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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Originally posted by wrxtasy View Post

    I've now advised people on other Forums to NOT buy M8S Pro+ boxes and be very wary about other MECOOL products too from now on - unless the Manufacturer (Videostrong) starts sorting this problem out with all the M8S Pro+ box sellers for real easy end user refunds or replacements.
    You may want to update your post over at LibreElec then as that suggests that the box is a good buy....

    What is LibreELEC ? Welcome to the LibreELEC Wiki! [] [URL:] Lets start with the quality AML boxes, with known working out of the box - WiFi, Bluetooth, HDMI CEC, IR or Wireless remotes and some with SPDIF…

    Paraphrasing "Current best DIY Bang for the Buck Box: (dual boot / ethernet only), $35 S905X MECOOL M8S Pro + due to also including DRM for unofficial Android TV Netflix, and other DRM streaming Apps."


      Originally posted by P.X View Post
      FreakTab - Firmware Page for this box

      I keep losing the link and have a devil of a job finding it again so ..... here it is again !

      Thanks for the link , I have the same problem, I keep losing the link for the packages that work on my MeCool.

      For what it's worth: The ONLY img file that worked on mine was M8S_PRO+-20170829.121614.V0321.img Any other img file ended up with less desirable results. The worst result for me was the complete loss of hdmi output - nothing - reboot and holding the reset produced nothing - monitor could not find any signal - totally black, nothing , I thought it was dead for sure but kept retrying until finding the M8S_PRO+-20170829.121614.V0321.img worked. I later tried the 619 image and back to nothing, no hdmi signal found . Using linux I was unable to use the windows tools so used the manual instructions found at even with those instructions I had some problems, I ended up using Gparted on my SD card to create a new dos partition table,along with a Fat32 partition, but allowing twice the normal space Gparted usually gives before the first partition. After running the DD commands I checked the first partition with Gparted and re-formated it to Fat32 to allow the files. According to the article there should have been more than enough room, but It did not work until I gave a little more free space before the first partition. After the initil installation of the M8S_PRO+-20170829.121614.V0321.img I was able to install the update using I then went back to using LibreElec, I can't say how well it all works as I do not use it that often but do know it can run all day running LibreElec to updat the movie/tv-show database - It is normal for my Kodi systems to take a long time when doing a full check of the complete database, has something to do with my mysql setup and having files scattered all around the house on various devices.
      You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


        Originally posted by itsmeedoofer View Post

        You may want to update your post over at LibreElec then as that suggests that the box is a good buy....

        Paraphrasing "Current best DIY Bang for the Buck Box: (dual boot / ethernet only), $35 S905X MECOOL M8S Pro + due to also including DRM for unofficial Android TV Netflix, and other DRM streaming Apps."
        Though there is no Reset Switch in the latest boxes VS have added a Remote Button Hold-To-Boot-External Function
        (or so I am told ! HERE)
        Press+Hold 1 during Power Up


          Originally posted by itsmeedoofer View Post

          You may want to update your post over at LibreElec then as that suggests that the box is a good buy....

          Paraphrasing "Current best DIY Bang for the Buck Box: (dual boot / ethernet only), $35 S905X MECOOL M8S Pro + due to also including DRM for unofficial Android TV Netflix, and other DRM streaming Apps."
          Nice edit Job there..

          When right after it is a BIG FAT WARNING:

          ​​​​​​Current best DIY Bang for the Buck Box: (dual boot / NO WiFi, no SPDIF)

          ** WARNING ** - there are a bad batch of these boxes now being sold - click HERE for box refund guidance.

          ** Plus boxes with new fixed Kingston eMMC flash storage now have NO Reset button !!!
          Unless people are complete morons - surely they can read a make up their own minds if the risk vs reward is still worth it.

          Yep - time to Nuke that paragraph considering all the problems people are having getting refunds out of Geekbuying for a known hardware defect.


          • scooter2014
            scooter2014 commented
            Editing a comment
            You should update post to simply dont buy china boxes. Every device has issues of one thing or another alf boxes with ota port not even cut out. Firmware thats not running proper on pretty much every box released.. Youll see ones here that have been fixed by devs that are popular. I didnt heed your many many warnings and ordered another 5 just because 30 bucks for level one device is amusing. But keep posting your cusade I find it entertaining.

            Youd think a Kodi Moderator would stay away from andriod devices because of stance Nate has given on blog. But please do go on and on and on.

          Even with the problems I had with the MeCool I purchased, I still believe it was a great deal for LibreElec - I can not say too much about using android other then it does allow me limited casting from my Nexus 7 running LineageOS. This is something I do not do often but it means I can plug in the Mecool into any TV in the house and cast CCTV video from my Nexus 7 tablet.


