider
                Donating to Freaktab


                  I received the 2GB version last Wednesday but haven't had time to unpack and test it. Once I get to it, is there anything else to try out?


                    Originally posted by Shimon View Post
                    Once I get to it, is there anything else to try out?
                    Could you test if the video output is capable of 1080P / FHD? Some references to the box being limited to 720p output only, meaning it can decode 1080, 4K and similar files, but will output in 720 resolution as its max. Specs of the box do say "I/O: 1 x HDMI 4K x 2K UHDOutput, HDMI 2.0A", though.

                    Also - if you root it, could you give a bullet list of main steps you managed to succeed with? Not much handy info on s905W root, so far.
                    Last edited by fxfxfx; 04 October 2017, 12:30. Reason: Edit: added rooting issue


                      Originally posted by fxfxfx View Post

                      Could you test if the video output is capable of 1080P / FHD?
                      It's capped at 720p indeed and switching to 1080P does nothing to the resolution. Probably just another case of Amlogic obfuscation as they could have removed those higher res UI options altogether. ( remember the 2GHz = 1.5Ghz debacle?)

                      In general, the box feels very smooth, I'd say slightly better than a TX3.


                        Anyone have factory firmware for this unit?


                          Anyone knows where I can get a firmare with android 6 for this?
                          Or better... How to root this one?


                            Need stock firmware for X96 mini!!!! please


                              I been looking for days for this factory file no luck yet. When I find it I will post a link

