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[ROM] Mecool M8S PRO+ TVStock Nexus ROM (Android TV 7.1)

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    Originally posted by ready View Post
    Is already ATV rom available for this 20170829.121614.V0321?
    I found some think like that: M8S_PRO+-20170919.150557.V0619.img [1,58gb] and try by Burn_Card_Make and bootable sd card..


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      That's just a burn package for the latest OEM firmware, which we received in OTA update (.zip file) format. I made it so that we could use USB Burning Tool to recover "bricked" devices. It's not a custom ROM, but it is sort of an ATV build (has Google Play store for Android TV, but no Leanback launcher).
      Last edited by Guest; 27 September 2017, 22:24.

    Okay, so the good news is that we got a copy of the 20170919.150557.V0619 OEM firmware. The bad news is that the boot images (boot & recovery) are signed, a feature of Android Verified Boot (AVB). This means our existing TWRP recovery won't load, which definitely puts a cramp in our custom ROM development process. I'm trying some of the more obvious workarounds now, but I'll let you know how it goes.

    My guess is that all the new Widevine L1 units in the pipeline (e.g. M8S Pro L) are going to have some form of AVB enabled, possibly proprietary implementations. This is how they lock down the firmware from tampering, which is required for L1 certification. It was really a bit of an oversight that the M8S Pro+ was released without a secure bootloader.


      I order one more box... the same supplier from gearbest portal... At the end of the week should come, maybe I could make some copies.... I dont know how...

      Magendanz What do you think what I doing wrong in case of recover by method with usb/usb. This error [Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control ] is connected with wrong firmware?


        Maybe they changed the hardware...
        3 weeks ago, i was order 3 tv box, 2 from gearbest and 1 from banggood... this box from bangood flashed without any problems... this from gearbest have this 20170829.121614.V0321 version, one is bricked...

        I uploaded this soft: M8S_PRO+-20170919.150557.V0619.img and after boot from the sd with reset button at the beginning, box is stands on mecool logo... thats new and I see blue led light

        Second scenario: without sd card, no hdmi picture and red LED is on..


          Originally posted by essir View Post
          Maybe they changed the hardware...
          ... this from gearbest have this 20170829.121614.V0321 version
          Could you please provide this 20170829.121614.V0321 to Magendanz?


            Originally posted by ready View Post
            Could you please provide this 20170829.121614.V0321 to Magendanz?
            Tomorrow I plan to recive the shipment after work and I can take care of it.

            Could you provide me a simple turtorial how to do this?


              Originally posted by essir View Post

              could you provide me a simple turtorial how to do this?
              Tomorrow I recive the package from post after work and I can take care of it
              Guest - could you pls give us the instruction to be able to do this?


                Originally posted by essir View Post
                Tomorrow I plan to recive the shipment after work and I can take care of it.

                Could you provide me a simple turtorial how to do this?
                You can clone the partitions by running dump_partitions.bat in this tool: .
                (It connects via a male-to-male Type A USB OTG cable and the WorldCup device driver, just like with USB Burning Tool.)


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                  Yes, if you've installed USB Burning Tool, you already have the WorldCup device driver.

                With the new AVB protections on 20170919.150557.V0619, I fear that 20170829.121614.V0321 may be the last version that we can customize for the foreseeable future.


                  Hi I'm back!
                  The machine keeps hanging, with sometimes you're able to see that 'Google Play services keeps stopping' and a few other Google SErvices hangs.
                  Any idea what could be the problem? Does it mean the box can only run on the 20170829 fw?

                  I also get has stopped.
                  Almost like the firmware doesn't suit the box and is crashing a lot of stuff.
                  Last edited by grimmie; 28 September 2017, 02:58.


                    Originally posted by grimmie View Post
                    Hi I'm back!
                    The machine keeps hanging, with sometimes you're able to see that 'Google Play services keeps stopping' and a few other Google SErvices hangs.
                    Any idea what could be the problem? Does it mean the box can only run on the 20170829 fw?

                    I also get has stopped.
                    Almost like the firmware doesn't suit the box and is crashing a lot of stuff.
                    Got same isue. But for me it's not sometimes, google play, luncher and android process media stop like 20 times in 1 minute. I have tried this Android TV rom from this thread, stock and nano from other one. Also OEM 20170919 and 20710815. With all of them, I have got same errors.

                    Now I have made sd card with LibreELEC and seems to works fine!

                    But still hope that I will be able to install Android TV cause I wanted to watch Netflix in high resolution


                      Originally posted by Gumbas View Post

                      I have made sd card with LibreELEC and seems to works fine!
                      Am I correct to assume that running LibreELEC has no issues then? I may just run Kodi for the time being as it will provide me access to my Plex Server.

                      Do you have a trusted guide that you followed with that process?



                        Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
                        With the new AVB protections on 20170919.150557.V0619, I fear that 20170829.121614.V0321 may be the last version that we can customize for the foreseeable future.
                        Hi, is it to understand that only july version boxes are usable for your Android TV rom ?
                        No ATV on new boxes ?

                        (because it's a little confusing between working / non working boxes/firmware/avb... if you can clear the situation)


                          Originally posted by Magendanz View Post
                          With the new AVB protections on 20170919.150557.V0619, I fear that 20170829.121614.V0321 may be the last version that we can customize for the foreseeable future.
                          I will try to provide to you the 20170829.121614.V0321. I just have to find the proper usb cable.


                            WARNING : FW 20170829.121614.V0321

                            New HW boxes arriving with this 2017.08.29 dated FW

                            Do NOT flash any earlier dated ROM if you have a box with 20170829.121614.V0321

                            As far as I can tell if you flash any earlier FW, Custom or OEM, onto the boxes with 20170829.121614.V0321 - Boxes with SEC and D/W hardware - The box will be in a state where it freezes rapidly after power-on and is useless.

                            An Update to the latest V0619 FW did not restore functionality to my box.

                            Until there is an extracted 20170829.121614.V0321 we do not know if these boxes will work again when restored to Original FW.

                            My box, HW-Date 17.08.11 SEC & D/W chips, had freezing problems from the start but it seems all those who flashed an earlier dated ROM have similarly borked boxes afterwards.


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                              So, you're thinking that the process of flashing an earlier ROM and restoring back to the original is somehow permanently damaging the device? That seems unlikely.