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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Originally posted by grimmie View Post
    But as I did not Choose 'Reset after success',
    For me it'a always easier to click that - you can be a 100% sure that soft works ok if the box/phone reboots.


      Unfortunately for me, keeping fingers-crossed didn't help.
      This is always where I end up at. Or 90% of the time. It is after the MECOOL splash screen with sound and all that.. and then this. The green circle stopped spinning when i took the picture. And trust me, I waited.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	20170927_113418.jpg
Views:	177
Size:	119.9 KB
ID:	673833

      If I reboot it a few more times, sometimes I may get this.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	20170927_113552.jpg
Views:	174
Size:	80.0 KB
ID:	673834

      Or last night I actually got this.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	20170927_030916.jpg
Views:	204
Size:	125.0 KB
ID:	673835

      Guest do you think this is software or Hardware? I do want to say then when I was on 20170829 stock fw, this had never happened.


        I did the extra part of erasing cache and factory reset through Android Recovery too, and see if it helps.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	20170927_115130.jpg
Views:	184
Size:	92.4 KB
ID:	673842
        Click image for larger version

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Size:	87.3 KB
ID:	673843Click image for larger version

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Size:	90.7 KB
ID:	673844
        And nope.. doesnt work.

        Next just going to try and cycle the power to see if I can get lucky.
        If someone can tell me if this is Hardware issue so as to not further waste my time?


          Maybe do:
          4. Burn_Card_Maker to: M8S_PRO+-NMF26Q-20170815.182813.V0321
          5. OTA to: M8S_PRO+-ota-20170919.150557.V0619

          To have a 100% the same case as I?



            Today I recived the 20170829.121614.V0321 - what should I do to have the stable ATV?
            Is already ATV rom available for this 20170829.121614.V0321?


              For now we only know what to do, to have unstable ATV on new boxes :-)


                Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
                Looks like trebor found an OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 posted on the GeekBuying blog:!uZNjnR6Z!QAhnJ_q05q3kk2CGTmRIbQ
                I've just performed an OTA update and it's an ATV version, unlike the one I had previously. The bad news is, Netflix doesn't start, ending up in a black screen. Task switching is also very unergonomic while youtube has been updated to the new user interface version. In short, this ROM's not for me.

                Any comments on the Netflix issue?


                  Originally posted by Shimon View Post

                  I've just performed an OTA update and it's an ATV version, unlike the one I had previously. The bad news is, Netflix doesn't start, ending up in a black screen. Task switching is also very unergonomic while youtube has been updated to the new user interface version. In short, this ROM's not for me.

                  Any comments on the Netflix issue?
                  I think Magendanz commented in a different thread about the 20170919.150557.V0619 OEM firmware here: and the fact that it is Android Verified Boot compliant = they're locking down things for Widevine L1 compliance.

                  This would also add some context to Banggood's statement about the M8S Pro+ supporting 4K around 2017-10-01.


                    Originally posted by WetWilly View Post
                    This would also add some context to Banggood's statement about the M8S Pro+ supporting 4K around 2017-10-01.
                    Not sure if I'm reading you right - an update from the manufacturer has just made Netflix temporarily unusable?


                      Originally posted by nis81 View Post

                      hello Magendanz!! I'm thinking of buying a mecool M8S PRO W with the S905W chip, I think it's a new model and I do not see much information. You think it's possible that firmware will come out for this tv-box with TRWP, root and with top bar of notifications and inferior of navigation. Thank you very much.

                      would not be bad !! , for the ms8 pro + with 905x if there is rom with what I was telling you?

                      Thank you.


                        Originally posted by Shimon View Post

                        Not sure if I'm reading you right - an update from the manufacturer has just made Netflix temporarily unusable?
                        Between what you've said about the OEM 20170919 firmware being an ATV ROM and Magendanz finding that the ROM is suddenly locked down to some degree (in the sense there's no immediate way to add a custom recovery to it and/or possibly not be rootable), I'd read that as the manufacturer made significant changes to the firmware = there's a good chance they've introduced new bugs and there will hopefully be a few more rounds of updates to shake out new bugs. If you look at it, they're apparently going for official Widevine compliance, and Netflix is one of the biggest sticklers for Widevine; maybe they screwed something up with Widevine in the ROM.

                        The thing I'm finding significant is that Banggood has had that statement up about 4K support out for a while and the 2017-10-01 date didn't make any sense because the box already supported Widevine L1. The new, locked down ROM, which is required for official Widevine L1 support combined with the just-released 20170915 firmware makes the Banggood statement make sense.


                        • trebor
                          trebor commented
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                          Good points made:
                          Let it out in bits......see if any can can break it
                          Beta testing at its best...
                          Fun times ahead by the look....
                          Mi Box days could be numbered...


                        Originally posted by P.X View Post
                        WARNING : FW 20170829.121614.V0321

                        New HW boxes arriving with this 2017.08.29 dated FW

                        Do NOT flash any earlier dated ROM if you have a box with 20170829.121614.V0321

                        As far as I can tell if you flash any earlier FW, Custom or OEM, onto the boxes with 20170829.121614.V0321 - Boxes with SEC and D/W hardware - The box will be in a state where it freezes rapidly after power-on and is useless.

                        An Update to the latest V0619 FW did not restore functionality to my box.

                        Until there is an extracted 20170829.121614.V0321 we do not know if these boxes will work again when restored to Original FW.

                        My box, HW-Date 17.08.11 SEC & D/W chips, had freezing problems from the start but it seems all those who flashed an earlier dated ROM have similarly borked boxes afterwards.


                          I just received a tv box yesterday, and it freezes every single time only a couple of minutes after turning it on. When I put a fan in front of it, it took about 5 minutes to freeze. My question is, should I return it to gearbest, or I should try to change firmware for it to stop freezing?
                          Thanx in advance


                            Funny thing is, the freezing boxes seem to come from GB (bad batch?), whereas the ones from BG are rock stable. Go figure.


                              the question is, is it a hardware problem or it can be solved with a firmware update?


                              • Guest's Avatar
                                Guest commented
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                                From what I've seen so far, it seems that there was a bad batch of NAND chips. These may seem to work initially, but an extended write (such as during a firmware flash) would surface the symptoms. This might explain why LE running off an SD card mostly avoids the issue.