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Stock Firmware - Beelink S82/M8 - MXIII 1/2G - Official FW Releases from Beelink - user feedback thread

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    Originally posted by dlangejc View Post
    Netflix works great on the 106K4 build, all other builds and roms build on the Beelink stock roms after this just looks bad, haven't tried 108K4 cause I got a MXIII I see a lot of frame skips. Hope this can be fixed and I have reported this on the Google drive for Oman to take up with Beelink.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Actually the stock 108k4 on the MXIII 1 GB with AP6181 played Netflix perfectly, but the issue is… this firmware is nowhere to be found now. I regret losing it.


      Stock Firmware - Beelink S82/M8 - MXIII 1/2G - Official FW Releases from Beel...

      Originally posted by milanov007 View Post
      Actually the stock 108k4 on the MXIII 1 GB with AP6181 played Netflix perfectly, but the issue is… this firmware is nowhere to be found now. I regret losing it.
      I'll try and find it for us, then share it. Only problem for me now is video encoder.

      P.S Check link below if it solves your problem but check your compatibility first.

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Last edited by dlangejc; 27 November 2014, 22:06.


        Originally posted by milanov007 View Post
        I have the 1G MXIII running the latest 110k4 and Netflix uruns grainy, and choppy.

        Who else experiences this issue?
        Any fix around this problem??
        1) Why?! 110k4 is ONLY meant for the S82 (2G/8G MXIII), the only "change" was to the broken Bluetooth stack on those Devices!
        2) Did you try updating the Netflix.apk? Google Play has an Update!! ​Perhaps that Update... May cure your ills?


          Originally posted by Ichijoe View Post
          1) Why?! 110k4 is ONLY meant for the S82 (2G/8G MXIII), the only "change" was to the broken Bluetooth stack on those Devices!
          2) Did you try updating the Netflix.apk? Google Play has an Update!! ​Perhaps that Update... May cure your ills?
          There were two websites that posted the 110k4 update for the 1Gversion with AP6181, so it was not meant for just the 2G version.

          and also here
          Yes there is an update for Netflix in the googleplay store…and I tried it, but did not fix anything… same shiznits. This is a definite firmware issue, I hope there is a fix soon, and if there is a fix, will it be posted here???
          Last edited by milanov007; 28 November 2014, 00:34.


            I love the MXIII android box... don’t get me wrong. I wish however, that a couple of issues were fixed and those are:

            • Netflix to play smooth and clear at 1080p
            • The preview window in XBMC when on LIVE TV to be centered, and not off to the side (visible only 20% currently)

            Too bad no one was able to jailbreak the Apple TV 3; that would have made the Apple TV 3 a great box for XBMC and Netflix combined. I love the Netflix layout on the apple tv, and xbmc is awesome with the simple lightweight quality button apple remote.

            Which makes me think???... is there a USB type of remote like the Apple TV remote that can be applied to the MXIII TV Box? …or is there a way to make the OEM Apple TV remote work with MXIII ?

            Any input guys???
            Last edited by milanov007; 28 November 2014, 00:34.



              After using it for 1 week, I developed pain in my thumbs. Does anyone know a good button remote, similar to the Apple TV remote, which can work with MXIII tv box? Something with a nice feel yet compact? Not too many buttons either.

              Attached Files
              Last edited by milanov007; 28 November 2014, 01:34.


                Originally posted by milanov007 View Post

                After using it for 1 week, I developed pain in my thumbs. Does anyone know a good button remote, similar to the Apple TV remote, which can work with MXIII tv box? Something with a nice feel yet compact? Not too many buttons either.

                UPVOTE!! Crappy Remote IS CRAP!!


                  Originally posted by milanov007 View Post
                  There were two websites that posted the 110k4 update for the 1Gversion with AP6181, so it was not meant for just the 2G version.

                  and also here
                  Yes there is an update for Netflix in the googleplay store…and I tried it, but did not fix anything… same shiznits. This is a definite firmware issue, I hope there is a fix soon, and if there is a fix, will it be posted here???
                  I agree updating Netflix doesn't work for me. The best experience is on the older stock roms.
                  Might be a codec issue, might be an Amlogic issue - The older SDK's doesn't suffer from this problem, would be nice if someone will let us know that this is being addressed.


                    Originally posted by milanov007 View Post
                    I love the MXIII android box... don’t get me wrong. I wish however, that a couple of issues were fixed and those are:

                    • Netflix to play smooth and clear at 1080p
                    • The preview window in XBMC when on LIVE TV to be centered, and not off to the side (visible only 20% currently)

                    Any input guys???
                    As a temporal solution to the Live TV preview window is off to the side problem you may try
                    Kodi 14 alpha1
                    Kodi 14 alpha3

                    You can even use XBMC 13 (Gotham) skins on Kodi 14 alpha1!


                      Originally posted by lawin1 View Post
                      As a temporal solution to the Live TV preview window is off to the side problem you may try
                      Kodi 14 alpha1
                      Kodi 14 alpha3

                      You can even use XBMC 13 (Gotham) skins on Kodi 14 alpha1!

                      hey lawin1 thanks for the tips. Funny thing is that Itried these avenues also, I installed and unistalled and installed another versions of XBMC and that didn't help. I tried kodi alpha 1 and alpha 3 and tried gotham 13.0, 13.1, 13.2 and also I tried IPTV simple client 2 - but the issue remains. I don't get it. At one point I didn’t want to even use the awesomeness of this LIVE TV feature.

                      I am sure it is a firmware issue and most likely this is the reason the Netflix performs bad.

