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Cube T9 64bit octacore A53 4G beast.

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    Originally posted by Edius View Post
    No,hold on.
    It seems like I'll have to do another 'How To' about flashing ROM's with SP Flash Tool, step-by-step.
    What you quoted was procedure to flash TWRP recovery/reflash stock recovery.
    After 9 hours starting from now you'll find that here.
    I'm really tired and need some sleep.

    ok. thanks. have a good night.
    Plus should I try system recovery before flash( you mentioned that problems are expected) or go straight to flash...
    Last edited by prague77; 05 March 2015, 00:22.


      Originally posted by Booshman View Post
      I just upwith ed to 1.07. Hopefully I stop getting the restart issues that I've had since 1.06.
      My update went smoothly as well. Re-rooted with vRoot!

      Now, Cube ...bring on the Lollipop!

      Added info...
      Deleted 3D CPU, with which I was trying to control the cpu a bit ..seeing 1.06 was having reboot issues.

      Now 1.07 is on it's own. Lets see how stable she be!

      So far, NO reboots!
      Last edited by BamaPanda; 05 March 2015, 19:09.
      Cube T9; Pipo M8 Pro (on life support); LG gPad


        Originally posted by Edius View Post
        My advice is to wait a little bit more.
        Price is going up for T9 maybe due to Chinese holidays and high demand.
        My T9 was ~250 $ six weeks ago.
        T9 is a big step forward when I look back to my ex 9X in a lot of areas.
        If I'll have oportunity to choose again...T9 will be my choice.
        Thank you. You helped me decide. I think I will wait then. (I hate waiting). A number of sellers on Aliexpress are selling for $250, but I prefer to use a site that uses PayPal.


          Originally posted by BamaPanda View Post

          Geekbuying has a return option for the states that costs very little extra. If there an issue with a tab bought there, it is an easy return to an address stateside, not all the way back to China.

          Hope this helps.

          Added this.
          Thank a for taking GeekBuying Customer Satisfaction survey. Here is the 5% off coupon: JGFDEDPQ It is a one-time code and valid to Mar. 28th, 2014 ( GMT + 8). Please note that the coupon could not be used with on-sale items.
          Thanks for the info. Right now GeekBuying is selling it for 279.99, which is higher than most other sites. I will wait and hope the price comes down. If you chose DHL shipping, did you have to pay any additional taxes or fees on delivery?


            Originally posted by kravmama1 View Post
            Thanks for the info. Right now GeekBuying is selling it for 279.99, which is higher than most other sites. I will wait and hope the price comes down. If you chose DHL shipping, did you have to pay any additional taxes or fees on delivery?
            Lots of good sites to buy from, but GB is one that has easy return if there is an issue. Slight cost, but worth it. That is the main reason I mentioned them.

            The 5% discount would bring it down to 265 ...still a bit high. One thing you might try is to look for a price match icon / reference on the website of your choice. If 250 is good, I can see a site like GB matching it with the needed info.

            I totally agree about using Paypal! Only way to fly.

            I wish you well!
            Cube T9; Pipo M8 Pro (on life support); LG gPad


              Originally posted by BamaPanda View Post
              ... It is also a bit heavier and thicker because of a bigger battery....
              Just a little clarification: T9 and 9x have exaclty the same battery
              if you appreciate my efforts this is the link for any donation:


                Originally posted by prague77 View Post
                Plus should I try system recovery before flash( you mentioned that problems are expected) or go straight to flash...
                You'll find here all you need
                Regarding that error... I think you have some damaged files on System partition.
                Just flash FW V1.04 with SP Flash Tool with all these steps mandatory.
                Update OTA to 1.05>1.06>1.07
                Flash TWRP as you see here (all steps are mandatory)
                Backup all partitions using TWRP onto your external SD card (save later to your PC as a safety measure). Use that clean system state for backup (no root, no apps installed)

                If you need to root, root using TWRP with SuperSu and you'll don't see anymore mesages about damaged system files.
                Install app's and use as you wish.
                I guess we will see in the future a few OTA use OTA just reflash only original factory recovery through SP Flash Tool and you'll have succesfully update.



