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MECOOL KM8 Google Certified Android TV Box with Voice Remote - S905X Android 8.0 2/16GB VP9 HDR10 Dolby Audio YT 4K

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    Originally posted by Artur Kaul View Post
    where can I find stock firmware for KM8
    HERE is the OTA Firmware that can be installed. It is the only (messed up) version I know of, same Oreo 8.0 as my box came with.

    The reason I kept the box is that Kodi Leia (still beta versions) on CoreElec (running from SD card) works perfect on it.


      Does anybody knows the speed of the MicroSD slot?
      I'm running CoreElec from a UHS-1 card and thinking of upgrading to a UHS-3.
      But I'm wary of the MicroSD slot being able to use the extra speed.



        Use UHS-II, for SD port is 4.0 specified. For UHS-III port 6.0 is needed to use extra speed.

        With SanDisk 32G UHS-II card I don't see big difference when running CoreElec from SD vs Internal - boots about 1sec faster is all I can measure...


          Hi Everyone,

          I'm an android developer and I recently acquired a chinese android box from VideoStrong : Meecool KM8 google certified
          As you know Netflix android TV version are prohibited or limited for these android TV Box.
          I try so many version linked on XDA forum, freaktabs, etc... without success.
          I finally found the Netflix [3.2.2-Android TV Mod] apk by tork24 ( which is working in HD but NOT in ULTRAHD
          So I decided to rummage the official netflix app, and I found that Netflix app looks for some system properties that I want to share.
          Here, there are :


          I found how to run Netflix in ULTRAHD mode :

          - Download the Netflix [3.2.2-Android TV Mod] apk by tork24 :
          - You need a box with Google widevine L1 available
          - Find a way to hide that your android box is rooted or unrooted after modifying build.prop

          Follow these steps

          1/ Your android box is rooted
          - add/modify this line to your /system/build.prop :
          - Unroot your box

          2/Your box is NOT rooted
          - Enable Debug USB mode
          - type this command
          adb ro.nrdp.modelgroup FIRETVSTB2015
          adb sys.display-size 3840x2160

          3/I DON'T UNDERSTAND

          Don't worry I made an app that do the job for you.
          You'll just have to launch it, instead of netflix app.
          You can download it here :


          I hope this thread can help you to enjoy Netflix ULTRAHD.
          This method also work to use the Netflix app (6.17 build version) form the PlayStore, but only for HD.
          Just ignore the error -14 message the first time you launch my app.
          Sorry for my bad English.
          If you want to let me a cookie, it is there :

          Give that dev a cookie ->

          PS : I'm working to how to exploit the ro.nrdp.oemmodel system property. If anyone have an idea...



            Originally posted by Sholander View Post

            HERE is the OTA Firmware that can be installed. It is the only (messed up) version I know of, same Oreo 8.0 as my box came with.

            The reason I kept the box is that Kodi Leia (still beta versions) on CoreElec (running from SD card) works perfect on it.
            What messed up do you mean?


              Originally posted by lukedoomer View Post

              What messed up do you mean?
              Airmouse keys don't work
              Apps running upside down
              No hardware acceleration for videos in Kodi
              Volume bar messed up
              No external hard-drive support


                Originally posted by mo123 View Post

                No hardware acceleration for videos in Kodi

                No external hard-drive support
                These 2 are the deal breakers for me.

                I use this box only with CoreElec, because Android on it is useless for me.


                  Originally posted by mo123 View Post

                  Airmouse keys don't work
                  Apps running upside down
                  No hardware acceleration for videos in Kodi
                  Volume bar messed up
                  No external hard-drive support
                  How do you tell the hardware accerleration isn't working in Kodi?


                    Originally posted by lukedoomer View Post

                    How do you tell the hardware accerleration isn't working in Kodi?
                    I played about 20 different test files and only half of them didn't play in slow motion.
                    Some videos will play, others won't.
                    720p h264, h265 should play.
                    No auto frame-rate switching support or AMLCodec in Kodi.
                    HDR, deinterlacing support also not working in Kodi.
                    I also couldn't test FTMC or SPMC as the firmware was missing boot entries to make hardware accelerated AMLCodec work in those 2 apps.


                      Originally posted by William Grondin (Yablio) View Post

                      Follow these steps

                      3/I DON'T UNDERSTAND

                      Don't worry I made an app that do the job for you.
                      You'll just have to launch it, instead of netflix app.

                      I hope this thread can help you to enjoy Netflix ULTRAHD.

                      Give that dev a cookie ->
                      Hi, since I don't use Netflix I am wondering if you can make a similar starting app for HBO GO-EU from HBO Holding Zrt.

                      When I start this app and choose a movie I get "DRM Error - cannot play file", although my KM8 has Widevine L1.

                      Best regards, and pending cookie for the effort


                        Originally posted by Sholander View Post

                        Hi, since I don't use Netflix I am wondering if you can make a similar starting app for HBO GO-EU from HBO Holding Zrt.

                        When I start this app and choose a movie I get "DRM Error - cannot play file", although my KM8 has Widevine L1.

                        Best regards, and pending cookie for the effort
                        That app checks for Playready 3 DRM, so not the same as for Netflix that check Widevine DRM.
                        After a long time claiming to HBO Nordic an app for Europe or Other regions without HBO Now service for Android TV system it seems that we have finally this


                          The app on your link is an app for Android TV.

                          The app that I linked is a "regular" phone/tablet app that works on all my phones and tablets, on my X92 and X96 boxes, which have no Playready DRM and only Widevine L3.
                          It does not work only on this box...


                            where is the adb port? How can I access this device via adb?


                              ADB is not a port. Google "adb Android Debug Bridge".


                                Originally posted by Sholander View Post
                                ADB is not a port. Google "adb Android Debug Bridge".
                                I'm very familiar with adb. I always do all things via adb.
                                What I ask is which usb port is for adb access?

