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Stock Firmware - Beelink S82/M8 - MXIII 1/2G - Official FW Releases from Beelink - user feedback thread

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    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.



      Video in webview is still an issue for me. If you load a plan html5 video it crashes any webview app. I even went out and used a library that carried its own webview to be sure. I get video to work but once you got beyond a certain size the video player on webview goes blank because it enlarges the video past the screen size. Doesnt stay inside the html container. You can here it play but not show. I know it's enlarged because exiting the app showed the video in fullscreen, but really over screen. Either way I can never get video to play correctly in webview.

      Now any other android device that I use has no issues with it only amlogic. I'm pretty sure it's an amplayer issue that processes the video and if someone knows a command or build.prop fix please let me know because anything I do in my app still causes issues. Thanks


        Why is google play not show all apps?
        Payed apps not showed


          Can it be added to firmware
          Virtual sorround?

          Virtulizer works in equalizer app


            Originally posted by Pecus View Post
            Script above mentions sdb-sde because it is a script running on my PopcornHour It is only example.
            In PopcornHour external HDDs are sdb-sde or sdf .... partitions on these disks are labeled sdb1, sdb2, sdc1, .... but we want to spin down disks - not partitions

            root@manta:/ # busybox hdparm -i /dev/block/sda

            hdparm: ioctl 0x304 failed: Invalid argument
            hdparm: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY: Invalid argument

            Any idea how to get hold of sdparm for this?
            Last edited by Joffa; 13 September 2014, 02:42.


              Hi Oman

              ok i just finished testing all the roms and heres what i have noticed something is up with wifi or streams ive tested now every rom and i have wasser and leolass on two boxes amlogic codex isnt a clean on this box as it is on my old jynk box minix 5 or mk902, steaming causes videos to lag and start stop video not crisp. i thought it was my connection so test all 4 boxes on same any rom the video streaming stops starts crashes and or freezes. i have yet to find the best solution to this issue and have now tested on every rom and similar issues come on every box tested ect any non m8 box.

              i thought it was bad flashes or maybe something on the device still remaining so did a flash of the sd card and re did from scratch same results i get piss poor streaming in any feed some run ok but its limited to maybe a 15 minute to a 30 minute show next show lag and or freeze of the video and amlogic disabled in xbmc. tried stanes omans gotham 2 and 3 /( actually best results with gotham 3 for video clarity.

              i am hearing same from end users these are direct from your supplier and just wondering if something different in these boxes because i hear most no issue with the box? programs tested showbox xbmc, gotham 2 and 3 omans build and stanes build and spmc.

              just wondering is all.
              Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                I miss a feature like another android device

                Prefer 5 GHZ wifi band


                  Its very quiet here lately.

                  Looks like Oman and Finless Bob have moved onto other projects.

                  Is this the end of development for our s802 round boxes?


                    From what I read, I think Oman and Team are hard at work producing and testing a new firmware.
                    AMLogic released SDK with a LOT of changes. Bob will probably get involved and Finless-ify 109K4 after it's released.
                    For now, I'd imagine Bob is working on other things (or taking a well deserved rest from it for a while)!


                      minix told, they get the new SDK, announced a few weeks ago, last week (that's why we dosn't hear about new fw since jet)...
                      RK3288 Devices
                      - Overview BOX (LINK !)
                      - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

                      MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
                      UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
                      Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
                      Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

                      RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
                      Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


                        Originally posted by no_spam_for_me View Post
                        minix told, they get the new SDK, announced a few weeks ago, last week (that's why we dosn't hear about new fw since jet)...
                        I don't see a link between this announce and round boxes You mean they're all working on a new CFW for minix?


                          NO, of cause not, BUT they are all (also oman) waiting for the NEW sdk from amlogic befor releasing new stock fw, and new stock fw will be base for new finless release...
                          RK3288 Devices
                          - Overview BOX (LINK !)
                          - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

                          MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
                          UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
                          Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
                          Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

                          RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
                          Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


                            I was out of town for a week on vacation

                            Back now but I have not stopped working on S802 so no worries.

                            "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                            "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                            "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                            "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                            "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                            "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                            "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                            "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                            "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                              Stane on linux thread came with following info:

                              "Main problem is that amlogic is using very old ffmpeg (amffmpeg) and pretty much customized with random patches not following any official ffmpeg repositories... lot of their own changes.... In latest Android sdk (2014-08-23) amffmpeg is still version 0.8"

                              and that 0.8 version is not working ok (occasional but constant suttering with xvid, SD or HD).

                              So, I think it should be main priority to fix it for the new SDK.


                                Re: Important - Stock Firmware - Beelink S82/M8 - Official FW Releases from Beelink - user feedback thread

                                Originally posted by dankec View Post
                                Stane on linux thread came with following info:

                                "Main problem is that amlogic is using very old ffmpeg (amffmpeg) and pretty much customized with random patches not following any official ffmpeg repositories... lot of their own changes.... In latest Android sdk (2014-08-23) amffmpeg is still version 0.8"

                                and that 0.8 version is not working ok (occasional but constant suttering with xvid, SD or HD).

                                So, I think it should be main priority to fix it for the new SDK.
                                Finally! Someone that understands what is the real problem with these devices! Been waiting for a good amcodec so long that I gave up waiting for amlogic and gave away my beelink m8.

                                Thanks dankec for identifying the real problem behind these devices. Working CODECs with all kinds of files. Till then will be using my pi.

                                Sorry oman not your fault, it's amlogic to blame...

