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Lollipop - Wasser Firmware for Beelink R89

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    Originally posted by wasser View Post
    Yes, it seems so. Could you please upload the Apps?

    Here they are

    R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


      -using wasser's 3.0.5 i noticed minor glitches when browsing through apps and menu using minix a2 gyromouse but that's not a big deal.....
      -with my extreme tv settings ; ( samsung js9500 4K tv with moderate soup opera effect (Auto Motion Plus option in pictures options: custom : blur reduction at 10 and judder reduction at 6) every 1080p mkv file stored on my external hard drives and network will suffer stuttering almost every 5-7 seconds.... and the only rom i've tried that played all my files super smooth was wasser 3.0.0 RC4 , even with roms that were released after it , the stutter issue was present (of course due to my extreme motion settings)..... but even wasser's 3.0.0 RC4 had it's own issues ; the spdif passthrough audio issue...
      BUT GUESS WHAT ; WASSER'S 3.0.5 BROUGHT ME BACK TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS OF SUCH A ROM.... no stutter at all even with those extreme tv settings ((and also with adjust display refresh rate disabled in android display settings)) (using mxplayer and superceleron's zd kodi build) , of course also with awesome video playback quality , and spdif passthrough DTS and DD sound..... i've said it once and i'll say it again ; wasser you are truly and with no shadow of a doubt , the god of roms....

      AN UPDATE : for some weird reason , after rebooting my beelink R89 , i started having stutter again using mxplayer only... while mo123's kodi version (ntmc) is playing smoothly but got issues when playing video files backwards... maybe bluesmanuk got a rational explanation for this.

      thanks big time for such a miraculous rom....
      Last edited by gridlock; 24 April 2016, 13:49.


        THX for your work, xposed works for me so far.


          Do I need to install v.3.0.3 first and then upgrade to v.3.0.5? I'm just getting a continuous boot animation when I tried to install v.3.0.5 directly.


            I went straight from 3.0.4a to 3.0.5 without issues.

            I used Factory tool v1.33, rather than the usual Android tool.

            R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


              Originally posted by bluesmanuk View Post
              I went straight from 3.0.4a to 3.0.5 without issues.

              I used Factory tool v1.33, rather than the usual Android tool.
              I managed to get it to boot when I first installed 3.0.3 and upgraded to 3.0.5, but after turning off the box it won't boot again. Just getting a "no signal" screen on my TV. Have never had this problem with any of the ROMs before..


                in this vision, sound lose for 1 sec somtimes. pls fix it.


                  Originally posted by torbvea View Post

                  I managed to get it to boot when I first installed 3.0.3 and upgraded to 3.0.5, but after turning off the box it won't boot again. Just getting a "no signal" screen on my TV. Have never had this problem with any of the ROMs before..

                  Can you get it into bootloader mode that your PC can see?
                  R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


                    Originally posted by koba View Post
                    in this vision, sound lose for 1 sec somtimes. pls fix it.

                    If you are hoping for any kind of resolution then you should provide more information to allow it to be analysed/reproduced.
                    R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


                      Originally posted by bluesmanuk View Post

                      Can you get it into bootloader mode that your PC can see?
                      Just forget my last post, was something wrong with my audio receiver. Everything works fine again now :-)


                        Hi wasser, thanks for your efforts to evolve the FW for the Beelink R-89.

                        I had testing the new v3.0.5, and when I had flashed fine after use the same procedure as with v3.0.4a (meaning upgrading from a clean installation of v.3.0.3 and then just "upgrade" to v3.0.5 using Android Tool v 2.35, otherwise I got "wasser logo" boot loop; this version as it was the v3.0.4a can not handle a clean installation "erasing flash").

                        The first impression was very possitve with the new additions and with the performaance even better than in v3.0.4a, but that was just at the beginning.