                      To be hones I secretly miss my old Apple TV 2 when it comes to the issues I have to face now with this MX III box. Sorry to say this guys, but I am sure most of you who had an Apple TV 2 agree with me on this point. The only thing I hated on the Apple TV 2 is that when it gets overloaded buffering or the temp goes up (whatever the trigger was).... it restarts on its own. That drove me CRAZY. That was the reason that made me switch to this android box.

                      For most of the part the MX III is good, when it comes to streaming movies on XBMC... but that’s it for the moment. Sorry if it seems like I look at things negative but that’s my overall experience at this point.


                        Originally posted by milanov007 View Post

                        hey lawin1 thanks for the tips. Funny thing is that Itried these avenues also, I installed and unistalled and installed another versions of XBMC and that didn't help. I tried kodi alpha 1 and alpha 3 and tried gotham 13.0, 13.1, 13.2 and also I tried IPTV simple client 2 - but the issue remains. I don't get it. At one point I didn’t want to even use the awesomeness of this LIVE TV feature.
                        Strange. I'm on 109k4 firmware + Kodi 14 alpha1 and the Live TV preview window is exactly where it should be. Of course I had to uninstall XBMC included in 109k4 because of the Live TV preview window is off to the side problem which you did mention in your posts. Did you factory reset your device after firmware installation? And I suggest you to restrain from installing modified "IPTV simple client 2". Use only default IPTV Simple addon. Perhaps you should try once more, install 109k4 firmware using SD card method:

                        1. Extract to a root of SD card (FAT32 formatted) 3 files: recovery.img, factory_update_param.aml, (do not extract this zip file!)
                        2. Insert SD card.
                        3. Go to SETTINGS -> Other -> System Update
                        4. Check "Wipe Data" and "Wipe Media", click "Update" button, select file, click "Update" button again.


                          Originally posted by lawin1 View Post
                          Strange. I'm on 109k4 firmware + Kodi 14 alpha1 and the Live TV preview window is exactly where it should be. Of course I had to uninstall XBMC included in 109k4 because of the Live TV preview window is off to the side problem which you did mention in your posts. Did you factory reset your device after firmware installation? And I suggest you to restrain from installing modified "IPTV simple client 2". Use only default IPTV Simple addon. Perhaps you should try once more, install 109k4 firmware using SD card method:

                          1. Extract to a root of SD card (FAT32 formatted) 3 files: recovery.img, factory_update_param.aml, (do not extract this zip file!)
                          2. Insert SD card.
                          3. Go to SETTINGS -> Other -> System Update
                          4. Check "Wipe Data" and "Wipe Media", click "Update" button, select file, click "Update" button again.
                          I will try once again, and let you know. How about your Netflix? Do you have issues with playback?


                            it worked for me, I installed kodi alpha 3 and now the preview window for live tv is centred! Thank you!!!

                            now one thing left... Netflix needs to be fixed


                              Tried Netflix on 108k4 it works better but there seems to be some stability issues on the box now.


                                Originally posted by lawin1 View Post
                                Strange. I'm on 109k4 firmware + Kodi 14 alpha1 and the Live TV preview window is exactly where it should be. Of course I had to uninstall XBMC included in 109k4 because of the Live TV preview window is off to the side problem which you did mention in your posts. Did you factory reset your device after firmware installation? And I suggest you to restrain from installing modified "IPTV simple client 2". Use only default IPTV Simple addon. Perhaps you should try once more, install 109k4 firmware using SD card method:

                                1. Extract to a root of SD card (FAT32 formatted) 3 files: recovery.img, factory_update_param.aml, (do not extract this zip file!)
                                2. Insert SD card.
                                3. Go to SETTINGS -> Other -> System Update
                                4. Check "Wipe Data" and "Wipe Media", click "Update" button, select file, click "Update" button again.
                                As someone who's using the stock 109k4 Firmware & dito on the 2160p modified XBMC 13.2 Gotham. (In the "Pre-Install" Folder!), is also suffers this Bug. I might have to try recompiling the Simple IPTV Addon, though Linux again if only for sh--'s & giggles. Since I got stupid One time, and uninstalled most of the PVR Plugins before. I seemed to recall that working well enough though. But, lol idono...

                                To be honest I'm getting more into Show Box at the moment. Now if I could only find a decent Player. MX Player is going downhill FAST! BSPlayer is somewhat better, but with even more annoying Ads. I'll see if VLC could do a better job of it in a bit.

                                Oh One thing to NOTE about Format wiping and, why you might want to reconsider doing it...

                                It seems that since last August WITHOUT ACTUALLY TELLING ANYONE!! Google has again changed its "Policy" on how many "Devices" One may "Deactivate" with-in the space of One Year... AFAIK it used to be near unlimited... Or so I had thought. Till I discovered about Five "Different" MXB MXB M82 Device's in my "Device List"... Needless to say I only have the One MXIII, and not Five! But having recently made some room (About a Month or ago needing to set up a relatives Phablet). It seems that I had already used up my block of Four Deactivation's, and was barred from removing anymore...

                                Why this matters... When you Factory Reset / Cache Wipe your not just resetting the Device to Stock... (DUH!), you are also generating a whole new Android ID as well! Apparently its this Android ID, that gets counted as a New Device every time you log into Play Music, thus increasing the Device Count on GMusic...

                                So if you like GMusic you should think twice about forking 'round with these ROMs. Barring that don't use GMusic on the MXIII (Android TV Box), until your sure your not gonna be playing with it every other Week!

                                This is just a whole new reason on top of every other reason WHY WE NEED CWM Recovery for the M82/S82 for Nandroid Backups! (e.g. being able to retain identical Android ID's)...