            Originally posted by wrxtasy View Post

            Unless people are complete morons - surely they can read a make up their own minds if the risk vs reward is still worth it.
            Lol you really are quite an angry man arnt you?
            Last edited by itsmeedoofer; 19 October 2017, 12:24.


            • scooter2014
              scooter2014 commented
              Editing a comment
              Ive seen that anger before. He must be a Allwinner device owner.

            News Flash !

            I have just discovered why (though not the full underlying reason) all my M8S Pro +/L boxes have the same issue.
            Random crashes to Standby !

            I have mostly thought it was heat spikes and poor Heatsinks/Thermal-Glue.
            I fitted better heatsinks and used great thermal paste to test (MX2), before fitting permanently with Arctic Epoxy, and while the SOC temps dropped nicely the random crashes still happened ??

            Then I thought - What happens if I just press random buttons (but not the Power-button) and IR streams from button-holds while the box is in Standby ?
            Nothing should happen - but - after not very long, the box wakes up from Standby.

            The system monitoring the IR is getting a Power-Button press signal randomly detected/sent.
            Is it the Remote Control ? or the monitoring system or ???

            Any expert like to give a final answer to this issue, and if possible a solution ?

            At least I now know not to worry so much !
            Not really crashes after all.

            Back to trying out Mega Magendanz Custom ROMs

            (Why did I think of this cause ? My room fan (with IR Remote control) sometimes switches on when I am turning up the Volume on my TV !! and it just came to me that it might be something similar with these boxes. Why didn't I think of it sooner is of course a bigger question ??)
            Last edited by P.X; 19 October 2017, 23:58.


              Originally posted by P.X View Post
              News Flash !

              I have just discovered why (though not the full underlying reason) all my M8S Pro +/L boxes have the same issue.
              Random crashes to Standby !

              I have mostly thought it was heat spikes and poor Heatsinks/Thermal-Glue.
              I fitted better heatsinks and used great thermal paste to test (MX2), before fitting permanently with Arctic Epoxy, and while the SOC temps dropped nicely the random crashes still happened ??

              Then I thought - What happens if I just press random buttons (but not the Power-button) and IR streams from button-holds while the box is in Standby ?
              Nothing should happen - but - after not very long, the box wakes up from Standby.

              The system monitoring the IR is getting a Power-Button press signal randomly detected/sent.
              Is it the Remote Control ? or the monitoring system or ???

              Any expert like to give a final answer to this issue, and if possible a solution ?

              At least I now know not to worry so much !
              Not really crashes after all.

              Back to trying out Mega Magendanz Custom ROMs

              (Why did I think of this cause ? My room fan (with IR Remote control) sometimes switches on when I am turning up the Volume on my TV !! and it just came to me that it might be something similar with these boxes. Why didn't I think of it sooner is of course a bigger question ??)
              Same problem here, sometimes while depressing the "left arrow" button on the stock IR remote, it will cause the box to go into standby and the "red LED" will come on. Been doing that a long time, but only infrequently. I just have to watch when I use that "left arrow" key.

              Other than that, this box works perfectly. I use CPU Temp app and have it set as an "overlay" so the CPU temp is always showing. It shows me what apps cause the temp to rise, and when the box is idle, the temp goes down to around 130 degrees Fahrenheit (which is acceptable to me). I have never had a heat related issue.
              MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                Thanks for info. It is strange. I shall have to find that app....


                  Originally posted by trebor View Post
                  Glad to share the firmware for MECOOL M8S PRO Plus TV Box.

                  PC Flash Firmware

                  SD Flash Firmware:
                  SD Flash Firmware 1;
                  SD Flash Firmware 2;
                  SD Flash Firmware 3.

                  Flash guide, please refer to:

                  Have fun !

                  Tips: Recommend you use SD card brush. The method is that copy SD flash firmware 1,2,3 to the SD card root directory, and then put the SD card on the machine, plug in the power supply. Continuously press the remote control on the number 1 key, then you can automatically enter the state of the brush machine.

                  Source blog.geekbuying
                  Have anyone with SEC 713 chip that tried this update?


                    Originally posted by tantrums View Post

                    Have anyone with SEC 713 chip that tried this update?
                    Desperate to know this too.
                    My SEC 713 box still works, but I would like to know if it has the eMMC bug or not. 


                      Originally posted by P.X View Post
                      News Flash !

                      I have just discovered why (though not the full underlying reason) all my M8S Pro +/L boxes have the same issue.
                      Random crashes to Standby !

