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LibreELEC 7.0 For S905/X (old)

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    Originally posted by pinguy View Post
    To fix grab the latest tree from here and place it into the 'update' folder via FTP.
    Oh good, I'm not crazy then, haha. Which tree should I grab? I've got a 2/16gb Nexbox A5.


      pinguy and for others. Here is an updated zip with a better device tree in it (at least a better one for A95x 2GB models only!!!!!)
      Also pinguy , please PM me.

      All credit goes to pinguy and kszaq . I just replaced the device tree.
      PM me for the decryption key. Thank @bitfed for that.


        Hello just recently bought A95X nexbox dual band wifi model..just wanted to try libreelec on it using usb does it work?or doesnit have to be a micro sd card..did not want to install to nand yet as i need android as well...thanks admin..

        Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


          warlock0901 I cannot say that using usb works. Also the description you gave is not good enough. You need to know if you have 1g or 2g of ram. You also need to know if you have a s905 or s905x. That matters. To boot from sd you have to extract the libreelec contents to the sd card and then boot while holding the recovery button. Honestly, your best bet would be to follow the instructions provided by the OP. If your unsure if you like it then make a backup to your sd card. This way you can restore it back if you dont like it.


            Originally posted by Urgodfather
            warlock0901 I cannot say that using usb works. Also the description you gave is not good enough. You need to know if you have 1g or 2g of ram. You also need to know if you have a s905 or s905x. That matters. To boot from sd you have to extract the libreelec contents to the sd card and then boot while holding the recovery button. Honestly, your best bet would be to follow the instructions provided by the OP. If your unsure if you like it then make a backup to your sd card. This way you can restore it back if you dont like it.
            Sorry my bad it was 2g ram 16g storage NEXBOX A95X dual band wifi..tried booting on usb no luck..maybe try micro sd card when i find a spare one..?coz i got a T95M S905 box 2g 8g .. it works on usb boot libreelec without holding reset via usb..


              Maybe it will, maybe it wont. Idk. Check out kszaq''s documentation on that. You have the same box as me, so you might want to use my updated img.


                Originally posted by pinguy View Post

                Yeah that is my bad for not fully testing. I put in a untested dtb.img and it broke the reset button. To fix grab the latest tree from here and place it into the 'update' folder via FTP.
                pinguy I'm having trouble getting that link to work. Also, when I could I was unsure which tree to use. The other issue is the question if we should trust the images uploaded by Urgodfather? He's updating this thread more than you are, but he's not exactly an established member so I'm suspect.


                  bitfed you don't have to use my file. I will be glad to take it down. Download pinguy 's file. Open it with 7-zip and replace the dtb. Just a FYI, I hope you have the original firmware and amlogic tool to restore your box b/c I won't be sharing my backups anymore.

                  Word to the wise, you really shouldn't make implications about the guy offering help... especially where he can see it. Smooth move Ex-lax.

                  For others who wish to use my file, need firmware, etc. I will be happy to share. You will need to contact me for a decryption key though.


                    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


                      If anyone is interested in testing this out. I have not had a chance to flash it yet. PM me for the key. Make sure you have original firmware to go back if it is no good.
                      PM me for the decryption key. Thank @bitfed for that.


                        Been using Libreelec on my TV Box TX95 2g 905x.
                        Works really good in almost all aspects. Especially the multi channel audio through hdmi.
                        I've been comparing this to Xanny Tech's modified firmware. Way better than my stock rom. That android system still has problems playing DTS music files that are encoded at 44.1khz. They play as stereo files that just have a hissing sound. It also doesn't understand Dolby Digital Plus or Enhanced Dolby Digital (same thing). No sound at all.
                        Libreelec plays theses perfectly.
                        Now what I'm seeing on the Libreelec side is this. When the TV Box is powered down, my USB drive keeps going and doesn't power down and go to sleep. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it a known bug?
                        Last edited by Woogetybop; 12 August 2017, 04:51.


                          I'd like to try your files Urgodfather please, I've just sent you a PM for the keys


                            Originally posted by pinguy View Post

                            Yeah that is my bad for not fully testing. I put in a untested dtb.img and it broke the reset button. To fix grab the latest tree from here and place it into the 'update' folder via FTP.
                            I flashed your file in TWRP and it works great, but as others have mentioned recovery is now broken. I have been trying for a few days to fix this and get my recovery back, still no luck.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipboard01.jpg
Views:	241
Size:	40.7 KB
ID:	662798
                            None of the device tree files work, I tried all of the 2g files, but no luck. I place them renamed as dtb.img in the update folder and then reboot and I get this on the boot screen

                            "upgrade in progress... Please do not turn off device... found new image file... could not find a valid system partition in image file"

                            Is there any other way to fix the device tree? I'm on a Nexbox A95x s905x 2GB

                            Is anyone able to repack a firmware as a img.gz with the dtb.img that I need so that I can put in my update folder and fix it from there?

                            I can place a new build into the update folder (LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.4.img.gz)
                            from here and it updates, but I still can't get recovery from there. Updating this way is working at least, and my wifi is now working (wasn't with pinguy's file)

                            Any help would be greatly appreciated


                              kage000 according to kszaq you dont need to rename the dtb when you place it into the update folder. You need to place the libreelec img.gz and the gx1.dtb into the update folder then reboot.


                                Yeah I tried that as well but it still didn't get my recovery working again. kszaq replied to my post on saying that 'You can't have LE on internal memory and working recovery at the same time'
                                So maybe this is my problem. Am I better off running the box with android on it and just getting it to boot to libreelec on the SD card?
                                I guess the tricky part now is going back to android without a recovery...
                                I better go get that usb cable you mentioned Urgodfather
                                UPDATE: From build you should try using generic device trees linked in release post. I also welcome Pull Requests to device trees GitHub repository: GitHub - kszaq/s905-device-trees: Patch against…

