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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Originally posted by grimmie View Post
    Examine the Terms of Sales from your sales contract. And what country are you from? Gearbest is probably a large company to be negotiating a case just for you.
    What I'm trying to say is, if they already have that as the Sales/Warranty Terms then you have already accepted them when you bought it from them.
    Is there any entry for selling fraudulent device? Since GearBest don't want us return item, GearBest should offer same amount of refund, not different. Both offer does not include shipping item back. On both offer GearBest will have no item back. Therefore, why GearBest offer different amount of refund? They offered me partial (50%) refund, and they offered full refund to someone. After I asked them for full refund, they wanted me to return item back. This is not equality!

    In addition, I hope you can fix your problem with new firmware and also us


      Originally posted by grimmie View Post
      Gee, I have used the box for about a week now.
      This makes me think if I should flash the rom. Do you guys think it's the rom or is it just bad luck?
      Like some of you, I received the box with this build.
      M8S PRO+userdebug 7.1.1 NMF26Q

      I have a Fire TV for Netflix and Amazon Prime TV, but I am trying to get to ATV on MECOOL Pro+ to just see the Live TV Channels. Do you guys think it's worth it?
      Do you have already flashed?


        Originally posted by DEcosse View Post
        Not antenna's fault Guest - I tried installing external 3db antenna mounted on side of box, antenna pigtail wired directly to the PCB - it made zero difference...
        I'm going to retract/modify this statement
        Some more testing showed that it DID actually improve the WiFI - increased from only about 5 Mbps to about 23Mbps (still less than half of what the MiBox does in that location)
        I'm now using a Powerline adapter however, which I would recommend if anyone doesn't have access to ethernet in their operating location (or VERY clear, unobstructed line-of-site to router) - it's doing about 65Mbps with the Powerline.
        It's just not going to work well for streaming with the WiFi as delivered.

        Shout out for Guest Nexus ROM -
        The Android-TV version seems to get a lot more love - I installed the Nexus Nano Android (not ATV) variant and it is excellent!


          Got mine yesterday with the newest firmware dated Aug 29. I will have to play more with this for a while before flashing other ROMs.

          Initial observations:

          Very responsive (vs my old rusty Tronsmart 908II TV stick)
          Latest Nougat
          Generic webcam works
          Wireless keyboard/mouse combo works. Wireless mouse also works

          Ugly launcher - tried to replace with nova launcher but this keeps showing up during bootup even if I already set Nova as default launcher (any suggestion?).
          Poor wifi signal - got settled using ethernet cable instead.
          Not so user friendly remote - or maybe I'm just used to using a mini keyboard / mouse combo. Also bad remote control signal, must position the remote direct to the box.
          No Xposed module support (Nougat) - I cannot fake my ethernet connection as wifi or mobile connection used for gaming and other apps that requires wifi (any suggestion?)
          Weird apps always starting up during boot - BCenter and MgtSupport (what's this?, can we uninstall?)


            Originally posted by tantrums View Post
            Got mine yesterday with the newest firmware dated Aug 29. I will have to play more with this for a while before flashing other ROMs.

            Ugly launcher - tried to replace with nova launcher but this keeps showing up during bootup even if I already set Nova as default launcher (any suggestion?).
            Poor wifi signal - got settled using ethernet cable instead.
            Not so user friendly remote - or maybe I'm just used to using a mini keyboard / mouse combo. Also bad remote control signal, must position the remote direct to the box.
            No Xposed module support (Nougat) - I cannot fake my ethernet connection as wifi or mobile connection used for gaming and other apps that requires wifi (any suggestion?)
            Launcher - try the Nexus ROM* - I had gone same route as you, trying Nova - the Nexus launcher is virtually same as Nova
            Also the bottom toolbar hides and drags back up with mouse, much better than the OEM launcher
            Poor Wifi - yes, it is lame - I did get some improvement by installing an external antenna but ultimately went with a Powerline adapter
            Remote - I'm using Minix A2 Lite - works well with this box
   - I did find this - have not tried it myself - don't know if works for Nougat though

            * Some users are reporting problems installing the custom ROMs over the 8/29 firmware - maybe wait for a few more posts on that front before trying


              Originally posted by zan. View Post
              Which app do you recommend for managing the root access of apps? I have rooted stock rom but there is no app installed to manage the root access.