                  Originally posted by Edius View Post
                  You'll find here all you need
                  Regarding that error... I think you have some damaged files on System partition.
                  Just flash FW V1.04 with SP Flash Tool with all these steps mandatory.
                  Update OTA to 1.05>1.06>1.07
                  Flash TWRP as you see here (all steps are mandatory)
                  Backup all partitions using TWRP onto your external SD card (save later to your PC as a safety measure). Use that clean system state for backup (no root, no apps installed)

                  If you need to root, root using TWRP with SuperSu and you'll don't see anymore mesages about damaged system files.
                  Install app's and use as you wish.
                  I guess we will see in the future a few OTA use OTA just reflash only original factory recovery through SP Flash Tool and you'll have succesfully update.
                  Thanks for all.
                  I think i wont root anymore
                  So, is it necessary, after re flashing FW, to flash TWRP?


                    Originally posted by prague77 View Post
                    Thanks for all.
                    I think i wont root anymore
                    So, is it necessary, after re flashing FW, to flash TWRP?
                    I say YES, that's only way for us to save all partition including NVRAM
                    If you lose your IMEI restoring NVRAM is only way to get that back (there is some alternative methods like using some Mediatek apps used in factory environment to rewrite IMEI, but you need some skills for that.)


                      Originally posted by giouncino View Post
                      Just a little clarification: T9 and 9x have exaclty the same battery
                      I would have sworn that the 9X had an 8500 mAh battery, but everything so far I see today says it has a 10000 mAh battery ...just like the T9!

                      What gives? Was I just imaging this?

                      I apologize then, as I must have been reporting it wrong all this time.

                      Well...since they have the same battery ...the extra weight for the T9 is due only to the inner roll cage / plate, making Cube's decision to change the build from the 9X ...a decision to make the T9 more robust, more able to survive a drop.

                      If that is true, it really changes the equation.

                      Cube T9; Pipo M8 Pro (on life support); LG gPad


                        Have mine t9 since last week, it came with 1.6

                        I have rooted with iroot pc version (formerly known as vroot)

                        Today updated to 1.7 - all run flawlessly, then re-rooted again - no problem at all

                        But with 1.6 I have struggled a bad bug.

                        I had issue with the hardware keyboard (have tried 3 different bluetooth keyboards). Resolution was to manually remap the keyboard (edit the text file which contains the mapping - needs root). After update to 1.7 it still works, but I suppose its not fixed with that update.... probably someone can confirm...

                        Can someone try to set-up a mozilla sync account and try to sync, I am interested if it will crash the browser, it always crashes on mine...



                          Originally posted by blocker View Post
                          Have mine t9 since last week, it came with 1.6

                          I have rooted with iroot pc version (formerly known as vroot)

                          Today updated to 1.7 - all run flawlessly, then re-rooted again - no problem at all

                          But with 1.6 I have struggled a bad bug.

                          I had issue with the hardware keyboard (have tried 3 different bluetooth keyboards). Resolution was to manually remap the keyboard (edit the text file which contains the mapping - needs root). After update to 1.7 it still works, but I suppose its not fixed with that update.... probably someone can confirm...

                          Can someone try to set-up a mozilla sync account and try to sync, I am interested if it will crash the browser, it always crashes on mine...

                          Thank you for the report. Can you explain in detail the procedure for manually remap the keyboard, I have this same problem; thank you in advance.


                            Originally posted by AGBOHOU View Post
                            Thank you for the report. Can you explain in detail the procedure for manually remap the keyboard, I have this same problem; thank you in advance.
                            Cube T9; Pipo M8 Pro (on life support); LG gPad


                              Originally posted by AGBOHOU View Post
                              Thank you for the report. Can you explain in detail the procedure for manually remap the keyboard, I have this same problem; thank you in advance.
                              Hi, the procedure I have used is dirty, but it works. It can be expanded, and can be made "the right way", but I did not had the time for it, becuase I needed the hardware keyboard to work ASAP! You do it on your OWN RISK!!! Note that this way some of the guestures might become broke (personally I did not experienced any problems with guestures, at least the guestures I use are not broken)

                              Make sure you backup the file you edit (filename and path are bellow)!!!

