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[ROM] Mecool M8S PRO+ TVStock Nexus ROM (Android TV 7.1)

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    Hi Guest ,
    my M8S Pro+ Just come today, S912G with
    Samsung eMMC 5.1 chipset (KLMAG1JENB - B041),
    batches SEC 728,
    reset button
    Google play store Tv box version (very limited),
    Korean as default language

    Stycky label outside say:
    M8S PRO+ S905X 2GB 16GB DDR3 DS
    Stycky label inside (on the motherboard):
    M8S PRO+ S912 2GB 16GB DDR3 DS

    After reading all your thread, I just open the ATV case and check the eMMC chipset, so I don't know wich is the FW version.

    My apologies for a possible repeated question: can I install your Rom and upgrade my device (and have a Google play fully functional)?

    Thanks a lot for your reply, when you will have a time to give It.
    Last edited by AiaceT; 01 December 2017, 01:33.


    • Guest's Avatar
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      Try flashing an OEM update first. If that works, then you should have no problem installing my custom ROMs.

    Originally posted by AiaceT View Post
    Hi Guest ,
    my M8S Pro+ Just come today, S912G with
    Samsung eMMC 5.1 chipset (KLMAG1JENB - B041),
    batches SEC 728,
    reset button
    Google play store Tv box version (very limited),
    Korean as default language

    Stycky label outside say:
    M8S PRO+ S905X 2GB 16GB DDR3 DS
    Stycky label inside (on the motherboard):
    M8S PRO+ S912 2GB 16GB DDR3 DS

    After reading all your thread, I just open the ATV case and check the eMMC chipset, so I don't know wich is the FW version.

    My apologies for a possible repeated question: can I install your Rom and upgrade my device (and have a Google play fully functional)?

    Thanks a lot for your reply, when you will have a time to give It.
    If you install from this link NANO or STOCK than Play Store is like on your mobile phone
    WARNING: There's a bad batch of M8S Pro+ boxes which are experiencing regular freezing and crashes. We've narrowed the source of the problem down to a Samsung eMMC


      Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
      Try flashing an OEM update first. If that works, then you should have no problem installing my custom ROMs.
      Thanks for your quick reply Guest. I have some experience in android smartphone modding, but not ATV Box.

      With "Try flashing an OEM update" you mean to follow the procedure proposede from trebor in
      Firmware Stock OTA & .IMG UPDATE FIX MECOOL M8S PRO PLUS ANDROID 7.1.1 AMLOGIC S905X 2GB/16GB post#1?

      I check today the FW version and the build is
      M8SPRO+-userdebug 7.1.1 NHG47L
      It's the latest? I think so because if I follow the OTA update procedure, the app's respond there isn't a new version.

      What you recommend to do in that situation?

      Thanks again for a reply when you will have time to give it

      Originally posted by hansdampf View Post
      If you install from this link NANO or STOCK than Play Store is like on your mobile phone
      Thanks hansdampf if will be possible with my device, I'll do for sure
      Last edited by AiaceT; 01 December 2017, 23:57.


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        Yes, that's the latest, but it has been a while and in the interim we've seen several updates for M8S Pro, M8S Pro L and M8S Pro W. I'm hoping that a new release is pending soon for the M8S Pro+, particularly if it addresses the wake from sleep bug and no longer requires the reset switch for USB detection. (They're no longer selling this device with a reset switch, so new users need to short pins on the PCB to use Amlogic's USB Burning Tool.)

      FWIW, the replacement M8S+ unit I've received last week, does have a reset button, behind the grill, just as my failed unit did.

      installed ATV ROM no issues, seems to work fine.
      (can't open to see inside as left it at work, ill do that next week)


        i have a problem with my mecool m8s pro+ With rom nexus, when i turn off my tv, the box mecool going to sleep but when i turn on my tv, the box don't wake up.
        the hdmi cec is activated and i haven't the same problem with my nexbox a95x.

        Can you help me?

        sorry for my bad english


          Originally posted by nonoengironde View Post
          i have a problem with my mecool m8s pro+ With rom nexus, when i turn off my tv, the box mecool going to sleep but when i turn on my tv, the box don't wake up.
          the hdmi cec is activated and i haven't the same problem with my nexbox a95x.

          Can you help me?

          sorry for my bad english
          same with stock rom so its not custom rom issue maybe mecool will do update to fix that ?


            Hello, does the ROM has Cifs support ?


