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MECOOL KM8 Google Certified Android TV Box with Voice Remote - S905X Android 8.0 2/16GB VP9 HDR10 Dolby Audio YT 4K

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    Originally posted by Sholander View Post

    What does this have to do in Mecool KM8 topic?
    So you edited my comment to remove:
    "with S905X just got released, and it came with AndroidTV 8.1 like the new MiBox S is going to have, so maybe there are fixes at last for Oreo and S905X."
    wich is very important because the faults the KM8 (and MiBox) have are because android 8.0 (6.0 was fine on S905X)

    ...good for you

    I also left the links where people were testing the new androidtv version on the chipset te KM8 have because there is no other device with this chipset and this version and is the only way to know if there are going to be fixes on this chipset


      I purchased this box yesterday from Walmart (it is only available in the USA, as far as I know), and it is almost identical to my KM8. Made a video of it.

      Jetstream 4K Ultra HD Android TV Box with Voice Search Remote.

      MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


        Open it up....lets see whats its made of
        Looks like its a winner winner chicken dinner
        Please consider
        Donating to Freaktab


          Start a new thread on it if you like ....But as appears to works as it should it may well be a very boring thread
          Please consider
          Donating to Freaktab


            Originally posted by trebor View Post
            Start a new thread on it if you like ....But as appears to works as it should it may well be a very boring thread
            Yes, it is a very boring box.
            MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


              Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post
              I purchased this box yesterday from Walmart (it is only available in the USA, as far as I know), and it is almost identical to my KM8. Made a video of it.

              Jetstream 4K Ultra HD Android TV Box with Voice Search Remote.

              Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

              Thank you very much for the video as always
              I cant find the box in Europe, did this new kernel and androidtv version for the S905X fix?:
              .-auto refresh rate switching
              .-DD+ to DD conversion in 5.1 audio
              .-slow wifi/wifi dropouts

              I think those are the worst offenders on the S905x chipset with new androidtv versions since Oreo 8.0

              Thank you for your reviews, much appreciated


                Originally posted by trebor View Post
                Start a new thread on it if you like ....But as appears to works as it should it may well be a very boring thread
                Any idea if and when you'll get your hands on the a95, or x96 amlogic/ davalin boxes supporting usb3.0 ?
                on paper they look well equipped for the price point.

                Also , have you test run the GG TV wvL1 rockchp?
                I'm jones'n a little, wanting to beat the Xmas shipping backup...and you do great reviews

                Kris....don't forget my boxes! Okay?


                • trebor
                  trebor commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Maybe, Nothing on its way as yet,
                  Not even 100% of spec's...seeing is believing.
                  Not to sure how the it will handle USB 3 and ethernet have to wait and see
                  Sounds OK tho
                  Just do it
                  Something to fiddle of the holiday period


                Can someone explain how they got Libreelec booting on this?
                I've tried with both microsd card and USB stick, doesn't work.
                Is there a special procedure to boot Libreelec?



                  Originally posted by kadafi View Post

                  Can someone explain how they got Libreelec booting on this?
                  I've tried with both microsd card and USB stick, doesn't work.
                  Is there a special procedure to boot Libreelec?

                  Just create your LibreELEC OS onto your microSD card using Rufus or Etcher. Remove the card from you computer and reinsert it. Now you can open the device tree folder (using Windows explorer) and select the correct device tree that you need for your box ( I forgot off hand which device tree), copy it to the root of the microSD card. Then rename it to dtb.img. Insert the card into your box, connect your box to your TV, but remove the power. Depress the reset button (on the bottom of the box at the front) and hold it as you plug in the power plug. Hold the reset button depressed for about 15 seconds. If it does NOT boot into LibreELEC, try a different device tree.

                  Use the same procedure for using CoreELEC.
                  MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                    Originally posted by rubenjavier View Post

                    Thank you very much for the video as always
                    I cant find the box in Europe, did this new kernel and androidtv version for the S905X fix?:
                    .-auto refresh rate switching
                    .-DD+ to DD conversion in 5.1 audio
                    .-slow wifi/wifi dropouts

                    I think those are the worst offenders on the S905x chipset with new androidtv versions since Oreo 8.0

                    Thank you for your reviews, much appreciated
                    It does NOT do auto refresh switching.
                    Don't know about DD+ to DD, my AVR supports DD+, so I can't test it.
                    I did the video using my 5Gz WiFi connection only, did NOT notice any dropouts..

                    Also, has locked boot loader, so can't dual boot into LibreELEC or CoreELEC.
                    MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                      Yet another Amlogic "Semi-Product"...


                        trebor the big brother of this box is almost here, Mecool KM9 with S905X2 chipset, if you can create a new thread (or maybe a new section for S905X2 chipsets) here is the info:



                          i need help. I noticed a problem, overnight, in the morning I turn on the box, and I get no internet connection and the remote falls off. After restart everything ok,


                          • mo123
                            mo123 commented
                            Editing a comment
                            A software issue that will never get fixed as there is no support for this box from the manufacturer, Videostrong.
                            Emails stay unanswered but if you enquire you want to buy several new devices, they are quick to respond to you email.

                          where can I find stock firmware for KM8


                          • mo123
                            mo123 commented
                            Editing a comment
                            You can't as it doesn't exist.
                            Most AndroidTV devices don't release firmware.
                            Also zero feedback from Videostrong after sending them mails and said they would look at it.
                            This is one of the most useless boxes I got, airmouse buttons not working, external drives not detected, videos playing software decoded, apps running upside down, audio, wifi problems to name a few.

                          I regret having bought it