              Sent from my Huawei Mate S using Tapatalk
              zan. had same question with the Nexus ROM - I installed Supersu - downloaded latest version and installed from TWRP (recovery)


                Originally posted by DEcosse View Post

                Launcher - try the Nexus ROM* - I had gone same route as you, trying Nova - the Nexus launcher is virtually same as Nova
                Also the bottom toolbar hides and drags back up with mouse, much better than the OEM launcher
                Poor Wifi - yes, it is lame - I did get some improvement by installing an external antenna but ultimately went with a Powerline adapter
                Remote - I'm using Minix A2 Lite - works well with this box
       - I did find this - have not tried it myself - don't know if works for Nougat though

                * Some users are reporting problems installing the custom ROMs over the 8/29 firmware - maybe wait for a few more posts on that front before trying
                Thanks for your suggestions.

                In case that I will install custom ROMs.
                The procedure will be:
                1. Reboot to stock recovery.
                2. Install TWRP (by Megandanz)
                3. Backup current stock ROM
                4. Flash ATV ROM (or other compatible ROMs)

                Is this right?

                Originally posted by DEcosse View Post

       - I did find this - have not tried it myself - don't know if works for Nougat though

                *BTW, xposed module is not yet working on Nougat. Any other alternatives?



                  Apparently there is now an even newer version of the OEM FW out in the wild !
                  NHG47L 2017.09.14.183646.V0619

                  see: ATV ROM thread

                  Waiting to see what this one is like ...
                  Last edited by P.X; 26 September 2017, 17:23.


                    Update: Was able to flash twrp and made a backup.


                      Originally posted by tantrums View Post

                      4. Flash ATV ROM (or other compatible ROMs)
                      If you like the Nova Launcher, then the Nexus Nano ROM might be more to your taste - I personally don't care for ATV format, that's just me.

                      This is the Nexus Nano

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20170926-080154.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	155.8 KB
ID:	673434
                      Last edited by DEcosse; 26 September 2017, 16:10.



                        Hardware (component) change between my first and second boxes ...

                        BB-ROC170703PS - July Version : Chips marked ..
                        EMMC : SAMSUNG 646 . KLMAG2WEPD-B031 . S4ZN1010 (EOL 3bit MLC - Data Sheet)
                        Memory Chips (?) : C71V217400

                        BB-ROC170811PS - August Version : Chips marked ..
                        EMMC : SEC 701 . KLMAG1JENB . B041 . S558Z034 (Current 2bit MLC - Data Sheet)
                        Memory Chips (?) : D / G

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	M8S-Pro+-BB-ROC170703PS.jpg Views:	1 Size:	160.3 KB ID:	673471Click image for larger version  Name:	M8S-Pro+-BB-ROC170811PS.jpg Views:	1 Size:	165.6 KB ID:	673468

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	M8S-Pro+-HW-Change07-08.jpg Views:	1 Size:	162.3 KB ID:	673472

                        Last edited by P.X; 26 September 2017, 18:40. Reason: Added Data Sheets - Changed to HW (component) change


                          Originally posted by P.X View Post

                          Hardware changed between my first and second boxes ...

                          BB-ROC170703PS - July Version : Chips marked ..
                          Controller Chip (?) SAMSUNG 646 . KLMAG2WEPD-B031 . S4ZN1010
                          Memory Chips (?) C71V217400

                          BB-ROC170811PS - August Version : Chips marked ..
                          Controller Chip (?) : SEC 701 . KLMAG1JENB . B041 . S558Z034
                          Memory Chips (?) : D / G

                          How did you open the top cover?


                            The memory chips - emmc &/or ROM - should not constitute a hardware change


                              HW Memory changed from MLC (Multi Level Cell) 3bit to 2bit

                              That may cause problems ? added Data Sheets above + changed to (component) change

                              Expert required ... not me.
                              Last edited by P.X; 26 September 2017, 18:41.


                                Originally posted by mabocoglu View Post

                                How did you open the top cover?
                                remove the rubber 'feet' to expose the screws

