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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Looks like trebor found an OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 posted on the GeekBuying blog:!uZNjnR6Z!QAhnJ_q05q3kk2CGTmRIbQ

    I'll convert this to a burn package later tonight.

    UPDATE: Here's the .img file:
    Last edited by Guest; 27 September 2017, 07:05.


      Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
      Looks like trebor found an OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 posted on the GeekBuying blog:!uZNjnR6Z!QAhnJ_q05q3kk2CGTmRIbQ

      I'll convert this to a burn package later tonight.

      Brilliant news.

      Wow, blog post only 3 hours old.
      The very latest news.
      Geekbuying definitely seem more on the ball than Gearbest. Only last week they were still advising a reflash with the first .zip OEM ROM from July !


        The 20170919.150557.V6019 build looks pretty solid. I got my hopes up when I saw Google Cast in the Settings, but it appears to be no more functional than in our custom ROMs. Has anyone been able to get it to work with a screen cast (or something besides YouTube)?


          Unfortunately, I can't get TWRP to load. I think dm-verity protection might be enabled on this latest OEM ROM.

          Okay, I am seeing that there's no verity_key in the boot.img or recovery.img, and the fstab doesn't have any of the telltale signs. That's good news, but I still don't know why TWRP won't load.
          Last edited by Guest; 27 September 2017, 08:22.


            Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
            The 20170919.150557.V6019 build looks pretty solid. ,,
            Did you update a box that was previously running 8/15 image? There has been some speculation of a hardware change - if you successfully run 9/19 on an earlier box, then it dispels that and 9/19 would be a newer iteration.
            Last edited by DEcosse; 27 September 2017, 15:44.


            • Guest's Avatar
              Guest commented
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              Yes, it had previously been running the 0815 firmware, but I wasn't experiencing the hangs and crashes that others had. So, I can't really say if this new firmware release will help.

            Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
            Unfortunately, I can't get TWRP to load. I think dm-verity protection might be enabled on this latest OEM ROM.

            Okay, I am seeing that there's no verity_key in the boot.img or recovery.img, and the fstab doesn't have any of the telltale signs. That's good news, but I still don't know why TWRP won't load.
            hello Magendanz!! I'm thinking of buying a mecool M8S PRO W with the S905W chip, I think it's a new model and I do not see much information. You think it's possible that firmware will come out for this tv-box with TRWP, root and with top bar of notifications and inferior of navigation. Thank you very much.


            • Guest's Avatar
              Guest commented
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              I wasn't planning to support any of the S905W boxes at this point, but you never know.

            Magendanz was on 0815. The problem boxes are those with 0829 FW +

            My 0829 FW Box had issues and then when flashed with any FW based on any earlier dated FW it was effectively frozen.
            The latest V06xx FW series could have been designed to work on all boxes.

            I hope it is and also fixes my broken box. I'll report when I get a chance to try it ...


              OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 installed as an OTA update from the previous stock.
              I can see big progress - only one hang so far (during 30 minutes of clicking), previous versions was unable to do anything for more than 30 seconds.

              Magendanz do you think that you will be able to implement that stability to your ROM?


                Originally posted by kml View Post
                OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 installed as an OTA update from the previous stock.
                I can see big progress - only one hang so far (during 30 minutes of clicking), previous versions was unable to do anything for more than 30 seconds.

                Magendanz do you think that you will be able to implement that stability to your ROM?
                Good for you man. I installed the OTA update using USB. It hangs for me, couldn't get past the white screen when the box startup for the first time.
                "System First Setup APP, Don't Power off! Please wait...."

                I didn't power off even after 15 minutes. Never tried to wait longer than that; anyone has experience about how long the wait is when you first start it up? (maybe then i wait longer...)


                  Originally posted by kml View Post
                  OTA update for 20170919.150557.V6019 installed as an OTA update from the previous stock.
                  I can see big progress - only one hang so far (during 30 minutes of clicking), previous versions was unable to do anything for more than 30 seconds.

                  Magendanz do you think that you will be able to implement that stability to your ROM?

