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Nexbox A95X Pro Android TV OS 2GB/16GB Netflix 720P YT4K S905W 4K Voice Remote 2.4G WiFi LAN

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    Originally posted by moussboss59 View Post
    install with the one via USB burning tool :
    but what was the first zip-file you gave me? why i got the problem with DaivietPDA? what is this?


      then you update ota (latest version) via the deco in update by putting in a usb key.


        I was wrong file takes that the

        install the img version that I give you via USB burning tool in 1st

        then you update ota (latest version) via the deco in update by putting in a usb key.


          Originally posted by moussboss59 View Post
          I was wrong file takes that the

          install the img version that I give you via USB burning tool in 1st

          then you update ota (latest version) via the deco in update by putting in a usb key.

          thanks, i could install the mecool version, now i want to update the ota, you say via the deco? I opened the ota updates app, but there say is already up to date and no option to choose the zip-file on my pen... what you mean with via deco??

          sorry i choosed the wrong app, now i choosed the correct update app and already started

          i see that i get google widevine securtiy level 1 - this is great. but my Netflix app don´t work.

          what are the other differences now to the original A95x pro rom?

          thanks for your great help moussboss59
          Last edited by tombraga; 27 September 2018, 21:10.


            Originally posted by tombraga View Post

            Yes i found it just 5 mintues ago.

            I already flashed with usb burning tool the mecool firmware. You are really great, you helped me a lot.

            Now i would install Magendanz ota rom, perhaps you can check, if this is really the same rom i found as you have?? thanks a lot for your great help

            i tried this rom, but it did not work, aborted message error: this update package is intended only for the M8S Pro+

            so would be great if you could tell me which rom exactly from Magendanz you used...thanks
            clarkss12 once again thanks for your great help. but the rom of Magendanz i could not install.

            In the meanwhile moussboss59 also helped me and i could install now the newest Mecool rom on my A95X Pro, the Atv version.



              for netflix try this , this apk BurnKeyTools-V1.03


                Originally posted by moussboss59 View Post

                for netflix try this , this apk BurnKeyTools-V1.03
                great, i could login with my account now, but when i want to play something comes this: at this moment we have difficulties with playing this film. Try later e choose other filme...??? do you think it is a verision problem yet?

                concerning shutting down, how do you shutdown the box? my power key on remote don´t work, your´s is working?


                  you have to buy the remote control mecool m8s pro w : ici


                    for netflix try another movie to see if it works and make the update on the playstore


                      and if the box is rooted, if you want to remove the roote, you can explore, you activate root exploration and you go in device, system / bin and you delete the file su, sqlit, sh and you go back and you go to xbin and you delete the file su, sh, busybox and split and sqlite3 and you restart and your box will be more rooted


                        Originally posted by moussboss59 View Post
                        and if the box is rooted, if you want to remove the roote, you can explore, you activate root exploration and you go in device, system / bin and you delete the file su, sqlit, sh and you go back and you go to xbin and you delete the file su, sh, busybox and split and sqlite3 and you restart and your box will be more rooted
                        thanks for all


                          moussboss59 is it possible to install any TWRP on this mecool rom now? and which and how?

                          after TWRP i would like to flash also magisk 17.1 with the magisk manager using TWRP then.

                          on my other device i could hide the app Sky, so perhaps it´s also possible to hide the Netflix and there is nothing to do the changings you said???


                            yes, you can install twrp, you launch it as if you update the box via usb with tools update, by downloading this and putting it in a usb key


                            then when twrp will start, you can settle permanently by pressing on instal or leave as his


                              Originally posted by moussboss59 View Post
                              yes, you can install twrp, you launch it as if you update the box via usb with tools update, by downloading this and putting it in a usb key


                              then when twrp will start, you can settle permanently by pressing on instal or leave as his
                              i could start the TWRP, but i could not install it permanently. when i try to install it, there comes a fast screen, i can see some red letters but so fast, dont know what...then restart in recovery TWRP again, but dont stay installed...

                              but i could make a backup, already good for me, but would like to have TWRP permanently

                              moussboss59 perhaps you can give one more little help what i make wrong trying to install permanently the TWRP 3.1.1 on my Nexbox? I copied the twrp zipfile on my sdcard and tried to flash it with update app.
                              He restarts in recovery and try to install but there is some red error, but it is so fast, so i cannot read it. i think it aborts the installation of the TWRP and then appear the TWRP normally.
                              Then i tried once more to flash the twrp file inside to TWRP, but same thing, dont install fix.

                              One more issue: i could make a ñormal nando backup with the TWRP. do you think i can use to try on my second same Nexbox which comes next week to make restaur this backup to avoid all installations i did since yesterday on my first box??? It´s the same box and use will use the same twrp file.

                              moussboss59 , you went in hollidays???
                              Last edited by tombraga; 29 September 2018, 10:57.


                                is there is any hope that new OTA update will come soon to fix Netflix for A95Xpro , or it is the end of these useless chinese boxes


                                • mo123
                                  mo123 commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  It is the end.
                                  The simplest way is just to get a Mibox and stop wasting money.