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[ROM] Mecool M8S PRO+ TVStock Nexus ROM (Android TV 7.1)

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    Originally posted by essir View Post

    Please find the attached files. Where I can find this information?IThis information is under cooler? better resolution
    well yours is exactly the same as mine... i will test the newer rom to see if i have the same problem!


      Latest ATV rom has a problem about settings menu. You cannot set screen resolution. It freezes when you click screen resolution option. There was not on 25082017 ATV rom.
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      • Guest's Avatar
        Guest commented
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        That's strange. It still works fine for me.

      It is fixed after I have done a factory reset. Now I get an error when I try to open Google cast from AppDrawer. Also this rom made device very slow.
      You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.
      Last edited by mabocoglu; 30 September 2017, 00:05.


      • Guest's Avatar
        Guest commented
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        Well, that one is actually expected. We've been trying to get Google Cast working forever. In fact, I was hopeful when I saw it in the Settings for this OEM firmware release, but it seems VideoStrong has got the same problems as us.

        As for performance, Google's Android TV Launcher is going to be a bit more overhead than the VSLauncher, but I've found this firmware release to be surprisingly fast. At least in part, they did this by cheating. VideoStrong removed the window and transition animations, then dialed up the animator scale to double speed...just to make the build feel faster.

        Now, it just seems like this build had one too many shots of espresso.
        Last edited by Guest; 30 September 2017, 00:28.

      Originally posted by P.X View Post

      REV No. is Front left corner
      right by the WiFi aerial connection
      thats? Click image for larger version

Name:	2017-09-30 00-36-09_$.png
Views:	199
Size:	19.7 KB
ID:	674562


        Well guys i think is a bad emmc batch since mine is also rev 1.0 build date 170605 and is working great!


          Originally posted by P.X View Post
          No one, as far as I can remember, has Flashed a box that came with 08.29 FW and got a working box. No one has got a working box back by reverting to 08.29
          All the boxes, as far as I can tell have eMMC Rev 5.1
          Do they all have D/X Ram ?

          It would be good to have as much info to correlate as possible, so if all who can could post as asked over in OEM Thread that would be great.


          KLMAG2WEPD = 5.0
          KLMAG1JENB = 5.1

          Cut and Paste to OEM thread

          If as many as can, could post their

          FreaktabHandle - Box ##
          STATE = Good | BAD
          FW DATE = YYYY.MM.DD
          SUPPLIER = Fullname
          eMMC Marking = SAMSUNG | SEC
          eMMC Rev = 5.0 | 5.1
          3 Digit NUMBER = ###
          RAM = D/G | 10DIGIT
          I must be the odd one. Am thankful to magedanz for the stock 20170829 img
          enjoying more of LE now not jumping to atv yet.
          I kind of suspect that the problem occurred when the first flash to 20170815 occur.
          Then when that flash happened, even later reflashing it to 20170919 it didn't help.
          Getting back to 20170829 got me back to the starting point again and is good. I think moving to 20170919 now would work; but I will wait for Magedanz' work over the weekend and try that.
          Last edited by grimmie; 30 September 2017, 05:41.


            Hi all,

            ​​​​​​I think I have got a little lost with all the posts and different versions that have been referenced that I'm not sure exactly what I can with my unit.

            I only got it yesterday from Banggood and looking in the settings I see that my build version is:

            M85 Pro+userdebug 7.1.1 NMF26Q

            I connected the unit up and played around with the menus, played a video file and all is good so far.

            Is my unit one that can be upgraded? If it is one that can upgraded should I use the detail from the very first post in this thread or is one of the images referenced somewhere else on the thread where I should be looking?

            To avoid me bricking the device any guidance from the experts on the forum would be appreciated.



              Originally posted by frankiesbeentohollywood View Post
              Hi all,

              ​​​​​​I think I have got a little lost with all the posts and different versions that have been referenced that I'm not sure exactly what I can with my unit.

              I only got it yesterday from Banggood and looking in the settings I see that my build version is:

              M85 Pro+userdebug 7.1.1 NMF26Q

              I connected the unit up and played around with the menus, played a video file and all is good so far.

              Is my unit one that can be upgraded? If it is one that can upgraded should I use the detail from the very first post in this thread or is one of the images referenced somewhere else on the thread where I should be looking?

              To avoid me bricking the device any guidance from the experts on the forum would be appreciated.

              Follow the steps exactly from the origin of this post. Your firmware version is fine to install the ATV ROM.


                Originally posted by grimmie View Post

                Follow the steps exactly from the origin of this post. Your firmware version is fine to install the ATV ROM.
                Thanks Grimmie for your input.


                  I have another M8S Pro+ arriving next week and I'll probably open it up to compare to my current working unit. Is there an Amlogic tool or other software which will create a copy of ROM image installed, sort of the reverse of USB_Burning_Tool?


                    Originally posted by anthony96 View Post
                    See magendanz comment to my post above, I'm having the same problem. You probably have the same board as mine.
                    Magendanz commented
                    09-29-2017, 14:16

                    It's failing in the verify step, which points to an eMMC failure.
                    Is there any solution?
                    Is someone able to organize the OEM FW 20170829.121614.V0321 from Gearbest?


                      Originally posted by ready View Post

                      Is there any solution?
                      Is someone able to organize the OEM FW 20170829.121614.V0321 from Gearbest?
                      I don't think so that banggood or gearbest will agree somekind of "field claim". Off course if it is not a hardware problem.
                      It seems to me that every person who update wrong software in meaning of this store was broken the warranty rules.

                      The only hope for me and us is Magendaz (ROM developer) ... and maybe he find solution.

                      If you have time to explain it nicely to the gearbest service, please try ... maybe, mecool chinese developers will tell us how to fix it and provide simple turtorial.


                        Originally posted by essir View Post

                        I don't think so that banggood or gearbest will agree somekind of "field claim". Off course if it is not a hardware problem.
                        It seems to me that every person who update wrong software in meaning of this store was broken the warranty rules.

                        The only hope for me and us is Magendaz (ROM developer) ... and maybe he find solution.

                        If you have time to explain it nicely to the gearbest service, please try ... maybe, mecool chinese developers will tell us how to fix it and provide simple turtorial.
                        Gearbest CS told me to flash the original OEM update FW onto my faulty 08.29 box and this bricked my box. They may still be giving the same advice if you tell them it is faulty on arrival, as it is.


                          Originally posted by grimmie View Post

                          I must be the odd one. Am thankful to magedanz for the stock 20170829 img
                          enjoying more of LE now not jumping to atv yet.
                          I kind of suspect that the problem occurred when the first flash to 20170815 occur.
                          Then when that flash happened, even later reflashing it to 20170919 it didn't help.
                          Getting back to 20170829 got me back to the starting point again and is good. I think moving to 20170919 now would work; but I will wait for Magedanz' work over the weekend and try that.
                          Great that is one so far then ....


                            Originally posted by P.X View Post
                            Gearbest CS told me to flash the original OEM update FW onto my faulty 08.29 box and this bricked my box. They may still be giving the same advice if you tell them it is faulty on arrival, as it is.
                            Could you pls ask Gearbest for OEM FW 20170829.121614.V0321?
                            I already did it with Banggood.