                              1. you need to root the t9 first

                              2. ssh to the t9 (I use sshdroid)

                              3. remount /system rw with the wollowing command: mount -o remount,rw /system

                              4. go to the specific folder: cd /system/usr/keylayout

                              5. backup Generic.kl: cp Generic.kl Generic.kl_bcp
                              (this makes a copy of the original file in /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl_bcp, you can of course copy it to another location, or multiple locations)

                              6. use editor (I use vi) to edit Generic.kl: vi Generic.kl

                              7. Find out which keys are not working and remap them, for example Z and BACKSPACE were not working for me (and a couple of others)

                              Here is the content of my file, you can fine tune yours, as you like, after you are ready with editing, save, exit, and reboot your device in order to load the new file and mount the /system folder ro again...

                              key 1 ESCAPE
                              key 2 1
                              key 3 2
                              key 4 3
                              key 5 4
                              key 6 5
                              key 7 6
                              key 8 7
                              key 9 8
                              key 10 9
                              key 11 0
                              key 12 MINUS
                              key 13 EQUALS
                              key 14 DEL
                              key 15 TAB
                              key 16 Q
                              key 17 W
                              key 18 E
                              key 19 R
                              key 20 T
                              key 21 Y
                              key 22 U
                              key 23 I
                              key 24 O
                              key 25 P
                              key 26 LEFT_BRACKET
                              key 27 RIGHT_BRACKET
                              key 28 ENTER
                              key 29 CTRL_LEFT
                              key 30 A
                              key 31 S
                              key 32 D
                              key 33 F
                              key 34 G
                              key 35 H
                              key 36 J
                              key 37 K
                              key 38 L
                              key 39 SEMICOLON
                              key 40 APOSTROPHE
                              key 41 GRAVE
                              key 42 SHIFT_LEFT
                              key 43 BACKSLASH
                              key 44 Z
                              key 45 X
                              key 46 C
                              key 47 V
                              key 48 B
                              key 49 N
                              key 50 M
                              key 51 COMMA
                              key 52 PERIOD
                              key 53 SLASH
                              key 54 SHIFT_RIGHT
                              key 55 NUMPAD_MULTIPLY
                              key 56 ALT_LEFT
                              key 57 SPACE
                              key 58 CAPS_LOCK
                              key 59 F1
                              key 60 F2
                              key 61 F3
                              key 62 F4
                              key 63 F5
                              key 64 F6
                              key 65 F7
                              key 66 F8
                              key 67 F9
                              key 68 F10
                              key 69 NUM_LOCK
                              key 70 SCROLL_LOCK
                              key 71 NUMPAD_7
                              key 72 NUMPAD_8
                              key 73 NUMPAD_9
                              key 74 NUMPAD_SUBTRACT
                              key 75 NUMPAD_4
                              key 76 NUMPAD_5
                              key 77 NUMPAD_6
                              key 78 NUMPAD_ADD
                              key 79 NUMPAD_1
                              key 80 NUMPAD_2
                              key 81 NUMPAD_3
                              key 82 NUMPAD_0
                              key 83 NUMPAD_DOT
                              # key 84 (undefined)
                              key 85 ZENKAKU_HANKAKU
                              key 86 BACKSLASH
                              key 87 F11
                              key 88 F12
                              key 89 RO
                              # key 90 "KEY_KATAKANA"
                              # key 91 "KEY_HIRAGANA"
                              key 92 HENKAN
                              key 93 KATAKANA_HIRAGANA
                              key 94 MUHENKAN
                              key 95 NUMPAD_COMMA
                              key 96 NUMPAD_ENTER
                              key 97 CTRL_RIGHT
                              key 98 NUMPAD_DIVIDE
                              key 99 SYSRQ
                              key 100 ALT_RIGHT
                              # key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
                              key 102 MOVE_HOME
                              key 103 DPAD_UP
                              key 104 PAGE_UP
                              key 105 DPAD_LEFT
                              key 106 DPAD_RIGHT
                              key 107 MOVE_END
                              key 108 DPAD_DOWN
                              key 109 PAGE_DOWN
                              key 110 INSERT
                              key 111 FORWARD_DEL
