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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Thank you Guest for the comprehensive reply and the link. I guess the "bee bee too" boxes could be retrofitted at the factory, but definitely not via OTA updates (and a full ROM for that box is not to be found anywhere)


    Yes, I meant a full Nougat ROM - that one is rather outdated.


    That's a full system OTA I mentioned, and besides, I already have newer (20171101). As you said yourself, having a Burn Tool image wouldn't help anyway in the quest to get L1.


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      Guest commented
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      It also includes links to the .img file, but you're right about the Widevine L1 keys. You won't get them in either the burn package or OTA update.

    Yesterday I took risk to flash the latest OEM firmware (V0619) for my M8S Pro+ box. Let me remind specs of my device:

    Origin: Banggood
    Original fw: 2017.08.15 (V0321)
    Chip: eMMC SEC 713 (bad batch, right?)
    I did reset to default before using built-in OTA app with ticked both Wipe options. All flashing went OK and after pretty long first loading everything looks to be OK. Am I extremely lucky ?

    Now as it is Android TV firmware I can confirm that Netflix is running full HD (1920x1080p) 5800 kbps bitrate (10 bpc!). Yuppi!

    But here's a question for you. Picture is superb but I can't output DD 5.1 sound in Netflix, all I have is plain stereo. There's no DD 5.1 badge in Netflix. Do you have 5.1 surround with that firmware and if yes how did you achieve it?

    Second question. Is it possible to have normal Play Store alongside the TV one? I tried to install form apkmirror but it only replaced the internal TV Store and moreover it doesn't work, crashes all the time.


    Ok, thanks for info, Magendanz. Yes it's Netflix only issue. With Kodi or MX Player DD 5.1 plays normal.
    Last edited by Davvid; 12 December 2017, 22:45.


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      I can't speak to Netflix, since I don't have a subscription, but I often play back DD 5.1 from KODI using HDMI passthrough with no problems.

      As for running Phonesky and Tubesky side-by-side, I'd originally thought that impossible. However, I hear from a friend in South Africa that they're close to getting it working. I'm anxious to see their results.

    Hello, I plan to buy M8S PRO+ instead of Pro L because L has heating issue that require some mod.
    For Pro+ I plan to use Magendanz ROM, can someone confirm if I understad correctly :
    1. I will not be able to use chromecast, miracast or any type of other casting ?
    2. I can add bluetooth dongle ?
    3. I can use it with dual booth with DietPi ?

    I see there is bad batch going on, which seller I should use that will not require me to return back in case I get the defective part in case of refund ?
    IF I receive bad batch/defective one, is Gearbest or Geekbuying require you to return the part to get a refund ?

    The reason I ask this is if they require to return the device, the cost of returning the device would be twice than the price of the device.


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      Guest commented
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      1. A Google license is required for full Google Cast support. What we've got only works from the Chrome browser.
      2. I don't have Bluetooth USB dongle support yet, but I've got the Broadcom kernel module successfully installing. Something else is blocking device discovery.
      3. I have no clue what this is.

    Originally posted by kmnnk View Post
    Hello, I plan to buy M8S PRO+ instead of Pro L because L has heating issue that require some mod.
    For Pro+ I plan to use Magendanz ROM, can someone confirm if I understad correctly :
    1. I will not be able to use chromecast, miracast or any type of other casting ?
    2. I can add bluetooth dongle ?
    3. I can use it with dual booth with DietPi ?

    I see there is bad batch going on, which seller I should use that will not require me to return back in case I get the defective part in case of refund ?
    IF I receive bad batch/defective one, is Gearbest or Geekbuying require you to return the part to get a refund ?

    The reason I ask this is if they require to return the device, the cost of returning the device would be twice than the price of the device.
    1. ​ it's obviously working


      Originally posted by Davvid View Post
      But here's a question for you. Picture is superb but I can't output DD 5.1 sound in Netflix, all I have is plain stereo. There's no DD 5.1 badge in Netflix. Do you have 5.1 surround with that firmware and if yes how did you achieve it?
      OK, some more insight from me. If i set in Settings Sound->Surround->Always and HDMI Raw then I get 5.1 badge in Netflix and there are 5.1 streams to choose. But not so fast ladies and gentlemen. My audio detects then Dolby Digital stream instead of Dolby Digital Plus which is claimed supported by Netflix. Moreover there is only silence, no audio at all

      Can anyone confirm that DD+ 5.1 passthrough is working for him? I can't believe no one uses Netflix with 5.1 audio...


        Originally posted by Davvid View Post

        OK, some more insight from me. If i set in Settings Sound->Surround->Always and HDMI Raw then I get 5.1 badge in Netflix and there are 5.1 streams to choose. But not so fast ladies and gentlemen. My audio detects then Dolby Digital stream instead of Dolby Digital Plus which is claimed supported by Netflix. Moreover there is only silence, no audio at all

        Can anyone confirm that DD+ 5.1 passthrough is working for him? I can't believe no one uses Netflix with 5.1 audio...
        Yes, Netflix outputs DD+ from my "Plus" box. I am going through a Denon AVR.
        MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


          Thanks clarkss12! Could you tell your Settings->Sound options?


            Hi !

            Here a link for the new ROM (= :

            MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

            I've got a box with the wrong memory, the one which crash after a rom change.
            This ROM is better for me, the box is still freezing in some case but only in some menu.
            Then i can use it with menu application.
            Before this ROM, my box freezed 1 minute after the start.

            I hope it can help you


              Originally posted by aarryy View Post
              Hi !

              Before this ROM, my box freezed 1 minute after the start.

              Maybe you have faulty remote ? Look at this -

              I replaced faulty Mecool remote with air mouse remote and for now on my box works quite good and there is no any shutdowns/crashes.


                Originally posted by aarryy View Post
                Hi !

                Here a link for the new ROM (= :

                MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

                I've got a box with the wrong memory, the one which crash after a rom change.
                This ROM is better for me, the box is still freezing in some case but only in some menu.
                Then i can use it with menu application.
                Before this ROM, my box freezed 1 minute after the start.

                I hope it can help you
                Thanks for sharing.

                Does this firmware have the option for the navigation bar? Also, does it have the regular Playstore, or the Android TV version?

                Curious to see the differences.


                  Originally posted by aarryy View Post
                  Hi !

                  Here a link for the new ROM (= :

                  MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

                  Thanks! Do you know a changelog?


                    Originally posted by Pijo View Post

                    Maybe you have faulty remote ? Look at this -

                    I replaced faulty Mecool remote with air mouse remote and for now on my box works quite good and there is no any shutdowns/crashes.
                    I use a usb mouse and it was the same

                    Originally posted by Davvid View Post

                    Thanks! Do you know a changelog?
                    I only find the link

                    Originally posted by rahzel View Post

                    Thanks for sharing.

                    Does this firmware have the option for the navigation bar? Also, does it have the regular Playstore, or the Android TV version?

                    Curious to see the differences.
                    I don't know what you mean with navigation bar, can you give me more word ?
                    The logo is named play store but inside, it's not like my phone
                    in about, i've got this version : 7.9.34.q-xhdpi 8 PR 159126641


                      Originally posted by Davvid View Post

                      Thanks! Do you know a changelog?
                      sorry, i only find the link

