My second box arrived from BG - Quick 10 days to arrive.
Good news - The power supply is from a different manufacturer and ADSL is now back to running 100%
Bad news - Initially seemed OK testing with OEM ROM 7.1.1 NMF26Q 20170829.121624.V0321 but then it started freezing. Can be 20 seconds or 15 minutes but if freezes a lot - it seems to be every time !
Box doesn't seem to be getting hot, but that would be my guess.
Don't want to re-flash as it might happen during and .... BAD !
Seems to be a bit of a lottery going on. Some good , some bad
Video of a couple of freezes (Shaky, hand held, excuses, excuses etc.)
Update : Stayed on OK for just over an hour. I powered it OFF/ON by remote and it froze after 30sec ???