                      Then I thought - What happens if I just press random buttons (but not the Power-button) and IR streams from button-holds while the box is in Standby ?
                      Nothing should happen - but - after not very long, the box wakes up from Standby.
                      Same here, but my box goes to Standby mode always when I press at least three times in a row Left Arrow Key on the remote.
                      This is happening since first use - on stock build 201708515, on updated OTA 20170919 from geekbuing, on ATV 20171001.
                      I`ve got SEC 713, stock build 20170815 reflashed to ATV 20171001.

                      Below you can see log from the momemt when Left Arrow Key was being pressed at least 3 times in a row:
                      10-14 22:16:30.555  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyDown keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:30.789  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyUp keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:30.795  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyDown keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.010  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyUp keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.016  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyDown keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.084  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyUp keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.219  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyDown keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.439  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyUp keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.448  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyDown keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.654  4390  4432 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found.
                      10-14 22:16:31.656  4484  4484 D LatinIME: Trace_key, onKeyUp keyCode is:21
                      10-14 22:16:31.758  4390  4432 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
                      10-14 22:16:31.764  4390  4414 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
                      10-14 22:16:31.767  4390  4405 I VrManagerService: VR mode is disallowed
                      10-14 22:16:31.832  4977  4977 D ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=false
                      10-14 22:16:31.833  4977  4977 D ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=false
                      10-14 22:16:31.876  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: GLES, req offset: 2160
                      10-14 22:16:31.900  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: GLES, req offset: 1080
                      10-14 22:16:31.910  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: GLES, req offset: 0
                      10-14 22:16:31.925  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:31.979  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:31.995  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.011  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.028  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.045  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.061  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.078  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.095  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.111  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.128  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.145  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.161  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.178  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.195  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.211  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.228  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.245  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.261  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.278  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.295  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.311  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.328  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.345  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.352  4390  4432 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found.
                      10-14 22:16:32.353  4390  4432 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
                      10-14 22:16:32.357  4108  8115 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters(0xec1033c0, screen_state=on)
                      10-14 22:16:32.361  4089  4089 D FrameBuffer: Direct, src: (0, 0, 1920, 1080), dst: (0, 0, 192s0, 1080)
                      10-14 22:16:32.365  4390  4414 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
                      10-14 22:16:32.365  4390  4414 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
                      10-14 22:16:32.365  4390  4412 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
                      10-14 22:16:32.368  4089  4089 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xe9832000
                      10-14 22:16:32.517  4085  4098 I SystemControl: Matched uevent message with pattern: DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/hdmi_power
                      10-14 22:16:32.517  4085  4098 I SystemControl: HDCP TX switch_name: hdmi_power ,switch_state: 0
                      10-14 22:16:32.526  4390  4478 D PowerManagerService-JNI: Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 150ms
                      10-14 22:16:32.534  4390  4414 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
                      10-14 22:16:32.534  4390  4405 W art     : Long monitor contention with owner PowerManagerService (4414) at void$SleepTokenImpl.release()( waiters=0 in void for 168ms
                      10-14 22:16:32.536  4390  4615 W art     : Long monitor contention with owner PowerManagerService (4414) at void$SleepTokenImpl.release()( waiters=3 in for 165ms
                      10-14 22:16:32.562  4085  4098 I SystemControl: Matched uevent message with pattern: DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/hdcp
                      10-14 22:16:32.562  4085  4098 I SystemControl: HDCP TX switch_name: hdcp ,switch_state: 0
                      10-14 22:16:32.563  4085  4098 I SystemControl: hdcp_tx mute on
                      Any idea regarding this problem?
                      Last edited by Pijo; 20 October 2017, 11:06.


                        Can someone tell which are exactly serial numbers of bad batches. In first post of this theme is writing from 701 to 713, and on some other topics they write from 652 to 713. I got one with 652 and 20170829.121614.V0321 just now, and i am not sure what to do?


                          Is there a way to read / backup the existing firmware? Do I need a male to male USB cable for that or can I do it another way?


                          • Guest's Avatar
                            Guest commented
                            Editing a comment
                            If you've got TWRP, it has a backup feature. Also, on rooted devices you can just use the dd command and systematically copy each partition. It's a bit tedious, though.

                          Hi, i think i just got a faulty box. I am going to to stress it so i could see how it perfoms under heavy usage. Any suggestions to do this? Maybe playing continuosly a 4K movie?

                          I was expecting to use it with Magendaz ATV Rom, but i think i am going to keep it with the original firmware and i wont be updating it.

                          This is my firmware and my MMC memory module.

                          can you tell me which is the reset button? Is one that is below the chasis?

                          I have pressed it and it doesnt do anything

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