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Nexbox A95X Pro Android TV OS 2GB/16GB Netflix 720P YT4K S905W 4K Voice Remote 2.4G WiFi LAN

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    Originally posted by arnookie View Post

    I saw you had issues installing what installing method did you use? Thanks for helping me.
    Did you break your box with SuperSU? If yes just flash unsu.,zip with tanix tx3mini it will boot under stuck recovery you gan get it on tanix website like I say get recovery to tarp and flash don't just flash another rom it will not be the same, the box will work but not on its full potential I can help you pass this, got to go to work now I'll be here tommorow waiting for you if you need help but please just don't rush and flash another rom...


      Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

      I used the USB Burn tool method. I opened the burn tool that I had already installed, but when I updated my Windows 10, it must have killed the drivers. I just reinstalled the USB Burn tool and it installed the drivers. After that, as soon as plugged in my box to my computer, it connected right away. So, the issue was not having the drivers installed.

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      thank you I might give it a try. I wonder if burning with burning tools would remove the root? I dont have root or twrp and i dont think will flash with stock recovery.But would it if burnt with the tool? Just an idea!


        Originally posted by arnookie View Post

        thank you I might give it a try. I wonder if burning with burning tools would remove the root? I dont have root or twrp and i dont think will flash with stock recovery.But would it if burnt with the tool? Just an idea!
        I don't think the burning tool has that capability.
        MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


          Originally posted by hcardoso483 View Post

          Did you break your box with SuperSU? If yes just flash unsu.,zip with tanix tx3mini it will boot under stuck recovery you gan get it on tanix website like I say get recovery to tarp and flash don't just flash another rom it will not be the same, the box will work but not on its full potential I can help you pass this, got to go to work now I'll be here tommorow waiting for you if you need help but please just don't rush and flash another rom...
          I just saw your post. I have not done anything apart from stupidly updated super su and got stuck boot loop. I have not flashed anything and have not tried because i dare not change stock recovery in case I end up having to return the box.
          I had the idea of burning with the burn tools but not sure if that would work. I just need a that would flash with stock recovery, shame none exists. Would be an easy way out of bad Superuser install. My own stupid fault I know!

          Edit :-
          I just got what you were saying sorry was a little confused above. So I need to download Tanix tx3mini, is that the name of the zip or would it just be install that image from recovery with micro sdcard? then with tanix install Am I following what you said correctly? I can not see a download for Tanix tx3mini, on the tanix website. Do you have a link to the file i need on the site? Please help because I really dont want to return the box just because of the stupid mistake i made updating supersu. What an idiot I am. :0-)
          Last edited by arnookie; 30 May 2018, 02:27.


            Originally posted by arnookie View Post

            I just saw your post. I have not done anything apart from stupidly updated super su and got stuck boot loop. I have not flashed anything and have not tried because i dare not change stock recovery in case I end up having to return the box. If I install twrp and they check they will see its been messed about with. Plus I do not have root so would not be able to flash twrp. I had the idea of burning with the burn tools but not sure if that would work. I just need a that would flash with stock recovery, shame none exists. Would be an easy way out of bad Superuser install. My own stupid fault I know!

            Edit :-
            I just got what you were saying sorry was a little confused above. So I need to download Tanix tx3mini, is that the name of the zip or would it just be install that image from recovery with micro sdcard? then with tanix install Am I following what you said correctly? I can not see a download for Tanix tx3mini, on the tanix website. Do you have a link to the file i need on the site? Please help because I really dont want to return the box just because of the stupid mistake i made updating supersu. What an idiot I am. :0-)
            I broke my box doing the something, trying to install SuperSU and the updated binaries. While waiting for a firmware for this box, I installed the ATVXperience ROM, and it is working good. Still has missing features that the original firmware has, but is usable.
            MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


              Originally posted by arnookie View Post

              I just saw your post. I have not done anything apart from stupidly updated super su and got stuck boot loop. I have not flashed anything and have not tried because i dare not change stock recovery in case I end up having to return the box.
              I had the idea of burning with the burn tools but not sure if that would work. I just need a that would flash with stock recovery, shame none exists. Would be an easy way out of bad Superuser install. My own stupid fault I know!

