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LibreELEC 7.0 For S905/X (old)

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    Originally posted by ojerez View Post

    I have it on an SD card and it's perfect. Too bad that Acestream does not work ...
    Excellent. Tnanks. Did you have to install TWRP before running Libreelec?


      Originally posted by kakoskm View Post

      Excellent. Tnanks. Did you have to install TWRP before running Libreelec?
      It is not necessary. Following the tutorial of the page of LibreElec to make the SD card and to start with the reset button pressed, enough


        Originally posted by ojerez View Post

        It is not necessary. Following the tutorial of the page of LibreElec to make the SD card and to start with the reset button pressed, enough


          Anyone ever experience audio loss. Sound will come back after reboot or switching audio output back and forth brings it back.


            Version 9 is out. See first post.


              Do you happen to have guide on how your converting these IMG files to flashable twrp Zips?


                Originally posted by ojerez View Post

                I have it on an SD card and it's perfect. Too bad that Acestream does not work ...
                Im looking to choose between buying m8sII, A95x or your MXIII II which I'm leaning towards because of gigabit lan and 5g wifi.

                Can you please confirm that both are working and what kind of speeds you are you getting ?

                Also do videos with Dolby and DTS audio play correctly without stuttering in Kodi ?
                Last edited by Mar5kid; 16 November 2016, 03:34.


                  Thanks for this, pinguy. I have the s905x Probox2 Air and I was getting annoying random freezing issues with videos played over the local network with Kodi , (tried SFTP. NFS, and SMB). This seems to play with no random freezes so far for the past few hours after flashing. Now the wi-fi and bluetooth didn't work but I would rather use ethernet anyway. I hope someone in the same boat as me finds this helpful. I've been meaning to try LibreELEC. Wondering if I should have went with a Raspberry Pi 3 over my Probox? Thanks again.


                    Originally posted by pinguy View Post
                    Version 9 is out. See first post.
                    With this build do videos with Dolby and DTS audio play correctly without stuttering in Kodi ?

                    Im under the impression that S905x/S912 devices cannot play DTS/Dolby correctly in Kodi when running on Android.

                    Im hoping it's a different matter under LibreElec.
                    I will get S905X box if this is the case.


                      I get an error saying invalid footer when trying to install.


                        Anyone got LE running successfully on a Tronsmart S95X. Thinking of getting a few of those.


                          See first post.


                            Originally posted by pinguy View Post
                            See first post.
                            On it now, been running on from SD on a nexbox A95x and really impressed with the whole thing. The only thing I'm struggling with is getting Hyperion to work with hardware enabled but I don't think that's got anything to do with these builds. They play everything you throw at it including 4k 10bit which is very impressive.


                              Installed on SD card with a fresh install and no issues so far with the exception of Hyperion, have read up a bit and the service will only work with krypton but still cant confirm if it supports hardware for amcodec. Might go and get another sd card so I can have a play tomorrow and hopefully grow a set overnight so I can install to box itself.


                                Works very well on TX95. Nice seeing Truehd on my amp, never have I seen that with android. One of the main reason i wanted the unit over using my tv was for full range of audio sent to amp.

                                CEC work pretty well too. One thing that would be nice if libreelec can do it, sleep/suspend when power command is sent to it and wake using CEC too.Then one could get away with using only there tv remote/app to control all devices. This is where android works well I found. Just in case it helps to know Tv is a Sony Bravia 2014(if only I waited a year lol android ffs)

                                Is there been any talks on having both libreelec and android on the nand? From my ondrstanding they can both share the home/sdcard location so wouldn't much of a size problem with a 16GB unit. I know the geekbox mangaged having ubuntu and android with a 16GB storage.