                        But when I had booted into recovery (system recovery 5.0 version 3e) to see if the option of "install zip from external_sd or usb or internal memory" was present to see If I can proceed to flash zip xposed framework; I had not found it, same as in v3.0.4a recovery it´s not present. So I just abort and went back rebooting to the system, but after this I got just a black screen and appear a notice: "mode not supported" or "non-compatible signal". After cut completely the power and re-start the system I can get booting the system, but the audio was lost; I had to change the mode from 1080p60Mhz to 1080p30Mhz to recover audio, and then back to 1080p60Mhz.
                        I think that the new impletmentation of "HDMI check" it´s producing in some way the problem. In this moment my system it´s not stable with v3.0.5. I´m using a Sony Bravia Full HD, smart TV, 55".
                        The Audio is been lost frequently on 1080p60Mhz mode, need continually after a reboot change to 30 mhz mode, check the audio and go back to 60 Mhz to can work normally.

                        Before the problem appeared, I had tested different versions of Kodi, SPMC, ZDMC and I had noted that the kodi playback had been presenting more problems that with the v3.0.4a; ZDMC it´s perform a little better here in v3.0.5 than the other versions. I think that a new customized version of Kodi for this new FW it´s a need. The HD playback and higher resolutions that require video hw accel needs be improved propbably with and updated codec from rockchip; i had seen news that this is a promise from Rockchip, hopefully this become a real fact soon from them.

                        So to can flash a zip file from recovery I guess as I had done into v3.0.4a I need to install CWM from arctablets and see if xposed framework will not kill the system here as It was in v3.0.4a; but first I need to stabilize the system to can proceed with that matter.

                        Thanks for your work Wasser.
                        Last edited by BTR11; 25 April 2016, 06:34.


                          Thank you so much wasser. Finally xposed is working yay and the clear all button is back. Great and fast Rom.

                          There is one bug though: Tvout is not working. I get a "no video signal" booting on my old bedroom tv. So for that r89 i had to switch back to 3.0.4a.

                          Using another r89 with hdmi in the living room 3.0.5 is a joy.... and xposed is awesome.


                            Originally posted by bloodgnome View Post

                            There is one bug though: Tvout is not working. I get a "no video signal" booting on my old bedroom tv. So for that r89 i had to switch back to 3.0.4a.

                            TV Out port and function are working on wasser v3.0.5; I had tested and it´s Ok, just you need to switch manually when be in HDMI to TV and select then PAL or NTSC; unplug HDMI cable and PLUG the RCA TVout cable;the screen scale option works fine here in v3.05.

                            Originally posted by bloodgnome View Post
                            Finally xposed is working
                            edit: Yes, after you confirm it´s working fine for you, I had decided to give a try to the most recent package: XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk +, It´s working fine. I had installed the zip file previously flashing the CWM recovery from RKcrewtablets. This is the greater news for the Lollipop roms for our RK3288 - R89.
                            Last edited by BTR11; 25 April 2016, 06:31.


                              Originally posted by BTR11 View Post
                              TV Out port and function are working on wasser v3.0.5; I had tested and it´s Ok, just you need to switch manually when be in HDMI to TV and select then PAL or NTSC; unplug HDMI cable and PLUG the RCA TVout cable;the screen scale option works fine here in v3.05.

                              edit: Yes, after you confirm it´s working fine for you, I had decided to give a try to the most recent package: XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk +, It´s working fine. I had installed the zip file previously flashing the CWM recovery from RKcrewtablets. This is the greater news for the Lollipop roms for our RK3288 - R89.
                              About TV-Out:
                              It doesn't work for me. When I change to TVout, unplug and connect to the TV i have to reboot and after the Reboot HDMI seems to be active again. Maybe the setting isn't saved like it was with 3.0.4a.

                              About Xposed:
                              Yes, flashing the latest v83 Xposed with TWRP from crewtablets works fine. Finally Youtube Adaway and all the other Xposed goodies


                                3.0.5 Rolling back to back to 3.0.4a problems with sound pulled up already, stitching only where there is such 3.0.4a