              Edit :-
              I just got what you were saying sorry was a little confused above. So I need to download Tanix tx3mini, is that the name of the zip or would it just be install that image from recovery with micro sdcard? then with tanix install Am I following what you said correctly? I can not see a download for Tanix tx3mini, on the tanix website. Do you have a link to the file i need on the site? Please help because I really dont want to return the box just because of the stupid mistake i made updating supersu. What an idiot I am. :0-)
              Yes that is it don flash no firmware you still can have your box back with the original firmware you need to flash with TWRP some of us already got our box back, don't follow the flash new firmware advice becouse who say that don't know what is saying, if you need help let me know just find a TWRP recovery that runs with your box download and flash

              1 get TWRP recovery
              2 get 3 boot to TWRP recovery
              4 flash
              5 reboot

              Congratulations you got your box back.
              If you get trouble finding the files let me know

              You now don't have root access anymore , give a couple of days I will get root back as well in the mean time enjoy your box. Just one thing the original firmware that came with the box is not available and the manufacturer does not provide you that firmware, another thing some people reported that if they find that you messed up with system they will not replace your device so make a backup with TWRP just in case something happens.
              Last edited by hcardoso483; 30 May 2018, 08:19.


                I figured it out and fifix it last night. It was easy but yep now no root. I was really confused with your post yesterday till I realised you meant to say twrp and not tarp. Lol


                  The must take out some stock system root software.
                  i wonder if installing super su again will work now the stock root has been broken. Not sure if it's worth trying or maybe I should try install magisk. Not sure what to do really as don't want to mess box up even more and find I can't recover again. Magisk maybe the way to go. What do you think?


                    Originally posted by hcardoso483 View Post

                    Yes that is it don flash no firmware you still can have your box back with the original firmware you need to flash with TWRP some of us already got our box back, don't follow the flash new firmware advice becouse who say that don't know what is saying, if you need help let me know just find a TWRP recovery that runs with your box download and flash

                    1 get TWRP recovery
                    2 get 3 boot to TWRP recovery
                    4 flash
                    5 reboot

                    Congratulations you got your box back.
                    If you get trouble finding the files let me know

                    You now don't have root access anymore , give a couple of days I will get root back as well in the mean time enjoy your box. Just one thing the original firmware that came with the box is not available and the manufacturer does not provide you that firmware, another thing some people reported that if they find that you messed up with system they will not replace your device so make a backup with TWRP just in case something happens.
                    Thank you I figured it out last night and fixed it. I lost root now though. Might be worth trying to install su again. Maybe it will work with stock root now being broken. Or maybe try magisk.


                      Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

                      I broke my box doing the something, trying to install SuperSU and the updated binaries. While waiting for a firmware for this box, I installed the ATVXperience ROM, and it is working good. Still has missing features that the original firmware has, but is usable.
                      Fixed it thank you. I just used unroot to fix it from bootable twrp.


                        Originally posted by arnookie View Post

                        Thank you I figured it out last night and fixed it. I lost root now though. Might be worth trying to install su again. Maybe it will work with stock root now being broken. Or maybe try magisk.
                        Try Magisk that will work but you need to remove all sure files first, do a TWRP backup so you can be safe


                          Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

                          I broke my box doing the something, trying to install SuperSU and the updated binaries. While waiting for a firmware for this box, I installed the ATVXperience ROM, and it is working good. Still has missing features that the original firmware has, but is usable.
                          Please mate let people have the boxes like stock ok ATVxperience is a good thing but not for this device I already try to save yours but you assumed that I was doing something else so please let others be saved just because you f**ked up and though i was being dodgy you are stuck in that firmware, once you remove the stock firmware from the a95x pro there is no going back what ever you do you can't remove or replace the firmware even if you now restore a TWRP backup from someone you will be stuck in a loading screen just after boot so please don't advice people to flash some other firmware coz they will never be able to go back it won't work anymore, what do you think Amlogic don't opensource their firmware nobody got the Amlogic sdk so what ever rom's are out there all of them are modifications not new things some people combine firmware from 3 or 5 or 7 box all together just to build one rom coz there is no sdk, and in this particular one because it has Google's wdvine keys is just not possible