              Originally posted by curunoir View Post
              Hello, does the ROM has Cifs support ?
              Only if it's included in the underlying OEM firmware.

              Really, can't you just say no to CIFS? Read more here:
              Last edited by Guest; 03 December 2017, 00:17.


                ​​​​​​ i got my gearbest m8s pro+ today... SEC 652 ​​​​​​
                try OTA update to 20170919, BOOM bricked

                Now I'm pissed... Hope gearbest compensates this.
                Usb burning tool won't get past 4% no matter what
                All other SD card related methods won't work.
                Anything else I can try? Already used masked mode, it wouldn't even detect the box otherwise?


                  Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
                  Only if it's included in the underlying OEM firmware.

                  Really, can't you just say no to CIFS? Read more here:
                  Honestly I don't really care about the word. All I want to do is access SMB shares from Retroarch with this box.


                    Originally posted by cruzg10 View Post

                    I'm curious as to how you would do this as well. Ive tried shorting the pins but no luck. I can get into the recovery by pressing 1 repeatedly on the control but cannot get it to come up on the Burning Tool. Tested the USB cable and it works fine on MXIII and original M8S boxes when i press the reset button on them. The burn card maker does not work for me but does work on MXIII & M8S. I am stumped. Guest any suggestions? thank you.
                    Hi guys,

                    There are 4 pins, which ones do I shorten? All 4 of them? or just 2?


                      Originally posted by gmikulski View Post

                      Hi guys,

                      There are 4 pins, which ones do I shorten? All 4 of them? or just 2?
                      Look at picture # 2 on page 183, it shows which 2 pins to short, only those 2 pins. Remove the "shorting Jumper" when you "hear" your computer connect to your box.

                      MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                        Aiace T:

                        I just received a replacement for my previously bricked M8S Pro + From GearBest, shipped from Belgium.
                        It is the exact same set of specifications you posted, down to the label internal which said a 912.
                        I took mine apart to view and check on the samsung memory and for a reset button. no reset. I did manage to use a terminal program to test out if Libreelec would work, up and running and can dual boot. But have not moved to the Nexus Magendanz rom, which I will try in the near future. Caution on my part, took almost 2 months to get the warranty replacement, but GB stood behind product.

                        Have you tried to update to the Magendanz Stock or Nano ATV rom? I am waiting to see how yours turns out. I am not sure or exactly how to go about using the micro sd card and get to the update install menus. Since I also do not have the reset button, I will look at the post recommended above Picture #2 page 183 reference above with link.

                        Hope it works without issues..

                        After looking at the link on what to short, I am going to install a small switch on my own, momentary press, may end up being the easy solution, that way I will not have to take the box apart to reset in future. Two solder tabs, couple of short wires and mount the switch somewhere. Or better yet, I will take the bricked
                        MeCool box and remove the reset switch and install it on the new unit.


                          Magendanz can u upload file again ! tkx


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                            OneDrive is just being flakey, but I've got an open support ticket going to resolve it. In the interim, you can access via the archive site:


                          first of all sorry for my english (it is not my mother language)
                          I took some photos of my mecool to better understand what to do and how to do it if I want upgrade my mecool with your Nexus Rom (my basic goal is to have complete access to the G .playstore). The case had the reset hole (that I saw was used to reach with a toothpick a fisical reset button) but on the PCB rear side remain just two contacts and two white circle (so no reset button - red circle in the second photo). On the same PCB side there are all the pins (burgundy rectangle) to short of the eMMc Samsung chip.
                          I find a SD card- micro SD adapter if the first rom installation attemp have to be done burning the Nexus Rom on it and after install from microSD.
                          I also think to have understood that the most safe method is use USB_Burning_Tool and short pin two particular jumpers on PCB (because using the microSD, there is a brick risk connected to my eMMc Samsung chip, not one of the faulty but always a Samsung eMMC). The short pin procedure have to be ensure that the PC "see" the device.
                          So could you be so kind just to indicate me the right tutorial/guide/ topic/discussion to read/see and then follow (link or video) to reach my goal?

                          How can I do a preliminary test to see if I can perform any modding action on my device?

                          Thanks a lot for the time you will use to give me you wise advise
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                            Your has the reset switch removed (upper right corner above the LED), so you should be fine. In a pinch, you can short those contacts on the PCB to flash the box using USB Burning Tool. The pins to enter Mask ROM mode are also well known on this box, if you're really to dork something up.