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Hi, I have testing the firmware, it's really a great firmware, congratulation, almost all works (clean ROM, wifi, BT : all ok ), but I have 3 problems :
- The remote doesn't work (the one from the atvxperience s905x v2FF work great on my Mini M8S II)
- My biggest problem is the second USB non working, I actually use the 2nd version of the firmware, not the last one.
- Update problem : sdcard update isn't working (recovery access from the reset button not working) and the worst my board wasn't recognized at all by USB burning tool. (v2.07, 2.08, 2.16, etc...)
Is there a tip for update my firmware ?
Originally posted by zero2apple View Post...
- Update problem : sdcard update isn't working (recovery access from the reset button not working) and the worst my board wasn't recognized at all by USB burning tool. (v2.07, 2.08, 2.16, etc...)
Is there a tip for update my firmware ?
I created an update for the USB port (coming later)
if reset button does not work, use ADB command to update via sdc_burn:
Code:adb shell reboot update
Originally posted by bumerc View Postto the right of the heat sink is the RAM chip, and please also photograph the back of the circuit boardYou may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 2 photos.2 Photos
Originally posted by firmtech View Post
I took the HQ pics of the ram like you asked. The one with heatsink is top side. Other is bottom of board. I have been trying to get it to take a reset for a few days with no luck. Like I said, I have flashed may ROMS to this device before and have never seen this. Anyway hope someone can help. I have tried shorting all the pins, there are three points that make the led go to red and none are causing a reset. HDMI output is blank. Thanks bumerc.
Originally posted by firmtech View Post
I took the HQ pics of the ram like you asked. The one with heatsink is top side. Other is bottom of board. I have been trying to get it to take a reset for a few days with no luck. Like I said, I have flashed may ROMS to this device before and have never seen this. Anyway hope someone can help. I have tried shorting all the pins, there are three points that make the led go to red and none are causing a reset. HDMI output is blank. Thanks bumerc.
Originally posted by sagert View Post
I also flashed this firmware and then there was a brick.I then flashed several different firmware on different androids that I had successfully successfully flashed.There were various mistakes ,but I managed to go back.It is necessary to flash several different firmware.These are the ones that were successful.Good luck.
Originally posted by sagert View Post
Here is dmesg.But this is from a different firmware.
Code:adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/ddr_clk.bin bs=1 count=2 skip=41482
Code:adb shell hexdump -e '"%d"' /sdcard/ddr_clk.bin
Originally posted by bumerc View Postexecute these commands in adb and show output
Code:adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/ddr_clk.bin bs=1 count=2 skip=41482
Code:adb shell hexdump -e '"%d"' /sdcard/ddr_clk.bin
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