                              # key 112 "KEY_MACRO"
                              key 113 VOLUME_MUTE
                              key 114 VOLUME_DOWN
                              key 115 VOLUME_UP
                              key 116 BLACK_GESUTURE_0
                              key 117 NUMPAD_EQUALS
                              # key 118 "KEY_KPPLUSMINUS"
                              key 119 BREAK
                              # key 120 (undefined)
                              key 121 NUMPAD_COMMA
                              key 122 KANA
                              key 123 EISU
                              key 124 YEN
                              key 125 META_LEFT
                              key 126 META_RIGHT
                              key 127 MENU WAKE_DROPPED
                              key 128 MEDIA_STOP
                              # key 129 "KEY_AGAIN"
                              # key 130 "KEY_PROPS"
                              # key 131 "KEY_UNDO"
                              # key 132 "KEY_FRONT"
                              # key 133 "KEY_COPY"
                              # key 134 "KEY_OPEN"
                              # key 135 "KEY_PASTE"
                              # key 136 "KEY_FIND"
                              # key 137 "KEY_CUT"
                              # key 138 "KEY_HELP"
                              key 139 MENU WAKE_DROPPED
                              key 140 CALCULATOR
                              # key 141 "KEY_SETUP"
                              key 142 POWER WAKE
                              key 143 POWER WAKE
                              # key 144 "KEY_FILE"
                              # key 145 "KEY_SENDFILE"
                              # key 146 "KEY_DELETEFILE"
                              # key 147 "KEY_XFER"
                              # key 148 "KEY_PROG1"
                              # key 149 "KEY_PROG2"
                              key 150 EXPLORER
                              # key 151 "KEY_MSDOS"
                              key 152 POWER WAKE
                              # key 153 "KEY_DIRECTION"
                              # key 154 "KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS"
                              key 155 ENVELOPE
                              key 156 BOOKMARK
                              # key 157 "KEY_COMPUTER"
                              key 158 BACK WAKE_DROPPED
                              key 159 FORWARD
                              key 160 MEDIA_CLOSE
                              key 161 MEDIA_EJECT
                              key 162 MEDIA_EJECT
                              key 163 MEDIA_NEXT
                              key 164 MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE
                              key 165 MEDIA_PREVIOUS
                              key 166 MEDIA_STOP
                              key 167 MEDIA_RECORD
                              key 168 MEDIA_REWIND
                              key 169 CALL
                              # key 170 "KEY_ISO"
                              key 171 MUSIC
                              key 172 HOME
                              # key 173 "KEY_REFRESH"
                              # key 174 "KEY_EXIT"
                              # key 175 "KEY_MOVE"
                              # key 176 "KEY_EDIT"
                              key 177 PAGE_UP
                              key 178 PAGE_DOWN
                              key 179 NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN
                              key 180 NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN
                              # key 181 "KEY_NEW"
                              # key 182 "KEY_REDO"
                              # key 183 F13
                              # key 184 F14
                              # key 185 F15
                              # key 186 F16
                              # key 187 F17
                              # key 188 F18
                              # key 189 F19
                              # key 190 F20
                              # key 191 F21
                              # key 192 F22
                              # key 193 F23
                              # key 194 F24
                              # key 195 (undefined)
                              # key 196 (undefined)
                              # key 197 (undefined)
                              # key 198 (undefined)
                              # key 199 (undefined)
                              key 200 MEDIA_PLAY
                              key 201 MEDIA_PAUSE
                              # key 202 "KEY_PROG3"
                              # key 203 "KEY_PROG4"
                              # key 204 (undefined)
                              # key 205 "KEY_SUSPEND"
                              # key 206 "KEY_CLOSE"
                              key 207 MEDIA_PLAY
                              key 208 MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD
                              # key 209 "KEY_BASSBOOST"
                              # key 210 "KEY_PRINT"
                              # key 211 "KEY_HP"
                              key 212 CAMERA
                              key 213 MUSIC
                              # key 214 "KEY_QUESTION"
                              key 215 ENVELOPE
                              # key 216 "KEY_CHAT"
                              key 217 SEARCH
                              # key 218 "KEY_CONNECT"
                              # key 219 "KEY_FINANCE"
                              # key 220 "KEY_SPORT"
                              # key 221 "KEY_SHOP"
                              # key 222 "KEY_ALTERASE"
                              # key 223 "KEY_CANCEL"
                              key 224 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN
                              key 225 BRIGHTNESS_UP
                              key 226 HEADSETHOOK