                  Did you go straight from 20170829 ?

                  If so then it is a real shame that Gearbest told me to flash the first .zip OTA.

                  Seems like going to an early FW has destroyed my box beyond the repair capabilities of the newest FW 20170919

                  Good news for those that didn't downdate already though.



                    Originally posted by P.X View Post
                    Did you go straight from 20170829 ?
                    My way:
                    1. stock - shipped with box, I don't know what it was
                    2. OTA update to: M8S_PRO+-V0321_TVStock-20170825 - lot of hangs
                    3. unsuccessfull downgrade to: M8S_PRO+-V0321_TVStock-20170730 by TWRP
                    4. Burn_Card_Maker to: M8S_PRO+-NMF26Q-20170815.182813.V0321
                    5. OTA to: M8S_PRO+-ota-20170919.150557.V0619

                    More test will come later, but so far it looks MUCH more stable than was on TVStock and 815.


                      Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
                      The 20170919.150557.V6019 build looks pretty solid. I got my hopes up when I saw Google Cast in the Settings, but it appears to be no more functional than in our custom ROMs. Has anyone been able to get it to work with a screen cast (or something besides YouTube)?
                      In my personal opinion, trying to get Google Cast work on a device not approved by Google is time wasted. As soon as you get it working, Google is likely to send you a cease & desist. That is what happened with YouMap Cast app from VMLite.


                        Originally posted by kml View Post

                        My way:
                        1. stock - shipped with box, I don't know what it was
                        2. OTA update to: M8S_PRO+-V0321_TVStock-20170825 - lot of hangs
                        3. unsuccessfull downgrade to: M8S_PRO+-V0321_TVStock-20170730 by TWRP
                        4. Burn_Card_Maker to: M8S_PRO+-NMF26Q-20170815.182813.V0321
                        5. OTA to: M8S_PRO+-ota-20170919.150557.V0619

                        More test will come later, but so far it looks MUCH more stable than was on TVStock and 815.
                        kml when did you got the box? Just trying to figure what is your original box fw.
                        In your step 4, you got it back to 20170815, the box was just as bad hang then?
                        Does it get past

                        I also did Step 5 with OTA update using Android Recovery and Update through External Disk (USB Disk)
                        Successfully updated, reboot and has always stuck at the same white screen.


                          So I downloaded the *img file that Magedanz provided in post #496. Just thought to try it with the Burning Tool to get my box to work. Here the screenshot on my PC on the Tool:

                          Step 1: With the Tool installed and started, connect the USB Cable to the Box's USB OTG port with the "reset button" held down with a pin or some sort.
                          Below image shows 'Connect Success'.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	burn1.jpg
Views:	244
Size:	114.3 KB
ID:	673820

                          Step 2: Check to make sure Erase Flash (I set it on Normal Erase), and Erase bootloader is checked.
                          Then Click 'Start'
                          Below image shows that it's started (4% when I screenshot)
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	burn2.jpg
Views:	195
Size:	113.2 KB
ID:	673821

                          Step 3: Not really a Step, but I'm calling it anyway.
                          The screen shows that it is '100% Burning successfuly'
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	burn3.jpg
Views:	186
Size:	122.0 KB
ID:	673822

                          Step 4: Following the instruction at "Notice" I clicked on 'Stop'
                          Below image is the last screenshot I took before I then exit the program.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	burn4.jpg
Views:	193
Size:	137.8 KB
ID:	673823

                          All this while, until I exit the program, the USB connection is still connected to the PC. But as I did not Choose 'Reset after success', I then followed up with removing the USB (which will also remove the power supply to the box)
                          The next to do is simply turn the power on and keep my fingers crossed.

                          Can anyone comment if I have done correctly thus far? there's only a small number of options to click anyway.. I had never used the Overwrite key since an earlier post said to make sure that remains unchecked. Any comments appreciated.


                            Box came yesterday - dispatched 09.09.2017 from Gearbest.
                            After rollback to 815 I had random hangs - just like on 825. I had couple of white screen stucks also - but it went somehow after cycling the power...

