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MECOOL KM8 Google Certified Android TV Box with Voice Remote - S905X Android 8.0 2/16GB VP9 HDR10 Dolby Audio YT 4K

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    Originally posted by axionflow View Post
    Thank you, clarkss12 for all the info. Before making the decision to upgrade to Android 9, try several dtg.img on the coreElec page. None works for me. I could enter kodi but the network or the bluethoo was not enabled. I bought this box in amazon for $ 30 and my interest was only for kodi. If you could share your dtb.img file, I would appreciate it.
    If you were able to get into CoreELEC, but the network and Bluetooth did NOT work, then you used the wrong dtb.....

    I have installed Android 9 on my KM8, and it has a locked bootloader, so not CoreELEC or LibreELEC possible. I used the microSD card that had CoreELEC on it, on another box.

    If you really NEED that dtb, I can re-install Android 8 and create a new CoreELEC port to get the correct dtb...
    MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


      Originally posted by axionflow View Post
      Install coreElec with a pendrive. I ask, can this be the reason why I did not recognize the wifi and bluethoo drivers?

      If CoreELEC works using the pendrive, then the issues is the wrong dtb. Try different ones. I am making the assumption, that you are coping the different device trees from the folder, and coping them to the root of your pendrive, and renaming that file "dtb.img".
      MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


        Thanks again. You have described very well what I did. Take each file and convert it to a dtb.img. I'm waiting for the 32 card and the male to male cable, I'll be arriving soon and I'll be able to do other experiments.
        What is strange to me is that no file will work. This box I still have time to return, but shipping is very expensive for me, even taking prime. I will stay with it, and if it falls into the hands of a good programmer who wants to make a quality firmware.

        I have searched and searched, and there is nothing. AMAZING.


          Originally posted by axionflow View Post
          Thanks again. You have described very well what I did. Take each file and convert it to a dtb.img. I'm waiting for the 32 card and the male to male cable, I'll be arriving soon and I'll be able to do other experiments.
          What is strange to me is that no file will work. This box I still have time to return, but shipping is very expensive for me, even taking prime. I will stay with it, and if it falls into the hands of a good programmer who wants to make a quality firmware.

          I have searched and searched, and there is nothing. AMAZING.
          What version of Android are you running on that box. Does Ethernet work?
          MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


            Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

            What version of Android are you running on that box. Does Ethernet work?

            Install Android 9. Wifi is a disaster. Ehternet I have not tried it. I let you know if it works.


              I installed Android 9 on my box X96 Amlogic s905x

              Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers.

              I wish you all good.
              Password for archive
              Possibly likable firmware.


                Originally posted by sagert View Post
                I installed Android 9 on my box X96 Amlogic s905x

                Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers.

                I wish you all good.
                Password for archive
                Possibly likable firmware.

                Install the firmware. It worked. The bluetooth does not work. It is a costum rom. The; programmer is "daivietpda" has a channel on youtube. It is dated 05/05/19. Unfortunately without bluethoo. If you are going to install this rom, make sure you have the Amlogic tools and the most important thing is a rom.img. OTA versions do not work.

                See page 20, the programmer is Magendanz Magendanz Rom Developer. The post an .img version


                  gxl_p212_2g, worked on the CoreElec version. No wifi, just wiring. I'm still looking for options


                    Originally posted by axionflow View Post
                    gxl_p212_2g, worked on the CoreElec version. No wifi, just wiring. I'm still looking for options
                    I use the same "gxl_p212_2g.img" from device_trees folder of the installation (size 40.796kb) on my KM8 with CoreElec 9.0.2 and have good WiFi performance. Never used ethernet, as wifi serves me well.


                      It is quite possible that the manufacturer swapped the WiFi module........... This a common practice.
                      MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                        Originally posted by axionflow View Post
                        gxl_p212_2g, worked on the CoreElec version. No wifi, just wiring. I'm still looking for options
                        I have same problem


                          Android 9 really messed up the KM8.
                          Still not possible to boot CoreELEC from a micro-sd card?

                          I also ran DRM Info tool and it had no mention of Playready DRM anymore.
                          since I don't use Amazon Prime anymore, can anyone confirm if Amazon Prime Video is still working in HD and the AndroidTV app still works?


                            Originally posted by mo123 View Post
                            Android 9 really messed up the KM8.
                            Still not possible to boot CoreELEC from a micro-sd card?

                            I also ran DRM Info tool and it had no mention of Playready DRM anymore.
                            since I don't use Amazon Prime anymore, can anyone confirm if Amazon Prime Video is still working in HD and the AndroidTV app still works?
                            Can I safely downgrade to Oreo. Does downgrade keep L1 and other certifities


                              just tried, I can boot to CE / LE from both SD/USB only problem is wifi/bt. No need for downgrade to 8.0, only right dtb. USB wifi dongle also works but its messy


                                Mine is updated to Android Pie (9) and kept the Google Widevine L1 and Microsoft Playready DRM modules support.

                                I confirm Amazon Prime Video for Android TV app still works.

                                Did not check if can boot to CoreELEC/LibreELEC via USB/SD.

