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Cube Talk 9x U65GT ROM based on Cube's V 1.8 firmware of 3 September 2014

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    root replacement help

    Hi folks, I need your help to replace the "superuser" root which is in this rom with the "superSU" app. I need to do this because the "superSU" can mask the root to worx home app that I use to authenticate to my enterprise.
    I tried to flash from the cwm the which is used to root the stock tablet without success- I had the error -> This package is for "U65GT" devices; this is a "MTK"...anf the installation was aborted.


      Originally posted by mrMauzza View Post
      Hi folks, I need your help to replace the "superuser" root which is in this rom with the "superSU" app. I need to do this because the "superSU" can mask the root to worx home app that I use to authenticate to my enterprise.
      I tried to flash from the cwm the which is used to root the stock tablet without success- I had the error -> This package is for "U65GT" devices; this is a "MTK"...anf the installation was aborted.
      For CWM recovery try this files.
      Attached Files


        Originally posted by mmrrdd View Post
        For CWM recovery try this files.
        Thank you mmrrdd but it doesn't work. I don't see SuperSU app in the Drawer and also in the dir /system/app. Please can you support me again? Can I copy the files directly?


          Originally posted by mrMauzza View Post
          Thank you mmrrdd but it doesn't work. I don't see SuperSU app in the Drawer and also in the dir /system/app. Please can you support me again? Can I copy the files directly?
          If you tablet have rooted, you can copy the files directly to your tab , you should to start with SuperSu.apk and SuperSuPro.apk first ,
          for save your old root permission, your should to copy thes files to another folder under /system ,or /system/media , then set the permission to 644(SuperSu.apk and SuperSuPro.apk) and 755(su(or daemon su) and busybox)
          , befor move files to target folder.

          the permission for su(or daemon su) and busybox is 755.

          the permission for SuperSu.apk and SuperSuPro.apk is 644.


            Originally posted by mrMauzza View Post
            I tried to flash from the cwm the which is used to root the stock tablet without success- I had the error -> This package is for "U65GT" devices; this is a "MTK"...anf the installation was aborted.
            Just try to flash stock recovery and retry with CWM patch.
            That worked for me on similar situation few days ago.
            After that you could reflash custom CWM/TWRP recovery.


              Originally posted by Edius View Post
              Just try to flash stock recovery and retry with CWM patch.
              That worked for me on similar situation few days ago.
              After that you could reflash custom CWM/TWRP recovery.
              It worked well also for me. Thanks

              Worked also the manual copy but when I unset the root in SuperSU I was unable to set it back . Thanks to mmrrdd too.

              I'm not able to find the "thanks" button in the forum.



                U65GT(TALK9X)固件 V1.8-20140903 卡刷包

                文件大小: 更新时间:2014.09.11 下载地址:


                Dears, looks I have experiencing paranoid. Just glanced to firmwares list and found like new FW for Cube was in the list several links above...Interesting what about changelog...

                as per my understanding via google translate - this is an installation pack used via sd card...


                  Re: Cube Talk 9x U65GT ROM based on Cube's V 1.8 firmware of 3 September 2014

                  Originally posted by valerima View Post
                  U65GT(TALK9X)固件 V1.8-20140903 卡刷包

                  文件大小: 更新时间:2014.09.11 下载地址:


                  Dears, looks I have experiencing paranoid. Just glanced to firmwares list and found like new FW for Cube was in the list several links above...Interesting what about changelog...

                  as per my understanding via google translate - this is an installation pack used via sd card...
                  Yep... This can be installed using recovery or OTA update tool from settings menu... It's the same 1.8 ROM from September 03.


                    I am not asked for drivers and can't see a unknown device in "device manager". The tablet is charging but flash tool does not recognize its plugged in. What should I do to install the right drivers?

                    Edit (for those who have the same problem):

                    I connected the device with another data cable (made for galaxy s3) and the device connects disconnects all the time. Then I opened the device manager and directly hit unknown device when it popped up (its only for a second or two). In the new window i chose "driver" and installed it from local. I left the device plugged in (disconnecting every 2 seconds) until the installation was completed. Then I unplugged the device and started downloading in falsh tool. After that I reconnected the tablet with the original cable and it started downloading.
                    Good luck

                    I am now a happy SuperSport'ler thanks Brian.
                    Last edited by SPiNii; 15 September 2014, 14:54.


