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Purchased Xgody X96 2G/16G from ****.

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    No more like sucker for punishment lol
    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


      LMAO ... I have faith in you .. need a hug? ... lmao


        Ummm errrrr not really the hugging type. But I found best firmware.... And ROOT. Ummm. and voice control andriod ya kinda best for this device so far...
        Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


          scooter2014 Mind sharing that firmware?


            That is the best for this device
            use wifi fix and copy remote config from orginal and place in same directory system/ect
            Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


              @scoooter2014 and teverz

              i think i have the same board because i have the same issues that if i flash another image the board ecomes a 1gigabyte one

              the image that teverz posted helped me a lot it is the x96 image with vincent@ubuntu kernel his is 20161220 i got a box with 20170214 firmware with vincent@ubuntu kernel

              and what i expected happend the image with the vincent kernel shows 2 gig

              als other versions and libreelec and armbian says it is a 1 gigabyte board

              and it is not that you flashed the wrong firmware so as you both suggest it is HARDWARE and the hardware says 1gigabyte of memory

              open your box and see what kind of memory chips you have like mine has h5tq2g63dfa wich are 2gigabit chips and 4 in total is 1 gigabyte and not 2 what the vincent build says

              so you are also counterfeit by the seller just check the hardware and you notice .

              and i think 90% of the people are scammed because you only notice it if you want to update or mess with it a normal customer don't notice

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                I checked board 2 gig did program check on memory is 2 gig 16 gig but flashing make 1 gig. Run ram truth then 2 gig firmware installed shows correct. But mine board may be damaged because nan poor soder only show 2 gig 8 gig no longer 2/16. I post firmware i get to return to 2 gig with.
                Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                  yeah just check your ram modules i bet they are 2 gigabit instead of 4 gigabit

                  4x 2 gigabit is 1 gigabyte and 4x4 gigabit is 2 gigabyte was the same mistake i did

                  just put a librelec or armbian image on sd and boot from that and that says 1 gigabyte

                  or play with the dtb's only 1 gig dtb boot from sd if you put a 2 gig dtb on it won't boot

                  already checking in wich module the fake is done i think in uboot or the ddr.usb file

                  the image teverz posted is the tempred image wich shows 2 gigabyte

                  and if you put one from another x96 like a 1.09 or 1.1.1 from other sites it shows 1 gigabyte wich it is in fact

                  and you have to do a full image burning with usb burning tool because the other images doesn't have partion 8 what the fake 2 gig version has it is the dev/tee partion

                  so that is why you have proplems to flash other images on it


                    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                      yeah got that one is same as teverz posted with the vincent@ubuntu kernel that is modified to show 2 gigabyte instead of 1 gigabyte

                      check the ram


                      that is just 256mb so x4 is 1 gigabyte

                      that is picture of my ram it is 2 gigabit aka 256mb

                      that is the hole fun how did they fake the memory i think it relies in the kernel

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                        oke made a rooted image


                          Originally posted by shaggy013 View Post
                          Thanks. Just received my boxes (with vincent kernel) 3 days ago and I have a TWRP backup made of my box before flashing etc. Can you or someone capable turn that into a flashable rom the community? A rooted and non rooted version? Thanks in advance.
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                            ho wait trwp sysyem backup doesn't work gives error with vincent kernel

                            if you want to back do it with armbian image en dd the emmc


                              ah and i see that you also have the 20170214 image from seller

                              i think that your scammed also

                              take the backplate open en see what memory chip you have i think it is 2gigabit wich make 1 gigabyte

                              just flash a 1.09 or 1.1.1 x96 or put a libreelec or a armbian image in your sd and toothpick to boot from sd and let me know how many memory you then get


                                Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread so far. I'm new to the forums but I've been a computerguy since installing Windoze 95 from floppy!
                                I just purchased two X96 2g/16g boxes from newegg (sold by hengling) but I haven't received them yet.

                                I have read through all 9 pages of this thread and it seems like most problems I'm reading about come from flashing problems rather than native issues. I'm wondering first, why is there a need to flash the ROM?
                                Will I be able to use Es Explorer to get root access in order to delete the bloatware and pre-installed kodi without flashing the ROM?

                                At this point, if I do have to flash, I'm not sure which ROM to use. Can someone "sticky" the ROM that is most agreed to work best on the X96? If there are different ROMs based on the various warehouses these things are manufactured in, maybe a sticky post with a handful of finalized ROMs and some info / how-to on each?

                                And lastly, just to be clear, am I reading correctly that the 2G/16G units actually only have 1G (scam)?

                                Thanks in advance. I hope to have something to contribute once my units arrive.

                                I found this thread in an attempt to find some info / how-to on upgrading to Nougat

