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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    @Magendanz Many Thanks. 4k Netflix with the Mecool I would not have thought possible

    Is this then "only" with the modify rom possible (?) Or why should you choose this one: A guidance I find unfortunately not for this custom rom ... And whether the boot via micro-SD LibreELEC is possible, not synonymous. The Mecool (905x) is at Gearbest at the moment yes for 25 € quite cheap to get


      Originally posted by Reflexion View Post
      @Magendanz Many Thanks. 4k Netflix with the Mecool I would not have thought possible

      Is this then "only" with the modify rom possible (?) Or why should you choose this one: A guidance I find unfortunately not for this custom rom ... And whether the boot via micro-SD LibreELEC is possible, not synonymous. The Mecool (905x) is at Gearbest at the moment yes for 25 € quite cheap to get
      I used wrxtasy's dtb.img and remote.conf files in my LibreELEC build, but I confess that I don't know what the two ATV Nougat files are for. I'm thinking about reinstalling LibreELEC to try to fix my problems, and would like to know what, if anything, I should do with these files.


        I've reinstalled LibreELEC and fiddled and rebooted a few times, and now everything is working as it should! This is a cool little box.



          What do you think about this information: 4K for online video will be supported about 2017-10-01.

          Please see the screen below from: link.
          You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.
          Last edited by ready; 13 September 2017, 08:50.


          • trebor
            trebor commented
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            Looked like an add to me.
            only a month to go lets wait and see.

          Any progress in getting a bluetooth dongle working? (I'm waiting for my box).


          • Guest's Avatar
            Guest commented
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            I ordered from Hong Kong, so it hasn't arrived yet. Customs takes forever, it seems.

            Update: These just arrived. I'll take another look over the weekend.
            Last edited by Guest; 13 September 2017, 01:52.

          Originally posted by ready View Post

          What do you think about this information: 4K for online video will be supported about 2017-10-01.

          Please see the screen below from:
          where do you read ?
          Originally posted by Reflexion View Post
          The Mecool (905x) is at Gearbest at the moment yes for 25 € quite cheap to get
          2gb version is prefer, 1GB of RAM is too low for android.
          Last edited by looun; 12 September 2017, 09:48.


          • Guest's Avatar
            Guest commented
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            Yes, I agree. Smarter to pay a bit more for the 2G DRAM config.

          Magendanz Do you use a mecool m8s pro plus at home?
          Are you waiting for this box or a blue tooth dongle?

          Is a Bluetooth controller or a 2.4ghz controller any better than either one?


          • Guest's Avatar
            Guest commented
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            I have two GT1s that are my main media boxes, but I've also got a Mini M8S II (S905X) that I maintain for my in-laws. I'd hoped to switch them to the M8S Pro+, but my father in-law needs Bluetooth because he's losing his hearing and uses a BT headset. Personally, I use a Harmony universal remote that simulates the Nexus Player BT remote and I also use a BT headset in the exercise room on the treadmill, so it's also a non-starter for me without Bluetooth functionality.

            All my boxes at home are wired, but my in-laws use WiFi. So, the lack of 5GHz band isn't an issue for me, but it is for them.

            • All my boxes at home are wired, but my in-laws use WiFi. So, the lack of 5GHz band isn't an issue for me, but it is for them
          And the 2.4GHz is near worthless; I just installed a pigtail with RP-SMA and external antenna - still horribly slow - looks like is just a really poor wifi chip all round
          Powerline adapter is good option but is more expensive than the box!


            Do you know what WiFi chipset the mini m8s ii and mecool m8s pro plus use?


              Originally posted by pauljbl View Post
              Do you know what WiFi chipset the mini m8s ii and mecool m8s pro plus use?

              See here for the latter ........


                Originally posted by looun View Post
                where do you read ?
                4K for online video will be supported about 2017-10-01.

                Last edited by ready; 13 September 2017, 09:39.


                  Originally posted by P.X View Post
                  This box destroys my ADSL connection - When HDMI is connected it stops the ADSL-Router from working.
                  Hi. My situation is very similar - with the MECOOL plugged into the TV and router and on Standby, my internet slows down badly. Switch the MECOOL on and my internet dies. Remove power from the MECOOL and all is well. So I'm not blaming a particular cable in my case, just the existence of the MECOOL. Did you ever find a solution, Pete? If not, (and out of curiosity) what alternative box have you gone with? I'm really impressed with the performance of the MECOOL/LibreELEC combo and it bugs me that I'm going to have to get something else...


                    Originally posted by dortmunder View Post
                    Hi. My situation is very similar - with the MECOOL plugged into the TV and router and on Standby, my internet slows down badly. Switch the MECOOL on and my internet dies. Remove power from the MECOOL and all is well. So I'm not blaming a particular cable in my case, just the existence of the MECOOL. Did you ever find a solution, Pete? If not, (and out of curiosity) what alternative box have you gone with? I'm really impressed with the performance of the MECOOL/LibreELEC combo and it bugs me that I'm going to have to get something else...
                    Hi dortmunder

                    I have another on the way which will hopefully work better ...
                    In the meantime I have a filtered mains board for my ADSL Router and for a while with a different power supply I had about 75% speed, that has now dropped again to about 50% so I have ordered a bigger, hopefully better, 3A power supply. Still better than the 0% ADSL I had before.

                    I had to solder on the plug from the std. issue power supply as it is an oddly small plug.



                      Wow. New mains board, new power supply, soldering... I'm just taking the easy option and buying a different product. The MINIX Neo U1 is on my radar. Good luck with the new M8S when it comes.


                        Originally posted by dortmunder View Post
                        Wow. New mains board, new power supply, soldering... I'm just taking the easy option and buying a different product. The MINIX Neo U1 is on my radar. Good luck with the new M8S when it comes.

                        I had the spike protected/filtered 4 way mains board elsewhere so I just had to swap it

                        I already had the power supply to try out just had to parallel wire the second lead for the Mecool (couple of screws to split the case and a couple of dabs of solder) - Still works for it's original purpose and the (hopefully) higher quality replacement was only £5, yet to arrive ...

                        I am still hopeful of getting a fully working M8SPro+ as while I don't use Netflix, my brother does and the easy YouTube in 1080p (Says 4K as well but I can't test that) is great for me.

                        Not sure if it was this thread but someone asked about the YouTube version ? Mine is showing ATV YouTube Version 2.00.19

                        I have also sideloaded v12.34.54 so I can read comments when desired !


                        p.s. Just looked at the Minix U1 - seems good but a lot more money ($140 on GearBest) for very similar- e.g. CPU.
                        I'll let you know if the £5 power supply sorts things properly.
                        The U9-H with Widevine L1 and Octacore CPU may be a bigger step up !!! Just a little bit more expensive (again!) +$5 on GB
                        Last edited by P.X; 14 September 2017, 15:01. Reason: Added p.s.

