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[ROM] Unofficial OpenELEC for MK808B+ and MXQ

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      Hi guys,
      I need a little help with bootloader update.

      Instruction says to copy it to SD and reboot to recovery.

      But on SD I have
      • (don't exactly recall filename, it's the bootloader from first SD release).
      • recovery.img (suppose that is the recovery that will start issuing the reboot recovery command)
      However I copied the file and rebooted to recovery.

      The dead Android came up and a progress bar was displayed; but I don't know what has been installed...

      How can I verify my bootloader?

      Can I use TWRP to install
      (that is: TWRP recovery.img on a blank SD -> reboot to recovery command -> install from Zip file)

      Shall I unzip on SD?



        There should also be a file called factory_update_param.aml in the root of your SD card. This file tells the system what to flash. You can open it with any text editor. If it says "--update_package=/sdcard/", the new bootloader was flashed, if it says "--update_package=/sdcard/", you just reflashed the old bootloader.
        I am not 100% sure, but i see no reason why you should not be able to flash the bootloader via TWRP. It is an ordinary after all.


          Originally posted by phinc View Post
          There should also be a file called factory_update_param.aml in the root of your SD card. This file tells the system what to flash. You can open it with any text editor. If it says "--update_package=/sdcard/", the new bootloader was flashed, if it says "--update_package=/sdcard/", you just reflashed the old bootloader.
          I am not 100% sure, but i see no reason why you should not be able to flash the bootloader via TWRP. It is an ordinary after all.
          Thanks for your reply.

          This night I'll write the content of the SD card.
          I only listed the files that I thought were conflicting.
          The zip file seems legit to be flashed via TWRP (there is an update script and so on), and I think that would be the best option.

          I'm asking because I would like to understand better the procedure.

          Edit: just to be complete
          SD Contents:
          - factory_update_param.aml
          - kernel.img
          - recovery.img
          - SYSTEM
          Last edited by ilgimmy; 20 July 2015, 20:31.


            I have just ordered -

            And im now a little worried that this isn't the right MXQ box? I hope it is, can anyone confirm this for me before I try and flash the MXQ build on it tonight when I get home?




              Originally posted by karl0ss View Post
              I have just ordered -

              And im now a little worried that this isn't the right MXQ box? I hope it is, can anyone confirm this for me before I try and flash the MXQ build on it tonight when I get home?



              Looks to me the right one, it looks same as my MXQ.


                Originally posted by anemeth View Post

                Looks to me the right one, it looks same as my MXQ.

                Wicked, I Have MK808B+ with this build on already, I Assume like the 808 HEVC works ok on these boxes/build?

                Thanks for getting back to me mate.


                  Originally posted by kszaq View Post
                  pigbait Try changing lines with
                  0x27 106
                  0x27 46
                  I'm guessing this is the menu button.

                  As for WiFi, I will include the 8192es driver in my next HD18Q builds. It seems like the wifi_dummy module (the one I use to power on SDIO WiFi) prevents your WiFi from working.
                  Thanks for adding that in for me... also if I figure out my remote mapping is there anything I could provide for you so it can also be built into the next rom? Or is it more complicated then that?

                  ---Edit--- I looked for those line in the remote.config and cant seem to find 0x27 106, I made a text file of what shows up when I SSH to the box and see what IR codes are saying.​

                  My remote is like this one
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by pigbait; 15 July 2015, 22:10.


                    Originally posted by borikua View Post
                    With the latest build , audio on Live streams is now high pitched and everybody sounds like the chipmunks. Never had this happen on the other builds.

                    I am using all Black MXQ HD18Q.
                    borikua I need logs. Also, did that happen on 5.0.8p8?
                    I used:

                    5.0.8-20150511 , it was ok

                    used update file to 5.0.8-20150628 , it was ok

                    used update file to , it was ok

                    used update file to , here I started to have the funny audio on live streams

                    I also did a fresh install/flash using , same audio issue.

                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by phinc View Post
                      Thanks. When i collected the dmesg, the keyboard suddenly started working, i have no idea why. I hope it stays that way .
                      And about the mounting: You mean dev/block/mmcblk0p2?

                      I tried
                      mount -rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /storage/external
                      in terminal emulator. There was no error message but nothinng was mounted in storage/external either.
                      phinc I told you where the SD can be located on OpenELEC but it seems like it's different in Android. I successfully mounted OpenELEC data partition by
                      mount -r -w -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /storage/external_storage/sdcard2

                      Originally posted by ilgimmy View Post
                      Hi guys,
                      I need a little help with bootloader update.