                              key 256 BUTTON_1
                              key 257 BUTTON_2
                              key 258 BUTTON_3
                              key 259 BUTTON_4
                              key 260 BUTTON_5
                              key 261 BUTTON_6
                              key 262 BUTTON_7
                              key 263 BUTTON_8
                              key 264 BUTTON_9
                              key 265 BUTTON_10
                              key 266 BUTTON_11
                              key 267 BUTTON_12
                              key 268 BUTTON_13
                              key 269 BUTTON_14
                              key 270 BUTTON_15
                              key 271 BUTTON_16

                              key 288 BUTTON_1
                              key 289 BUTTON_2
                              key 290 BUTTON_3
                              key 291 BUTTON_4
                              key 292 BUTTON_5
                              key 293 BUTTON_6
                              key 294 BUTTON_7
                              key 295 BUTTON_8
                              key 296 BUTTON_9
                              key 297 BUTTON_10
                              key 298 BUTTON_11
                              key 299 BUTTON_12
                              key 300 BUTTON_13
                              key 301 BUTTON_14
                              key 302 BUTTON_15
                              key 303 BUTTON_16

                              key 304 BUTTON_A
                              key 305 BUTTON_B
                              key 306 BUTTON_C
                              key 307 BUTTON_X
                              key 308 BUTTON_Y
                              key 309 BUTTON_Z
                              key 310 BUTTON_L1
                              key 311 BUTTON_R1
                              key 312 BUTTON_L2
                              key 313 BUTTON_R2
                              key 314 BUTTON_SELECT
                              key 315 BUTTON_START
                              key 316 BUTTON_MODE
                              key 317 BUTTON_THUMBL
                              key 318 BUTTON_THUMBR