                            Originally posted by hcardoso483 View Post

                            Please mate let people have the boxes like stock ok ATVxperience is a good thing but not for this device I already try to save yours but you assumed that I was doing something else so please let others be saved just because you f**ked up and though i was being dodgy you are stuck in that firmware, once you remove the stock firmware from the a95x pro there is no going back what ever you do you can't remove or replace the firmware even if you now restore a TWRP backup from someone you will be stuck in a loading screen just after boot so please don't advice people to flash some other firmware coz they will never be able to go back it won't work anymore, what do you think Amlogic don't opensource their firmware nobody got the Amlogic sdk so what ever rom's are out there all of them are modifications not new things some people combine firmware from 3 or 5 or 7 box all together just to build one rom coz there is no sdk, and in this particular one because it has Google's wdvine keys is just not possible
                            I BROKE my device, and had a choice, toss it in the trash bin, or look for anther firmware to replace it........... Did YOU BREAK your device?? Is that why you installed ATVXperience???? I had already installed the ATVXperience before you said you had a way to bring it back to life. I am still waiting and hoping that you can get a backup that will restore the original firmware to my box.

                            In the mean time, the ATVXperience firmware is working well, not as good as the original, but usable, otherwise it would have been in the trash bin.
                            MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                              Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

                              I BROKE my device, and had a choice, toss it in the trash bin, or look for anther firmware to replace it........... Did YOU BREAK your device?? Is that why you installed ATVXperience???? I had already installed the ATVXperience before you said you had a way to bring it back to life. I am still waiting and hoping that you can get a backup that will restore the original firmware to my box.

                              In the mean time, the ATVXperience firmware is working well, not as good as the original, but usable, otherwise it would have been in the trash bin.
                              I already answer to you if you install another rom there is nothing I can do becouse you change your kernel and God knows what else I had to make a ton of changes to make it boot on mi x96mini I don't own a a95x pro it is the same could but it ends there and becouse you no longer have original uboot and what ever more I cantc do zip the only way I could help you is if I own one, but for the people that still have every stock file in it know what to do in your case is a risk from top to bottom and I don't blame you for using that ATVxperience good thing you do at least you got it working but please don't advice others to do the same as you becouse there is no turning back, the developer of the ATVxperience rom is expecting one of them boxes to develop from it ask him becouse he is the one that any help becouse he's got the device to work with, I don't, I had to make a lot of.changes to make it boot and I don't have that device to make the nessasser changes for it to go back, if you still had I could restore it understand now, if you keep saving people to install other rom no matter what rom that is any one I can't help them to go back it's not just a simple restore get it...


                              • scooter2014
                                scooter2014 commented
                                Editing a comment
                                It's always problem when no firmware for device. Flashing android not like linux not much chance of making it non working if it's already fubar. If it is then flashing the other firmware ok... Getting to flash another ok done it already. Your advice to wait flash orginal or back up most in that position dont have that option as no back up or firmware... dont toast those trying methods to get working toast dumb ass manufacture for holding onto pirated firmware that they wont release because they pirated apk to get Netflix HD. That's the real reason no firmware posted it being released for this crap device. 39 bucks if it works with any firmware your a lucky guy. .... support ain't coming anytime soon...

                              Yes mate you are right, someone gave me a image of the system partition I looked at it and it lists as fugu device that's the old good Nexus player and it's test keys so nowere in the world this is proper firmware this is some back to develop ice that works kinda good, they are afraid to release firmware coz they know they will get in tribos for violating intelectual property of Google, I kinda know what's going on with this firmware so as you do know to, I told clarkss12 that Mecool M8S PRO W is the same box as A95X Pro (nothing that we never see in devices coming from China right) maybe he could flash that kind, I told him as well that there are 2 versions of the same firmware one is stock (I did not opened it so I don't know if it is release keys) and there is another one made by @Megamendez that is very well done, why not give it a go. Nothing to lose...Be aware that there are at least 4 versions of the M8S the one that is cloned is the pro W...