                      Instruction says to copy it to SD and reboot to recovery.

                      But on SD I have
                      • (don't exactly recall filename, it's the bootloader from first SD release).
                      • recovery.img (suppose that is the recovery that will start issuing the reboot recovery command)
                      However I copied the file and rebooted to recovery.

                      The dead Android came up and a progress bar was displayed; but I don't know what has been installed...

                      How can I verify my bootloader?

                      Can I use TWRP to install
                      (that is: TWRP recovery.img on a blank SD -> reboot to recovery command -> install from Zip file)

                      Shall I unzip on SD?

                      ilgimmy You can't verify if you have the new bootloader installed, there is no way to tell. I might add a cmdline parameter that would tell a version that you have. The "dead Android" comes up when there's an automatic flash procedure in progress and is does whatever factory_update_param.aml file says, just like phinc stated above. If there's an error during flash procedure, it will fall back to regular recovery and if it succeeds, it reboots the box.

                      Originally posted by karl0ss View Post
                      I have just ordered -

                      And im now a little worried that this isn't the right MXQ box? I hope it is, can anyone confirm this for me before I try and flash the MXQ build on it tonight when I get home?


                      Originally posted by karl0ss View Post
                      Wicked, I Have MK808B+ with this build on already, I Assume like the 808 HEVC works ok on these boxes/build?

                      Thanks for getting back to me mate.
                      karl0ss You've chosen the right box. HEVC works well.

                      Originally posted by pigbait View Post
                      Thanks for adding that in for me... also if I figure out my remote mapping is there anything I could provide for you so it can also be built into the next rom? Or is it more complicated then that?

                      ---Edit--- I looked for those line in the remote.config and cant seem to find 0x27 106, I made a text file of what shows up when I SSH to the box and see what IR codes are saying.​

                      My remote is like this one
                      pigbait It looks like you should be using HD18Q builds as a configuration file for your remote is already there. WiFi would probably not work but I'll include a driver for your chip in the next build.

                      Originally posted by borikua View Post
                      I used:

                      5.0.8-20150511 , it was ok

                      used update file to 5.0.8-20150628 , it was ok

                      used update file to , it was ok

                      used update file to , here I started to have the funny audio on live streams

                      I also did a fresh install/flash using , same audio issue.
                      borikua Thanks for the logs. Please remember to turn on debugging in Kodi next time. I can see where the problem might be, you need to give me a few days to provide you a new test build.


                        As per usual, great work guys, OpenELEC working fine on my MXQ, though, I wanted to ask, any way to get the remote that comes with it to have a few more commands? as a number of buttons dont work/do anything, could these be made to work/do something using the keymap file for xbmc?




                          Hi, first of all big thanks for OP for his work on this, OpenELEC is awesome. I have just one question/issue - I'm using a couple of troublesome plugins which tend to freeze Kodi from time to time - this is not an OpenELEC issue, they do the same on all other platforms I'm running Kodi on - Win, iPad, Apple TV etc. So once Kodi freezes on my OpenELEC powered HD18Q box the only way to restart it is either to plug the power off or to kill Kodi via SSH. I know that on some OpenELEC setups there's a way to bind a "/bin/killall -9 kodi.bin &" command to a remote key, using lircrc and irexec. As far as I understand these builds don't support lirc and make use of amremote remote.conf instead. So my question is this: is there a way to bind a key of the native remote to a system command using remote.conf?


                            kszaq, ok I'll try the hd18q build to see if remote works, then I'll wait for next build thanks again

                            So I have loaded my box with the latest HD18Q build and my remote is still the same... It wont work till i load my andriod remote.config, and once I do the same buttons cant be mapped.... I dont know if I can provide you with any useful logs if so let me know.... if you don't have time for this I fully understand this is all done on your spare time... I wish I knew how I could be more helpful to you.
                            Last edited by pigbait; 16 July 2015, 22:21.


                              kszaq, thank you very much for your awesome work.

                              I have one MK808B+ and one MXQ S85, they're both from GearBest, and both started with then upgraded to

                              MK808B+: OE is installed into NAND, the bluetooth was working (with BT keyboard), now it says no bluetooth adapter after upgraded to

                              MXQ S85: It is a SD Card installation, everything seems fine except the screen resolution is fixed at 1280x720, the option is greyed out and cannot be changed (is that supposed to be? The screen resolution can be changed on MK808B+ though).


                                Figured it out the screen resolution of the MXQ SD installation will be affected by Android settings. Whatever was set in Android will be fixed in OpenElec.