                      On this version of the firmware I've had a few issues with location services settings not persisting after a reboot and the GPS taking a long time to lock on. I fixed this today by booting into cwm recovery and clearing coach and data. Had to then reinstall and set up my accounts etc but my GPS and settings now work great.


                      900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                      900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                      Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                      Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                      If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                      freaktab developer

                      Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


                        R: Cube Talk 9x U65GT ROM based on Cube's V 1.8 firmware of 3 September 2014

                        I'm not able to find how to change the rotation of the lock screen. I have only portrait screen, no rotation of the screen when the tab is in landscape. It's my fault or I have to modify the build.prop? Thanks


                          Originally posted by mrMauzza View Post
                          I'm not able to find how to change the rotation of the lock screen. I have only portrait screen, no rotation of the screen when the tab is in landscape. It's my fault or I have to modify the build.prop? Thanks
                          Is the rotation enabled on the relevant menu? (Nel menu a tendina a destra dove c'é l'indicatore della batteria?)
                          if you appreciate my efforts this is the link for any donation:


                            R: Cube Talk 9x U65GT ROM based on Cube's V 1.8 firmware of 3 September 2014

                            Originally posted by giouncino View Post
                            Is the rotation enabled on the relevant menu? (Nel menu a tendina a destra dove c'é l'indicatore della batteria?)
                            Yes automatic rotation is enabled.

                            SOLVED! Thanks to...GravityBox, under lockscreen there is the option to set the rotation.

                            Grazie giouncino


                              Originally posted by mrMauzza View Post
                              Yes automatic rotation is enabled.

                              SOLVED! Thanks to...GravityBox, under lockscreen there is the option to set the rotation.

                              Grazie giouncino
                              For me automatic rotation works just fine (with default or with Nova launcher).
                              You must check if is enabled under Settings/Accesibility.


                                great job

                                I am using this ROM and I am vers happy with this!
                                Originally posted by 900supersport View Post
                                Cube Talk 9x U65GT ROM based on Cube's V 1.8 firmware of 6 August 2014
                                A short reviev:
                                Got this U65GT since rd about 2 Weeks.
                                Took the ROM 1.8 vom 900supersport, root and the lib to get chrome working fine.

                                Also the brighness patch from Lepi to have more battery lifetime.

                                You both could have some Beer from me ;-)

                                The one and only thing I don't like (yeah, I am hating this!) is the inkredible ugly cube Logo on start sequence.

                                The EU Wallcharger was gone in a few minutes...

                                I habe bougt a 5V 4A Charger with a round plug.
                                I have soldered a USB to it and now the U65SG is charged inbetween rund about 3 to 4 hours from 10%☺

                                I am using a Kingston 64GB SDXC uSD. But exFat doesn't work. I need the uSD Format in fat32 to work!

                                Navigation is working perfectly.
                                I' m using iGo Primo.
                                It's a special Version for Tablets with higher resolutions.

                                The GPS Fix is nearly in a minute (Outside, off course)...

                                I am a technician. And I had a lot oft mobile devices to test.

                                But the U65GT is one oft the fastest and smoothest I have ever tested...
                                I would buy it again. :-D

                                Fast, with 900supersport's ROM incredible, with all the mods from unbelievable!

                                The charging issues can only fixed with a big (I'm using 5V 4A "FSP020-DGAA1") charger.
                                This one has real 4 Amps! Those little wall chargers mostly has only 2 Amps - even if the seller say it has 4 Amps...
                                So you can charge from 10% to 100% in rd about 3-4 hours...

                                I hope, that is enough Information for you all guys.
                                If you have some questions, Please feel free to ask...

                                Wish you happy "tabletting" with the incredible U65GT ;-)

                                Sorry for my lousy english
                                Last edited by Spassknochen; 15 September 2014, 21:23. Reason: mistakes coming from german layout, sorry
                                Sent from my U65GT via chrome