                              # key 352 "KEY_OK"
                              key 353 DPAD_CENTER
                              # key 354 "KEY_GOTO"
                              # key 355 "KEY_CLEAR"
                              # key 356 "KEY_POWER2"
                              # key 357 "KEY_OPTION"
                              # key 358 "KEY_INFO"
                              # key 359 "KEY_TIME"
                              # key 360 "KEY_VENDOR"
                              # key 361 "KEY_ARCHIVE"
                              key 362 GUIDE
                              # key 363 "KEY_CHANNEL"
                              # key 364 "KEY_FAVORITES"
                              # key 365 "KEY_EPG"
                              key 366 DVR
                              # key 367 "KEY_MHP"
                              # key 368 "KEY_LANGUAGE"
                              # key 369 "KEY_TITLE"
                              # key 370 "KEY_SUBTITLE"
                              # key 371 "KEY_ANGLE"
                              # key 372 "KEY_ZOOM"
                              # key 373 "KEY_MODE"
                              # key 374 "KEY_KEYBOARD"
                              # key 375 "KEY_SCREEN"
                              # key 376 "KEY_PC"
                              key 377 TV
                              # key 378 "KEY_TV2"
                              # key 379 "KEY_VCR"
                              # key 380 "KEY_VCR2"
                              # key 381 "KEY_SAT"
                              # key 382 "KEY_SAT2"
                              # key 383 "KEY_CD"
                              # key 384 "KEY_TAPE"
                              # key 385 "KEY_RADIO"
                              # key 386 "KEY_TUNER"
                              # key 387 "KEY_PLAYER"
                              # key 388 "KEY_TEXT"
                              # key 389 "KEY_DVD"
                              # key 390 "KEY_AUX"
                              # key 391 "KEY_MP3"
                              # key 392 "KEY_AUDIO"
                              # key 393 "KEY_VIDEO"
                              # key 394 "KEY_DIRECTORY"
                              # key 395 "KEY_LIST"
                              # key 396 "KEY_MEMO"
                              key 397 CALENDAR
                              # key 398 "KEY_RED"
                              # key 399 "KEY_GREEN"
                              # key 400 "KEY_YELLOW"
                              # key 401 "KEY_BLUE"
                              key 402 CHANNEL_UP
                              key 403 CHANNEL_DOWN
                              # key 404 "KEY_FIRST"
                              # key 405 "KEY_LAST"
                              # key 406 "KEY_AB"
                              # key 407 "KEY_NEXT"
                              # key 408 "KEY_RESTART"
                              # key 409 "KEY_SLOW"
                              # key 410 "KEY_SHUFFLE"
                              # key 411 "KEY_BREAK"
                              # key 412 "KEY_PREVIOUS"
                              # key 413 "KEY_DIGITS"
                              # key 414 "KEY_TEEN"
                              # key 415 "KEY_TWEN"

                              key 429 CONTACTS

                              # key 448 "KEY_DEL_EOL"
                              # key 449 "KEY_DEL_EOS"
                              # key 450 "KEY_INS_LINE"
                              # key 451 "KEY_DEL_LINE"

                              key 464 FUNCTION
                              key 465 ESCAPE FUNCTION
                              key 466 F1 FUNCTION
                              key 467 F2 FUNCTION
                              key 468 F3 FUNCTION
                              key 469 F4 FUNCTION
                              key 470 F5 FUNCTION
                              key 471 F6 FUNCTION
                              key 472 F7 FUNCTION
                              key 473 F8 FUNCTION
                              key 474 F9 FUNCTION
                              key 475 F10 FUNCTION
                              key 476 F11 FUNCTION
                              key 477 F12 FUNCTION
                              key 478 1 FUNCTION
                              key 479 2 FUNCTION
                              key 480 D FUNCTION
                              key 481 E FUNCTION
                              key 482 F FUNCTION
                              key 483 S FUNCTION
                              key 484 B FUNCTION

                              # key 497 KEY_BRL_DOT1
                              # key 498 KEY_BRL_DOT2
                              # key 499 KEY_BRL_DOT3
                              # key 500 KEY_BRL_DOT4
                              # key 501 KEY_BRL_DOT5
                              # key 502 KEY_BRL_DOT6
                              # key 503 KEY_BRL_DOT7
                              # key 504 KEY_BRL_DOT8

                              # Keys defined by HID usages
                              key usage 0x0c006F BRIGHTNESS_UP
                              key usage 0x0c0070 BRIGHTNESS_DOWN

                              # Joystick and game controller axes.
                              # Axes that are not mapped will be assigned generic axis numbers by the input subsystem.
                              axis 0x00 X
                              axis 0x01 Y
                              axis 0x02 Z
                              axis 0x03 RX
                              axis 0x04 RY
                              axis 0x05 RZ
                              axis 0x06 THROTTLE
                              axis 0x07 RUDDER
                              axis 0x08 WHEEL
                              axis 0x09 GAS
                              axis 0x0a BRAKE
                              axis 0x10 HAT_X
                              axis 0x11 HAT_Y


                                Thank you BamaPanda and blocker.

