M-M-C and others,
The 4.4.4 ROM looks interesting.
The D/L is a zip file size 221MB, would one put this in the root of the Pipo internal SD card and boot to it or what?
Presumably it sets up in Chinese so how easy is it to change to English(I have no Chinese).
I am currently running 4.2.2 but there seems to be the suggestion that 4.4.4 may be less buggy than earlier KitKat's.
Have used, and, I think , understand instructions to install both Riley and Kasty ROMs so possibly with help might try this 4.4.4. Or, better still, if Riley has plans for 4.4.4 ROM?, wait for this.
Dont like the 4:3 screen form factor for high res RK3288 tabs( that I know of) so shall stick with M9Pro for now.